Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 744 Lao Yu's Strategy

This sanatorium used to be a place for senior Soviet officials to recuperate, and ordinary cadres were not allowed to enter.After the independence of Kazakhstan, it was also affected here because of the loss of financial allocation.

Later, an international tourism investment management company under the French Ward Group bought the entire nursing home in Bull Town and turned it into a tourist and leisure resort for European and American tourists.

Therefore, the first to enter the Kazakh market was not the Wing On Group, but the French Ward Group.

Everyone knows that the predecessor of the French Ward Group controlled by Su Wangting was the Eastern European branch established in Kyiv, which gradually evolved into a group company, and finally established a holding group company in Paris, France.The French Ward Group mainly develops through investment and capital control. It is a capital group deployed by Yao Yuan in Europe and radiating North America.

However, Yong'an Group is the landlord-type enterprise in Kazakhstan, so Yong'an Group has contracted this nursing home as Yao Yuan's headquarters in the next few days.

Yao Yuan went back to his room to settle down first, and Lin Wei and He Xueli reported to him the current situation, the progress of various preparations, the preparations of the domestic companies they belonged to, and so on.

The other executives assembled in the conference room for an all-hands meeting.

After Xiao Jiabing and Yu Yongan settled down with Comrade Jiang, they came to Yao Yuan for a small meeting.Undoubtedly, Southern Industries controlled by Xiao Jiabing is the absolute main force and one of the core assets of Chunfeng Group.

He said, "Mr. Yao, take a look at this first."

As he spoke, he handed over a telegram.

Xiao Jiabing has always respected Yao Yuan, and said in a deep voice, "They can't hold their breath anymore. The Petrochemical Corporation officially notified us that they will withdraw from the East Coast Petrochemical Base Project. According to the situation reported in China, the personnel and equipment of the Petrochemical Corporation have already begun to organize Evacuate."

This is bound to affect the construction progress of the petrochemical base on the east coast.

But it's coming sooner or later.

The content of the telegram is the official notification from the Petrochemical Corporation.

Yao Yuan put down the telegram and asked, "What did the Corps say?"

"I contacted Deputy Commander Ye, and his attitude is very firm. No matter how the owner of the shares changes, Xinjian Group will insist on holding 8% of the shares, and insist on ensuring the construction of the Nusi Refining and Chemical Base." Xiao Jiabing said in a deep voice. , "Deputy Commander Ye should have also been under some pressure. His statement can be interpreted in many ways. For us, it is neither good news nor bad news."

He Xueli said, "The 8% stake in Xinjian Group is very important. If they are on our side, the situation is two to two. If Xinjian Group is neutral, the situation is one to two, and we are one."

The ownership of the control rights of the Nous refining base has little to do with the proportion of shares under special circumstances. To put it bluntly, in the face of power, even if you hold 100% of the shares, you cannot guarantee that your ownership will not change.

This is the most insecure point of private enterprises.

There are four shareholders in Nusi Refining and Chemical Base, Southern Industrial, Petroleum Corporation, Xinjian Group, and the autonomous region government. From the perspective of shareholding ratio, even if the shares of the other three companies add up, they cannot exceed Southern Industrial. Southern Industrial owns 55% of the shares. It is an absolute holding right.

However, if the proportion of shares is downplayed and calculated according to the number of shareholder votes, Southern Industrial is the weak side.

There is a high probability that the autonomous region government will side with the conservatives, because this is a situation that affects from top to bottom, unless the leaders of the autonomous region government don't want to do it anymore.

That's why Yao Yuan didn't want to waste time and energy trying to win the support of the autonomous region government from the very beginning, but chose the Xinjian Group. In fact, the Xinjian Group was also his only choice.

The Northwest is very special. The Autonomous Region is a provincial administrative region, and the Corps is a provincial administrative region. The two are on the same piece of land. The latter has a strong military flavor and is a self-contained system and society.The Corps has always been stronger than the government of the autonomous region, and it often ignores the government of the autonomous region.

Yao Yuan valued this point, and believed that the Corps had at least expressed limited support, because most of the Nusi Refining and Chemical Base was under the jurisdiction of the Corps, which was crucial to the economic development of the Corps and the development of the newly established Xinjian Group.

Unexpectedly, Ye Shuling would give such an ambiguous answer.

"No matter how the owner of the shares changes, Xinjian Group will insist on holding 8% of the shares, and will insist on ensuring the construction of the Nusi Refining and Chemical Base." This sentence is correct no matter how you understand it.

It's all slippery.

But without the support of the Corps, Southern Industrial would never win in the number of votes. The worst result would be that the funds already invested would be lost, and they would have to withdraw from the Nuss Refining and Chemical Project. will lose...

It affects not only Southern Industries, but also the national energy security strategy, because neither the state nor any state-owned enterprise has enough funds to complete these project constructions that require an investment of tens of billions within the planned time.

After pondering for a moment, Yao Yuan said, "I can't care about the country's energy security. If things go on like this, we won't be able to protect ourselves."

When he said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. What everyone was most worried about was Yao Yuan's sentimentality. Yao Yuan was also a person with a strong sense of family and country, and would often contribute to the country at any cost regardless of the actual situation.

Back then when he went to Eastern Europe for the first time, he took advantage of the sharp fall of the ruble and gained more than 20 billion US dollars in the financial market. He dared to lend 20 billion US dollars to the emerging group of the military. At that time, Yu Yongan almost parted ways with him because of this incident. Yu Yongan later He insisted on staying and supporting Yao Yuan, and only then did he have his current status.

Of course, everyone does not object to Yao Yuan's similar actions. Only a country can have a family, and a strong motherland can guarantee security. It's just that everyone thinks that we should do what we can, and we can borrow a few hundred million or even a billion to leave enough funds for its own development.

Now that Yao Yuan said this, it meant that he would no longer be "overwhelmed with sympathy".

Yao Yuan lit a cigarette and took a puff, then asked He Xueli, "How are you preparing for Nanfang Industrial's listing in Hong Kong?"

He Xueli regained her spirits and said, "I only owe Dongfeng."

Southern Industrial has not been listed for a long time, which is also incomprehensible to many people.Even from the perspective of safety and security, the establishment of Southern Industrial Co., Ltd. to go public in Hong Kong has advantages and no disadvantages, not to mention expanding financing channels.

But Yao Yuan always disagreed, and then he just asked the people below to do the preparatory work, according to his instructions, which assets can be taken out and put in the listed company, and so on.

Yao Yuan asked, "How long will it take to merge all the assets of the East Coast Industrial Island and Nusi Refining and Chemical Base into the listed company?"

He Xueli looked at Yu Yongan, "I only need fifteen days here."

Yu Yongan immediately said, "That's fifteen days, it's just a matter of your words, most of the preparations have been completed long ago, and I'll take care of it at the Securities Regulatory Commission."

"In this way, the core assets of Nanfang Industrial Co., Ltd. are the East Coast Industrial Island, Nusi Refining and Chemical Base, and Baojun Automobile Production Base. The market value of the three major bases exceeds [-] billion in minutes." Lin Wei made some calculations and said. .

Nanfang Industrial also has a core asset, Xiangfang Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., which owns Xiangang Lingang Industrial Park, Xiangxiang Automobile, Xiangfang Ship, etc. Yao Yuan does not plan to list these in the short term, because he must 100% guarantee that all of them will be owned. Take care of yourself.

Yao Yuan said to Xiao Jiabing, "Once the worst happens, I will immediately start the listing plan of Southern Industrial in Hong Kong. In addition, I will also establish a Hong Kong company of Southern Industrial in Hong Kong to create a bigger momentum."

Xiao Jiabing understood, and said, "The establishment of Southern Industrial Hong Kong Company can be put first. Let's make a gesture first. At the same time, we will slowly transfer the functions of Southern Industrial Nangang Headquarters to Hong Kong Company. Take one step at a time and see how the opponent responds. .”

Jiang is still old and hot, and Xiao Jiabing is as steady as ever, neither exerting too much force nor appearing to be unable to cope.

Yao Yuan smiled and nodded, "I will do as you said, but sooner or later some assets of Southern Industrial will be spun off and listed in Hong Kong. This time, no matter what the result is, this matter must be done. I don't want others to think that Yao Yuan is a soft persimmon. Whoever is happy can pinch it."

Although he said it with a smile, everyone felt the murderous aura that he rarely revealed!

He looked at Yu Yong'an and said, "Old Yu, when this battle is fought, Yong'an Group will not be less affected than Southern Industrial. How do you plan to deal with it?"

Undoubtedly, this crisis is a test for the generals of the Spring Breeze Group. It is easy to deal with it, and they can talk about everything.

Yu Yongan said, "I've thought about it a long time ago. Judging from the current situation, no matter how the above-mentioned policies change, there will be no big changes in Guangdong Province, especially the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Shenzhen Development Bank is not opened in the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Have you built the headquarters building? It has 100 floors and is more than 300 meters high. They can’t run out of it. I told Xiao Pan that I will rent him a few floors to set up a branch, and I can withdraw the Beijing and Shanghai branches to Shenzhen at any time.”

After a pause, he said with a smile, "As for the large number of factories in the supplier system, most of them are township enterprises. If the government doesn't give them food, I don't need to say anything, they will jump up. All in all, Wing On Group has the ability have the strength to deal with it.”

He was glad that he didn't fight against Changshi Holdings after listening to Yao Yuan's words, otherwise, after hundreds of billions of flowers were spent, Yong'an Group would be really empty, and the health bar would be exhausted, and it would not be a one-shot death.

Don't panic if you have food in your hand.

And he believed in Yao Yuan's judgment - the immediate difficulties were temporary, even if he completely withdrew from the Huaxia market, there would definitely be a chance to come back in the future.

Lin Wei couldn't help asking, "How many suppliers does Yong'an Group have?"

Yu Yong'an smiled proudly, "There are more than 5000 of them, and there are more than 1000 with an annual output value of tens of millions. I asked the firm to do statistics, and there are millions of people who work indirectly for our Yong'an Group."

It is related to the jobs of millions of people!

Lin Wei opened his mouth, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and said, "I hope they don't bother you, otherwise they will be the ones who are unlucky."

Garment manufacturing is an intensive industry. The garment manufacturing base built by Yong'an Group in Xinfeng County will recruit tens of thousands of workers. This is also Yong'an Group's own garment factory.There are so many suppliers and foundries involved in the production of almost all light industrial daily necessities in addition to clothing manufacturing. Millions of people are not an exaggeration.

Yu Yong'an put his hands on his beer belly and said with a smile, "There are many state-owned factories among the suppliers. If these people make trouble, who can bear it."

He pulled out a Shanghainese dialect, "If their brains hadn't been watted, they wouldn't have thought of Wing On Group."

Yao Yuan was very satisfied with Yu Yongan's coping strategy, and he ordered his subordinate companies to change the annual recruitment to quarterly for this reason.

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