Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 741 Bad News

After returning to Almaty, no one informed Yao Yuan to attend the meeting attended by Mr. Dai, and he even failed to meet Du Zhiguo who personally called him over.

This made Yao Yuan have to suspect the purpose of Du Zhiguo's transfer to the business delegation.

But it was Yao Yuan's wish not to attend the meeting, because Mr. Dai must know Chunfeng Group and who is the actual controller of Chunfeng Group.The big leader didn't have time to read the list of the business delegation, and he wouldn't remember such small things with so many people, but once he saw Yao Yuan, Mr. Dai would definitely recognize him.

If you can reveal your true identity later, you will reveal it later.

On the sixth day, Mr. Dai, Du Zhiguo, Director Wang and others returned to China. For them, the visit was over, and some of those who had completed their tasks followed suit. Only the Petrochemical Corporation, Mining Corporation and The commercial representative of the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

They still have to stay for at least ten days, while Liu Zhiyuan and others from the Petrochemical Corporation have to wait until the situation becomes clear before returning home.

Although Nazaryev didn't show it, he was very anxious. The order to move the capital had been issued, but he didn't make any major moves. If this continues, his approval rating will be affected.

Therefore, he will not wait for a long time, and will definitely determine the cooperation partner as soon as possible.

Yao Yuan wants to act alone. At this time, the status of a government official is very troublesome. He needs to be approved and has many restrictions.

He thought of many ways, but he didn't have the conditions to realize it, because he had to act alone for several days to arrange the Dongfang Petroleum proposal.

In desperation, he could only use his spare time every day to meet Lin Xiaohu in the manor hotel, and pass on instructions through Lin Xiaohu, or give instructions through the satellite phone.

Big names from the Spring Breeze faction, including Xiao Jiabing, Lu Sen, and Su Wangting, have gathered in Almaty. This time it is not just a question of Dongfang Petroleum's victory or defeat, but a question related to the future development of the Spring Breeze Group in China.

If the anti-private economic faction gains the upper hand, Chunfeng Group may consider gradually giving up the domestic market. This is the worst outcome, and it is the last thing Yao Yuan wants to see.

It can be said that this time is a battle of life and death for the Chunfeng Group.

The situation on Yao Yuan's side is not optimistic. The key is that there is no news about Xia Honghua and Wen Tiejun so far. As leaders of a certain level, they haven't shown up for such a long time. The chances of seeing them in the future are generally very small.

It shows that the situation is very serious, and the competition for oil and gas operating concessions in Kazakhstan is not only a competition with foreign oil companies, but also the first confrontation between private enterprises and state-owned enterprises on the international stage-if the Petrochemical Corporation refuses to cooperate with Chunfeng Group , then it means that confrontation is inevitable.

This will be the first confrontation between the two factions.

On the morning of the 11th day, the government of Kazakhstan sent invitations to various oil companies to hold a meeting three days later, on the morning of January 1996, 1. At the meeting, the situation of each oil company was fully considered and cooperation was selected on the spot object.

This is big news, and the oil companies immediately got ready like clockwork.

On the morning of the same day, Su Jianmin met with Liu Zhiyuan on behalf of Dongfang Petroleum, and expressed his intention to cooperate and compete with foreign oil companies in the development of oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan. Liu Zhiyuan did not reply on the spot, and this matter was not up to him.

However, in the afternoon, Liu Zhiyuan formally replied to Su Jianmin by phone, and the answer was refusal.

Petrochemical Corporation wants to fight for the operating franchise of oil and gas fields in Kazakhstan alone.

He was not surprised when the news reached Yao Yuan, and he could even guess the reason why the Petrochemical Corporation refused.

It’s very simple. Dongfang Petroleum is a private oil company. The private oil company’s ability to get the super-high-yield oil wells in the Shidan Oilfield shocked the world. Why can’t a state-owned oil company as big as the Petrochemical Corporation be able to monopolize Kazakhstan’s oil and gas resource concessions?

Yao Yuan even thought that Petrochemical Corporation must have been promised that they would be given a considerable amount of foreign exchange to support their plan.

After listening to Su Jianmin's report, Yao Yuan said lightly, "If that's the case, let's follow our plan. Are you all ready?"

"When you're ready, wait for NO.19. Mr. Yao, what do you do, can you participate?" Su Jianmin asked.

Yao Yuan said, "It doesn't matter if I participate or not."

"You're not here for such a big matter, we don't know what to do." When Su Jianmin was speaking, he looked sideways at the big bosses of the Spring Breeze Department who were sitting there together.

Except for the annual general meeting, such a scene is rarely seen at ordinary times. Anyone here has the ability to influence the economy of a country or a region.

Yu Yongan, Gao Jian, Pan Jie, Hua Zhenghao, Wan Quangui, Zhou Fei, General Manager Xue Zheng of New United Airlines and others all came.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I'll fight for it, you still have to be prepared for me not to show up."

As soon as he came forward, it meant that he would no longer be a national cadre.

Everyone knew that it was difficult for Yao Yuan to make a choice, so they stopped forcing him.

Here, Yao Yuan just hung up the phone when an unfamiliar number called.For the sake of confidentiality, he used the satellite phone to contact Su Jianmin, but few people could make calls to his satellite phone.

He connected suspiciously, and Zhang Huaide's voice came.

"President Yao, I'm Zhang Huaide."

Yao Yuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect Zhang Huaide to call at this time.

"Hi, Mr. Zhang." Yao Yuan sat down and poured himself a cup of tea slowly.

Fortunately, Chen Hai was negotiating with the aviation department of Kazakhstan today, otherwise this call would be really difficult to answer.Yao Yuan thought to himself, if Chen Hai didn't return to China in a short time, he would have to find a room by himself, otherwise it would be inconvenient to say a lot of things.

Zhang Huaide didn't seem to have any intention of exchanging pleasantries, he seemed to be hesitating, and asked, "Mr. Yao is in Almaty now, right?"

Yao Yuan was stunned for a moment, did Zhang Huaide know that he was in politics?

This should not be the case. People who know that he is in politics have been explained and will not speak out. They are all people who can be trusted.Furthermore, Xiao Jiabing was in charge of contacting Zhang Huaide for the East Coast petrochemical base project. Yao Yuan rarely intervened.

Zhang Huaide said with a smile, "I know some news. Many of your capable generals have gone to Almaty. With such a big battle, you must be there, right?"

It turned out to be the case.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I'm in Almaty, what instructions does Mr. Zhang have?"

"Don't say that." Zhang Huaide said slowly, his tone was unrecognizable, he paused, and said, "I shouldn't have made this call. Mr. Yao, to be honest, it's a pleasure working with you, Dong The advance of the shore petrochemical base is also very fast."

The worst thing happened.

Yao Yuan waited for the next article.

Zhang Huaide said in a deep voice, "I made this call to ask you to give up Kazakhstan's oil concession. If you don't participate, the chances of us winning it are very high. I can only say this."

Yao Yuan asked with a faint smile, "What if I don't agree?"

After a while of silence, Zhang Huaide said in a deep voice, "The Petrochemical Corporation will withdraw from the East Coast Petrochemical Base and restart the construction of the Haicang Base. The Nusi Refining and Chemical Base that you cooperated with the Petroleum Corporation will also be affected. Mr. Yao, You should know that this is not what I mean, nor do I have the right to do so."

It was basically guessed by Yao Yuan, and he was sure that no matter what he chose, what Zhang Huaide said would happen, because the conservatives had already started to suppress private enterprises.

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