Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 746 What If It's Free

The three major group companies of Southern Industry, Yongan Group, and Headwind Logistics are Yao Yuan's main force for counterattack, and they are also the targets that conservatives will definitely attack first.

The three group companies have made complete preparations, and more than half of the preparations have been completed.The reason why these three group companies can become the main force in the counterattack is not only because of their asset size and financial strength, but also because they have the most employees and involve a very wide range.

If you don't move, you will be done, and if you move, you will be thunderous.

It is related to the employment issue of 10,000+ people, behind which are 10,000+ families. Conservatives have to weigh the consequences carefully, and they will inevitably cast a mouse.

At this meeting, Yao Yuan clarified two things. First, to fight to the end in the mainland market, and to launch a comprehensive counterattack against the series of targeted actions caused by the withdrawal of the Petrochemical Corporation from the East Coast Petrochemical Base. Second, to comprehensively rectify overseas assets and business, straighten out the relationship and clarify the ownership of all assets, and make preparations for a complete exit from the mainland market.

Under such guiding ideology, each group company acts according to its own plan.

This meeting, also known as the Boer meeting, has an important position in the development history of Chunfeng Group. It represents the beginning of Chunfeng Group's global operation and the establishment of Chunfeng Group's "adhere to independent development" strategy.

After the meeting, the person in charge of each group company should report to Yao Yuan respectively, and Yao Yuan should also understand the specific situation of each group company in detail, so as to know well.

After Yao Yuan entered politics, it was extremely difficult for the people under his command to see him. Most of the time, Lin Wei was in charge of the daily affairs management. This time he had the opportunity to meet Yao Yuan. Even if there was nothing to report, he still had to find something to report.

Russen falls into this category.

He is almost an Eastern European, with a long beard, and he has a rough appearance, a bit of a small card.

Lu Sen also has the best style, because his bodyguards are all former Russian KGB guards, all with Eastern European faces.However, Lu Sen still trained two Chinese people as assistants, who were his confidantes.

The temperament of this group of people is different from other group companies, giving people a feeling that they will fight at any time, which is very breathtaking.

Since Su Wangting gradually shifted his focus to France, the center of the European continent, Lu Sen took over Kyiv. He is now the veritable king of Eastern Europe.

The king of Eastern Europe, who is well-known in Eastern Europe, is like a horse boy in front of Yao Yuan. After seeing Yao Yuan, he never leaves Yao Yuan an inch, talking to Lin Xiaohu and Lin Wei.

It was a grand banquet in the evening, and everyone attended it. The subordinates of the princes from each side sat around in a circle, and their eyes were all focused on the big round table in the middle. The people sitting at this table were all big bosses.

Yao Yuan personally explained to Comrade Jiang and Chen Hai, starting from the beginning.

Lin Xiaohu took advantage of this opportunity to point to Lu Sen, and then walked to a place where no one was around, Lu Sen quickly got up and followed.

In front of Yao Yuan, Lu Sen is a horse boy, and in front of Lin Xiaohu, he is a younger brother.

Lu Sen, Hua Zhenghao, Lu Gongming, and Zhou Fei were all brought up by Lin Xiaohu. In some people's eyes, these people belong to the four major generals of the Tiger faction.Everyone knows that Lin Xiaohu is one of Yao Yuan's most confidant subordinates, with a detached position, except for Lin Wei, everyone has to call Brother Hu when they see him.

Lin Xiaohu looked at Lu Sen, and said with a smile on his lips, "How about in Moscow, I heard that life there is boundless."

Among the four generals brought out by Lin Xiaohu, Lu Gongming is the best in the world. Among Hua Zhenghao, Zhou Fei, and Lu Sen, Lu Sen is the one who pursues the quality of life and enjoyment the most.Zhou Fei is still dressed in the same way. Except for the suit and leather shoes when he was temporarily in charge of the Yuanda Group, he always wore the work clothes of Adverse Logistics, and he started from the grassroots in a down-to-earth manner. He won the hearts and prestige of the front-line employees. very high.

Hua Zhenghao is okay, he should dress in accordance with his status, because it is related to the corporate image, and his personal pursuit of life is also very ordinary, adhering to Yao Yuan's simple style, he regards Yao Yuan as his example, drinking less alcohol and more tea.

Lu Sen is the most exaggerated, it is the kind of style that looks like an Eastern European boss. He has two special planes, one of which is an Airbus A-320, which is brand new, and two helicopters, one of which is a brand new Dolphin Helicopter!

His car is a special bulletproof Benz with a length of 6.6 meters and a weight of more than three tons. It is equipped with a 12-liter V[-] engine, which can withstand direct fire from light weapons.

He has villas and mansions in Moscow, Kyiv, St. Petersburg, Minsk and other cities, as well as mansions in several major European cities. He even bought a castle in England and a winery in Austria like the old rich.

He enjoys it more than Yu Yongan.

At this moment when Lin Xiaohu brought up this topic, Lu Sen understood immediately, and said with some embarrassment, "Brother Hu, you don't know the situation overseas. If people watch you eat chaff, they won't take you seriously. Boss As I said before, Gui Lao is very realistic, if you want to talk business with him, you must first suppress them in terms of arrogance, how to get arrogance depends on these superficial skills."

Lin Xiaohu smiled and said, "I heard that you play songs every night, and you have several Russian girlfriends alone."

"Well, play every time." Lu Sen was even more embarrassed, scratching his head embarrassingly.

Not far away, there was a table of Lu Sen's subordinates, most of whom were Eastern Europeans.

At this time, seeing the boss silent in front of a stranger, he was shocked.Who is the boss? He is a big boss who stomps the ground in Eastern Europe and trembles three times.In Eastern Europe, what the boss wants to do can be done, and what the boss doesn't want to do, no one can do.

That is the super rich who the presidents of all countries want to give seven points of face, and that is the ruthless character that many old conglomerates in Eastern Europe are afraid of.

At this moment, he doesn't have that majestic look at all, like a younger brother who is being scolded.

Lu Sen didn't know what the younger brothers were thinking, he only knew that he was the younger brother in front of Lin Xiaohu, and the elder brother had to bow his head and listen obediently when he spoke.

Lin Xiaohu said, "You have to be a warning about Gong Ming's affairs. I have no objection to your living a good life, but you must have a bottom line. Don't forget how you got here."

It was obvious that Lin Xiaohu was beating Lu Sen.

Lu Sen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Brother Hu, don't worry, I know exactly how I got here today, and I will definitely not let the boss down."

"Don't blame me for talking too much." Lin Xiaohu said, "Also, you have been out for a few years, and you are getting older. How do you think about your personal situation? Don't let your family worry about it."

As soon as this Lu Sen is mentioned, his head gets dizzy. He couldn't find a partner in the past, but now he is confused. The key point is that they are all foreign girls.

"Let me tell you, if you marry a foreign girl and go home, your father will beat you to death." Lin Xiaohu warned.

Lu Sen said with a bitter smile, "Yes, yes, I don't want to marry a foreign girl, but there are not many Chinese people abroad, let alone young girls."

"International students, find a suitable one. You are still the king of Eastern Europe." Lin Xiaohu reminded.

Lu Sen was taken aback, and suddenly realized, "Yes, international students are suitable!"

After chatting for a few more words, the two returned to the main table and sat down.

At this time, Yao Yuanhe had finished explaining to Comrade Jiang, and Comrade Jiang could sit at ease.Out of respect for the old comrades, Yao Yuan personally accompanied Comrade Lao Jiang, but he was moved by Comrade Jiang without thinking, and he offered to say, "Xiao Yao, I will retire immediately. If you don't mind, I will come to your company Being a consultant or something can help in a way.”

Yao Yuan was very surprised, and said happily, "Director Jiang, I can't ask for more, just because I'm afraid you will look down on our private enterprise."

"What's wrong with private enterprises? Private enterprises can also make great achievements. Haven't you already set an example! I am against absolute public ownership of the economy. Whoever catches the mouse is a good cat. What does it mean to cross the river by feeling the stones and wholeheartedly seek development and engage in economics wholeheartedly? There are many things that do not have to be debated. Now is not the time for debate. Everyone can try. How to do it will naturally have an answer. But the basic principle of focusing on economic construction remains unchanged and cannot be changed.”

The level of the old comrades is high, and they pointed out the problem in a few sentences.

Yao Yuan now knows that Comrade Jiang supports the diversified economic development model in which the state-owned economy is the mainstay and the private economy is supplemented.

He went down and was replaced by Du Zhiguo.

Xiao Jiabing sat on the right hand side of Comrade Jiang, and said, "In the spring of 1992, the chief designer had already clarified the future development ideas, and vigorously supporting the development of the private economy has advantages and disadvantages. This is the trend. I personally think that the current repetition is just temporary."

"I agree with Mr. Xiao." Old Comrade Jiang nodded to Xiao Jiabing, and said with a smile, "But such a gust of wind will deal a big blow to the newly-emerged private economy. The country can no longer bear such a toss."

Comrade Lao Jiang looked at Yao Yuan and said, "Mr. Xiao and Mr. Yu introduced some situations. Xiao Yao, your current situation is not optimistic. You must be prepared both mentally and countermeasures. They are coming menacingly. Big."

"Already prepared." Yao Yuan smiled.

Comrade Lao Jiang looked around and saw that there were no ordinary people in the room. He suddenly smiled and shook his head, "It seems that I was worrying too much. With your current strength and scale, it is really not easy for them to make you suffer. You are here this time. The meeting here is to discuss countermeasures, right?"

"Yes." Yao Yuan had nothing to hide, and said with a smile, "The on-site meeting in two days' time will be put on the table for a real fight. If I don't make some preparations, I'm really not at ease."

Comrade Lao Jiang thought for a while and asked, "Xiao Yao, what are the advantages of Dongfang Petroleum? Don't talk about infrastructure capabilities. The Petrochemical Corporation is backed by the Economic and Trade Commission and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. Their organizational and mobilization capabilities are not comparable to yours." of."

How did Dongfang Petroleum win the status of the sole foreign shareholder of Azerbaijan State Oil Company?In addition to the reasons that cannot be mentioned, the biggest advantage of Dongfang Petroleum is the ability to organize a large number of infrastructure companies to help Azerbaijan with high-level national infrastructure construction, and the cost performance is super high.

This kind of condition cannot be offered by any Western oil company. The labor cost of tens of thousands of people and 10,000+ people will make their finances collapse!

However, against Shanghai Petrochemical Corporation, Dongfang Petroleum's advantage is nothing.

Comrade Chiang said, "People all over the world know that what Nazaryev cares most about is the construction of the new capital. If you can make promises, the Petrochemical Corporation can make better promises and offer better projects. condition."

This is a fact, and it is exactly the situation facing Dongfang Petroleum.

Lao Jiang noticed that everyone looked very relaxed, and even Su Jianmin, the general manager of Dongfang Petroleum, was smiling and asked, "Do you already have a plan?"

Yao Yuan smiled without saying a word.

Lao Jiang came back to his senses, shook his head and smiled wryly, "I shouldn't ask, this is a secret."

Yao Yuan said, "It's not a secret, it doesn't matter if other competitors know."

After a pause, he said with a smile, "Director Jiang, I really plan to send out on the condition of providing a large number of infrastructure teams. This is Comrade Wan Quangui, the person in charge of our infrastructure company. In fact, our personnel, machinery, etc. Ready, the assembly has been completed in Kyrgyzstan, and we can go to the new capital of Kazakhstan immediately for construction.”

Lao Jiang was not surprised by this. Dongfang Petroleum itself organized a large number of infrastructure companies to carry out construction in Azerbaijan, and it was not difficult to transfer some people and machinery.

Dongfang Petroleum's acquisition of oil and gas resource management concessions in Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan and the case of the Shidan Oilfield in the United Arab Emirates have long been well-known international success stories. Of course, domestic economic departments will not sit idly by. I don't know how many times they have conducted analysis I don’t know how many times I have organized seminars, and Comrade Lao Jiang knows it very well.

Yao Yuan took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "Nazaryev wants to move the capital and build a new capital. What does he have, but he doesn't have anything. So he tied the move of the capital with the concession of oil and gas resources in the territory, and didn't carry out Open bidding, grasped all the initiative."

"What conditions can the Western Petroleum Company offer? Only money, to provide a sum of funds to support the construction of the new capital of Kazakhstan. They dare not send workers. With their labor costs, they will send a construction team of hundreds or even thousands of people. If it’s not effective, if there are tens of thousands of people, the labor cost alone will be enough for them.”

After a pause, Yao Yuan said, "Therefore, the probability of Occidental Petroleum Corporation obtaining the oil and gas resource management concession in Kazakhstan is very low. Of course, there are political factors in this, and we won't talk about it."

"Then it's actually a competition between us and the Petrochemical Corporation."

Comrade Jiang admired Yao Yuan's analysis very much, but Yao Yuan hadn't said the most critical question - how should Dongfang Petroleum respond?

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "The Petrochemical Corporation can organize more workers and machinery, and can offer a very low price, but if we provide Nazaryev with a free new capital construction plan, Nazaryev will How will Ryev choose?"


Comrade Jiang's eyes were about to pop out.

That's a new capital city!

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