Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 703 The Extraordinary Mr. Yao

He is an old-fashioned capitalist who started to make a fortune in the 70s, and has the support of the British guys behind him. Yao Yuan is not sure that Li Bancheng will collapse because of the more than 1 acres of land. History has proved that Li Bancheng can always retreat in every crisis. .

Not without reason.

Thinking of all kinds of Li Bancheng, before Yu Yongan made up his mind, Yao Yuan denied his own idea and asked, "When will the auction start?"

Yu Yongan said, "June 6."

Yao Yuan thought for a while and said, "It will be a week later, I will go there then."

Yu Yongan was overjoyed, "It would be best if you could come forward in person."

"It's still up to you. I'll just go over and have a look and give you advice." Yao Yuan didn't talk too much. He had a feeling that the 1 mu of land should not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Taking a step back, Cheung Kong Holdings has been fighting with Wing On Group for more than a year. This is not like Li Bancheng's style. This person is characterized by taking advantage of the advantage, retreating when faced with difficulties, calm and cunning , and has been working very hard to create a personality that represents entrepreneurs with harmony and prosperity.

"Of course, of course, I'm the one to do the publicity. By the way, the auction agency is also a taxi auction house, and the Hong Kong government has a special team to supervise the whole process." Yu Yongan said.

Yao Yuan pointed to the White House-style office building, and said, "You go back first, I have to get the things in front of me done first, it is related to the poverty alleviation and prosperity of nearly a million people in Xinfeng County, this is a big deal."

"I've come all the time, so I'll simply do some research and invest in whatever I can, and I'll also contribute to Xinfeng County's poverty alleviation and prosperity." Yu Yongan said.

"That's your business, I don't ask."

After Yao Yuan finished speaking, he threw it at Yu Yongan and walked over to Luo You. Wang Po said like a melon, "It was completed at the end of 1994, and it was delivered for use at the beginning of this year. It is basically a brand new building. The layout of the entire compound It is European style, and the designer is a famous design company in Hong Kong."

"Director Yao, the information you mentioned is all there." Luo You pushed his glasses and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we will stick to the principle of fairness and impartiality to give a reasonable evaluation price, which will take a few days Time." Luo You is a middle-aged man in his 50s, living a good life and looking 40 years old.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "The new county government compound is going to be auctioned off to be transformed into a tourist resort. Just considering the value of the building itself is not comprehensive."

He pointed to the natural lake to the south of the Xinxian government building, and said, "Crescent Lake is the mother lake of the people of Xinfeng County. The historical value of this lake is worth exploring, and the surrounding scenery is beautiful. With a distance of 150 kilometers, it has a geographical location that attracts people from the provincial capital for short-distance travel.”

"Mr. Luo, I hope you will take these into consideration as added value."

Luo You was very surprised. He only knew that the young deputy director was a college student. However, due to Hong Kong's long-standing prejudice against the mainland, in the eyes of most Hong Kong people, mainland college students are also ignorant frogs in a well.

It was obviously surprising that the high-end word "added value" came out of Yao Yuan's mouth.

Slightly stunned for a moment, Luo You thought that this business was introduced by Chairman Yu Yongan Yu, put away his contempt, and said, "Director Yao, you are right, you should fully consider the added value brought by the surrounding environment, don't worry , we will conduct a comprehensive investigation and evaluation."

There was nothing dissatisfied with Yao Yuan, so he stopped disturbing their work, but Yao Yuan still followed the whole process, along with several cadres from the infrastructure office.

On the other side, Yu Yongan walked up to He Xueli and said, "Have you ever seen him being so serious?"

"No." He Xueli smiled and shook her head.

Yu Yongan shook his head and said, "I remember the first big crisis was when the Nangang City Government wanted to forcibly take over the BMW car factory. In such a critical situation, he never took it so seriously. He should drink and drink."

"The incident at the BMW factory was nothing." He Xueli said, "The incident at the Shidan Oilfield was scary, and he didn't feel nervous at all."

Yu Yongan said, "Isn't it the time last year that I almost didn't pump oil?"

"Yes, millions of dollars are thrown down every day, and the drilling position has reached the edge of the Shidan shallow sea, and only some oil flowers are seen. President Qin and President Su are so anxious that they are about to jump into the sea. At that time, the UAE and several major Western oil companies People from the oil service company ran to the platform to put pressure on it. Later, it was A Yuan who stood up to the crowd and supported the risky plan put forward by Mr. Qin under tremendous pressure. He suddenly drilled a shallow sea oil well with a daily output of 10 tons, allowing those The ghosts who were waiting to see our jokes were shocked."

He Xueli was not on the platform at the time, but she was very clear about every detail of the process, and she was in charge of the logistics and outreach work at the rear base. Speaking of this matter, she was not only proud of Yao Yuan, but also had a strong national identity. pride.

This record was created by the Huaxia people.

Of course, Yu Yongan was not there either, which was a great pity for him.The entire process of Dongfang Petroleum drilling a 10-ton daily oil well in the Shikotan Sea was serially reported by media around the world as the most important news topic of the year.

Domestic newspapers dig deeper, such as the Economic Daily and Petroleum Daily, which have carried out comprehensive and in-depth reports on Dongfang Petroleum in the form of front-page headlines for half a month, and have unearthed touching stories, such as Gu Pei, the captain of the 7th drilling team Qiang became another model of the oil system after Wang Jinxi. A large number of reporters then traced back to the period when Dongfang Petroleum participated in the development of Siberian oil when it was just established, and unearthed a lot of epic deeds.

With the key reports of central newspapers and periodicals such as "People's Daily", "Huaxin News Agency", and "Seeking Truth from Facts" and CCTV's broadcast of important news in the economic field and three 10-minute special reports, people all over the country know that Dongfang Petroleum defeated The foreign devils became number one in the world.

Ordinary people don't understand what it means to be the first in scale, and they don't understand the concept of 10 tons per day. They only know that our Huaxia oil company is the world's number one in terms of daily output, which is enough.

After the failure of the Olympic bid in 1993, Chinese people fell into deep self-doubt, and the world record created by Dongfang Petroleum in 1994 is still fresh in the memory of China, which used to import every drop of oil. For the Chinese people, it is undoubtedly a time to feel proud!

Look, this is our Huaxia!

For a while Luoyang paper was expensive.

At the end of last year, Su Jianmin, as the chairman and general manager of Dongfang Petroleum, received a certificate from the Great Hall of the People - the 1994 National Excellent Private Enterprise.This evaluation is specially set up for Dongfang Petroleum. Dongfang Petroleum is the only company that stands in the same camp as the state-owned enterprises.

Under these circumstances, Yao Yuan's performance and reaction were as flat as ever, and he was quite open-minded. Boss Yao Da is a bit heartless. You have never seen him do things properly in a joking manner when he is really serious.

But Yao Yuan in front of him really regarded himself as a grassroots cadre, and took a job with a salary of only more than 300 yuan with a serious attitude that he had never done before.

How not to make Yu Yongan puzzled?

He could only sigh, "It seems that he really likes being an official."

"He doesn't like being an official, otherwise he wouldn't take the initiative to ask to work in the Family Planning Bureau." He Xueli shook her head slightly and said, "Director Yu, do you know Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory?"

"Ma what?" Yu Yongan was taken aback.

He Xueli knew that there was no way to talk about this topic, so she could only briefly introduce, "Simply speaking, people are divided into five categories according to their needs, presenting a pyramid structure. The bottom layer is physiological needs. Clothing and eating solve food and clothing. The need to maintain the most basic physiological balance of human beings. The highest level is the process of self-realization, the realization of personal ideals and aspirations."

Smiling, He Xueli said, "Now Yao Yuan is at the highest level, and he wants to realize himself. How much money he makes to be a big company is already a lower level of demand for him, and he has already transcended this level. "

Yu Yong'an understood half of it, "It's like saying that I'm still working hard to get enough to eat, and A Yuan is already studying how to make better dishes."

"To be precise, he has reached the stage of finding ways to let more people eat delicious food." He Xueli said, thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, that's it."

Yu Yong'an didn't feel disappointed at all, instead he was happy, and said, "So I'm not much different from A Yuan, and I have to do more good deeds."

He Xueli smiled and said nothing.

"Xiao He, you understand the situation here, you can help me as a staff officer, what should I invest in here?" Yu Yongan humbly asked for advice.

He Xueli smiled, "Dong Yu, do you want to invest here?"

"Of course, you must vote." Yu Yongan said.

He Xueli asked, "What's A Yuan's opinion?"

"He said it was my business, and he didn't interfere." Yu Yongan said.

Nodding, He Xueli thought about it and said, "Xinfeng County is a county with a large population, with many mountains and little land, and a rich labor force. It is good to invest in intensive factories such as garment factories."

Yu Yong'an said without hesitation, "Then invest in a garment factory, invest in a garment factory worth tens of millions, and recruit hundreds of workers without any problem."

He didn't think about making money at all, he just wanted to make his "level" higher.

He Xueli couldn't laugh or cry, but she didn't say anything. After all, this is a good thing. As for whether it will lose money, the clothes of several brands of Wing On Group don't have to worry about selling them at all. Even if they can't be sold, they will cost tens of millions or thousands of dollars. A loss of [-] yuan is a drop in the bucket for Yongan Group.

The most important thing is that this is Yao Yuan's achievement in attracting investment.

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