Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 710 Capital Increase and Capital Injection

Several secondary companies under Chunfeng Group have set foot in the real estate industry, but their focus is on commercial real estate. For example, Centennial Real Estate is mainly engaged in commercial plazas, and the residential sector has just started.

Yu Yongan has his own thoughts. He sees the huge potential of residential real estate. Whether it is Hong Kong or the Mainland, since Centennial Real Estate has made the commercial plaza the largest in the country, Yongan Group can only focus on entering the real estate industry. In residential real estate.

He doesn't like to start a full-scale war with Cheung Kong Holdings, and his main purpose is to make a name for himself.The competition with Cheung Kong Holdings this time can be regarded as an important node in the development of Wing On Group. If you win, you will continue to use sacks to store money in the future. If you lose, you will continue to mix in the clothing industry.

Among so many second-tier companies, Yongan Group is the only group company with the lowest shareholding ratio of Yao Yuan, that is, Chunfeng Group only holds 70% of the shares, and the remaining 30% of the shares belong to Yu Yongan, who is second only to Lin Wei in personal assets executives.

Yu Yongan is both an executive and the boss of Yongan Group.

This brings up a problem - Wing On Group does not have enough funds, so financing is necessary.

When they arrived in Hong Kong, they would naturally live in their own big villa. Lin Wei was already waiting there. After Yao Yuan arrived, he simply took advantage of the time before dinner to hold a meeting in the living room.

Lin Wei directly asked Yu Yongan the most critical question, and he said, "Old Yu, how do you plan to raise money?"

Whether it is a loan or financing is completely different.

The former will not affect the ownership structure and shareholding ratio, while the latter will directly dilute Yu Yongan's personal shareholding ratio.

This is the most critical and sensitive issue.

Yu Yongan smiled embarrassingly, and said, "Ayuan, Awei, I don't really have much opinion on how to raise funds. It doesn't matter whether it's a loan or a capital injection."

"One thing to say, you don't have to think so much." Yao Yuan waved his hand and said.

Yu Yongan had to think carefully.

Regarding his own vital interests, he was not as free and easy as he appeared on the surface.If Yao Yuan wants to inject capital into the Yongan Group, Yu Yongan will definitely not object, but he definitely has opinions in his heart.Yao Yuan simply let him choose, Yu Yongan understands this.

Yu Yongan has already thought about such an important issue, he said, "Ayuan, let the headquarters group inject capital, I have considered it."

Yao Yuan nodded slightly, of course, this is also his preferred way.If it's a loan, he doesn't need to come in person, Yu Yongan can just talk to Gao Jian or Pan Jie directly.

Gao Jian is in charge of Huaxia United Bank, Pan Jie is in charge of Deepin Development Bank, and Yongan Group is a brother company, so it is easy to talk about borrowing.

However, if Yongan Group wants to borrow money, it will not be tens of millions or hundreds of millions, but tens of billions or even tens of billions. Such a loan contract also needs to be reported to Chunfeng Group for approval, and it needs to be reviewed by several committees.

Leaving aside the time required for the process, the problem is what Yao Yuan will think if doing so, Yu Yongan has to consider this issue.

Wing On Group is no longer the small group it used to be. Its total assets have exceeded 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. To borrow so much money, it also needs to obtain the approval of the holding group Chunfeng Group.

So there will be a situation where Chunfeng Group is both an athlete and a referee.

Would Yao Yuan refuse his own bank to lend money to a company he controlled?

If Yu Yongan does this, Yao Yuan will think that he is using this point to achieve his goal. Isn't this treating Yao Yuan as a fool?

The so-called companion is like a tiger, Yao Yuan does not necessarily think so, but Yu Yongan has to think so, and has to try his best to avoid any possibility of misunderstanding Yao Yuan.

It is the most appropriate way to discuss with Yao Yuan and ask the headquarters group to inject capital into the Yongan Group. Regardless of the overall situation, Yu Yongan will not go to Xinfeng County to talk to Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan thought for a while and asked, "How much money can you give?"

Obviously he was asking Yu Yongan personally.

Yu Yongan said, "If you put it all together, you should be able to make up a billion Hong Kong dollars, nothing more."


Yao Yuan nodded slowly again, and said, "You can contribute 10 billion Hong Kong dollars. The headquarter group will inject 190 billion Hong Kong dollars, and Wing On Group can raise no less than 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. It is enough."

According to the starting price announced by the Hong Kong government for the first time, it is 226 million Hong Kong dollars per mu, and 226 billion Hong Kong dollars for [-] mu of land. The latest starting price to be announced soon will not be similar to the first announced price.

Yao Yuan prepared according to the capital amount of 300 billion Hong Kong dollars, which shows that he has prepared for the standard of a premium of more than 25%.

However, after this round of capital injection, Yu Yongan's shareholding ratio will drop significantly.

But he has nothing to lose. After winning the [-]-acre central land, the asset size of Wing On Group will turn around. In fact, the value of the shares he personally holds has skyrocketed.

As for Yao Yuan's determination, there is no doubt about it.

This [-] mu of land on the edge of the Central Ring Road is the last large-scale commercial land in this city. How could he miss such a good opportunity.

After determining the capital increase ratio, Lin Wei immediately calculated the latest shareholding ratio, and Yu Yongan naturally had no objection.

Lin Wei asked Yao Yuan, "A Yuan, is the headquarter group investing directly or through other companies?"

Yao Yuan said, "Let's inject capital directly."

Yu Yongan secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

If the capital is injected through other companies, such as the French Ward Group and Chunfeng Investment Co., Ltd., which is mainly engaged in investment business in the Mainland and Hong Kong, it means that the number of shareholders of Wing On Group will increase, which will have an impact on Yu Yongan's management.

Now it seems that Yao Yuan is relieved to let him continue to be in charge of Yongan Group, so Yu Yongan is relieved.

"The direct capital injection procedure of the headquarter group is the fastest, and it will arrive in the account tomorrow morning." Lin Wei laughed.

Yu Yongan chuckled, "Ah Wei, thank you for your hard work."

"Please drink." Lin Wei said.

"No problem! I invite you to drink. I will invite you tonight. After dinner, I will have a good drink in Central." Yu Yongan was so happy that he immediately picked up his mobile phone and called his secretary to make arrangements.

Yao Yuan naturally did not object.

And the reaction of him and Lin Wei made Yu Yongan feel that his position in the hearts of these two big brothers has not changed, he is still treated as a big brother, and is still fully trusted.

Sure enough, after eating, they went straight to Central, first went around to look at the [-] mu of land, and then went to a bar on the roof of a certain building to drink.Yao Yuan is not used to drinking foreign wine, so he prepared puree beer.

What made Yao Yuan feel uninterested was that they were the only ones in the whole bar, not because the business was bad, but because Yu Yongan had reserved the place.

Going to a bar to drink is just to create an atmosphere, and there is no atmosphere to speak of when there are no people.

Business is getting bigger and bigger, but life is getting more and more boring.

Still an official stimulus.

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