Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 731 Wow, This Plane Is So Luxurious

Zhan Sheng is a little hard to come down to power, old comrades are hard to serve, and old comrades who have held leadership positions and are about to retire are even more difficult to serve, if you dare to bark your teeth, he dares to make you lose face on the spot.

The old deputy director retired a few days ago, and will officially retire in two or three months.One of his relatives wanted to work in the Economic and Trade Committee after graduating from university, but he was not assigned to the Economic and Trade Committee. The old deputy director went directly to the director and talked about it, and the director agreed without saying a word.

If this matter had been put beforehand, the old deputy director would never have dared to find the leader directly, and the leader would never have agreed so readily.

They have all retreated, and they have given up their positions. I want you to do me a favor and transfer someone here. They are qualified people, but they are just assigned to other ministries and commissions. If you agree to such a favor, what will others think? , After you retire, can you bear others treating you like this?

Therefore, even though Zhan Sheng looked down on these three old comrades from the bottom of his heart, he absolutely did not dare to offend them now. For a while, Zhan Sheng didn't know how to respond, so he had to explain, "Director Jiang, the finance department approved seven For personal expenses, generally speaking, for those who are transferred, the establishment relationship, food relationship, organizational relationship, and party and group relationship are all unchanged, and the relevant expenses should be borne by the original unit.”

He was also right.

The old comrade who speaks out is probably the retired deputy director.

At this time, Yao Yuan spoke up and said, "Director Jiang, it's okay. I brought some Huaxia coins myself. I heard that they can also be spent in Almaty. Director Zhan, thank you for your hard work."

Director Jiang looked at Yao Yuan, nodded with a smile and said nothing more.

Zhan Shengcai also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Hai asked Yao Yuan in a low voice, "Can Huaxia coins be used in Kazakhstan?"

"I heard that it is possible, and the purchasing power seems to be quite strong, and the locals are very welcoming." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Of course it is popular. The business of Wing On Group has already covered the five countries in Central Asia. Kazakhstan is the largest economy among them, and Almaty is also one of the most prosperous cities. Huaxia United Bank and Deepin Development Bank are also two banks. Early with the pace of Wing On Group, it covered the five Central Asian countries.

Now in the major economically developed cities of the five Central Asian countries, the purchasing power of Huaxia currency is no less than that of the US dollar, because only by using Huaxia currency can you buy high-quality, cheap and complete Chinese products.The U.S. dollar is tied to the comprehensive national strength of the United States, and the Huaxia currency at this time is tied to Chinese goods...

The funds given to individuals for overseas inspections are not much, only 10 dollars a day, and 150 dollars for half a month. This is only available in the past two years. In the past, there was no penny. If you want to consume, you have to exchange currency in advance .

Hearing what Yao Yuan said, the three old comrades immediately became interested. Old Comrade Jiang asked curiously, "Little comrade, do you mean that we can buy things in Kazakhstan with our money?"

"At least in Almaty, there is no problem." Yao Yuan explained with a smile, "There is no need to use US dollars to buy local specialties."

"It's such a good thing." Another old classmate was surprised, and then regretted, "If I knew it, I would have brought some money, but I didn't bring any money."

Comrade Jiang also had a look of regret.

Yao Yuan pointed to his backpack and said, "Leaders, I have a lot here. If you need it, take it from me first."

"Do you have? How much do you have?" Old Comrade Jiang asked.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I brought a lot, it should be enough."

"I, I want 1000 yuan first." Another old comrade said.

Lao Jiang said, "I want 1000 yuan too."

Chen Hai hesitated and asked, "Is it enough?"

Yao Yuan smiled, "Enough, enough, no problem."

"Then I also need 1000 yuan. After a trip abroad, I bought everything I can buy." Chen Hai rubbed his hands and said, obviously, the Civil Aviation Administration issued 150 US dollars, which is not enough at all.

Poor families are rich, and this is the era of "foreign things are definitely better than domestic ones". Anyone who has the opportunity to go abroad will not prepare thousands of Huaxia coins for exchange, and some large state-owned enterprises will even prepare tens of thousands of dollars to buy them. Some foreign electrical appliances and electronic products come back and distribute them to the leaders.

Yao Yuan nodded with a smile, and thought to himself, when you arrive in Almaty and see that the streets are full of Chinese products, you probably won’t have any desire to shop.

At exactly nine o'clock, Du Zhiguo came, followed by a young man wearing glasses. Yao Yuan suddenly realized that he was not the only interpreter.

He didn't think much, Du Zhiguo simply said a few words and everyone boarded the car and headed to the airport.

At this time, the capital was not the first to be blocked. The road was smooth and arrived at the airport ahead of schedule. Several other waves of people also arrived one after another. Finally, Mr. Dai and a few entourages arrived. A deputy director of the foreign affairs department was the team leader and organized everyone to go through the security check and board the plane. .

The new United Airlines dispatched a 320% new Airbus A-[-], which is the most advanced and newest aircraft in the new United Airlines fleet.

The business investigation group consisted of more than 50 people, far exceeding the 30 people that Yao Yuan had known before. This scale is very large.

Many people here are not flying for the first time, and they are excited to praise this plane and compare it with the planes they have flown before.

The a-320 is an epoch-making model. It is the first time to fully use ergonomics to design the cabin. The seat pitch, aisle width, and supporting facilities have all had an epoch-making improvement.The fuselage width of this aircraft is the largest among single-aisle aircraft, and the wider fuselage brings better comfort and adaptability.
Yao Yuan sat in the middle and back, with three old comrades in the front row, Zhan Shengcai and his colleagues on the right side of the aisle, Yao Yuan sat on the left side of the aisle by the window, beside him were Chen Hai, that is to say, Chen Hai and Zhan Sheng are only separated by a passage.

Obviously, this is a [-]-seater model. The economy class and the business class have four seats in a row, except that the seats in the business class are bigger and more comfortable, and the front-to-back distance is larger. There is no difference between cabin and business class.

Yao Yuan did not remember that the Airbus A-320 had an economy cabin with this layout.

Because of the Tu-154 Yinchuan accident, all the Tu-154s in the new United Airlines fleet have not been approved to resume flight until now, but are waiting to complete all improvement work and pass relevant tests before they can go back to flight.

This is not a requirement of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, but a requirement of the new United Airlines for itself.

Therefore, there is a temporary gap in the capacity of the new United Airlines.

After he was seated, Zhan Sheng casually talked about the expenses of the previous several flights. Such a young department-level cadre, but at least one flight abroad every year, is definitely something to be proud of.

Just across the aisle was Chen Hai, director of the Civil Aviation Administration, and the chat became even more vigorous.

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