No one knows Yao Yuan's style of doing things better than Lin Wei.

According to Lin Wei, Ayuan just likes to brag. For example, the factory building has not yet been built, and he wants to form a joint venture with Mitsubishi Motors. For example, Yuanda Trading currently only has one store, and it is still being renovated. provincial capital……

After Yao Yuan came to the import and export trade exhibition venue, he went straight to the machinery exhibition area and began to consult the machinery products of various exhibitors as the general manager of BMW Machinery Manufacturing Company.

So much so that He Xueli, who was by her side, was at a loss—when would another BMW machine appear, and how many companies does this young Mr. Yao own?

Lin Xiaohu, who followed a little further away, knew that the so-called BMW Machinery was nothing more than a car maintenance team that didn't even have a store, and that Mitsubishi Motors hadn't agreed to the establishment of a joint venture with Mitsubishi Motors, so Yao Yuan began to plan the 1000 million How the dollars are spent...

The domestic machinery area in the machinery exhibition area was empty, which was in stark contrast to the crowds in the light industrial products exhibition area.The level of domestic machinery technology in the 70s and 90s was actually very good. There was a ten-year fault in the middle, and it entered the [-]s, which has fallen far behind foreign countries.

At present, there are very few mechanical products that can be exported to earn foreign exchange, and most of them are concentrated in low-end products.

Yao Yuan came here this time, purchasing is the second priority, the main purpose is to have a comprehensive understanding of the current mechanical product market.

The imported machinery area is where he focuses.

He Xueli doesn't understand these cold things at all, but she can't ignore everything like Lin Xiaohu.She already regarded herself as Yao Yuan's secretary, and she had to understand what the boss was interested in.

The young and handsome young man, followed by a glamorous and amazing secretary, suddenly became a beautiful scenery in the eyes of merchants.

Yao Yuan secretly thought that he made a mistake, he shouldn't have brought He Xueli with him, and acting low-key is his main style.

After inspecting foreign mechanical products, Yao Yuan had a clear idea, and the situation was not much different from what he remembered, and there were no high-end machine tool products.

Western countries' technological blockade against China remains the same.

Without machine tools, the rest is out of the question.

Suddenly, a small booth in the corner caught his attention. The man sitting there bored in every possible way, his appearance was different from that of ordinary Westerners, and he looked like a person from Eastern Europe.

He strode over and looked at the small booth.

There are no real objects, only pictures and models, and even the models are rough, no wonder no one cares about them.The man didn't seem to care too much, and he didn't stand up to receive Yao Yuan when he saw him coming.

Yao Yuan stood in front of the company introduction display board and read it carefully.

The introduction uses three languages, Chinese, English and Russian.

Coincidentally, Yao Yuan is proficient in many foreign languages ​​because of his research work in his previous life, including Russian, because there were many Soviet-made machines and a large amount of related technical materials used as the basic research object at the beginning, and it was impossible to do it without knowing Russian.

"The Third Czech State-owned United Machine Tool Factory?"

Yao Yuan frowned, the name was quite unfamiliar.

He knows the Czech State-owned United Machine Tool Factory, which is a very famous machine tool factory in the Czech Republic. How awesome it is, it represents the best level of Czech machine tools.

How awesome are the machine tools in the Czech Republic? Germany also imports machine tools from them, and imports about 12.00% of them every year.

The industrial strength of this Eastern European country is very powerful.

In two months, Gorbachev will announce his resignation, and the huge red empire, the Soviet Union, will collapse.At this time, life in the Czech Republic is not easy.The upper class is busy fighting for power and profit, and the lower class is busy putting money into their own pockets. It is a chaotic period of doing various activities.

Thinking of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Yao Yuan couldn't help but let out a long sigh. If he had been reborn a few years earlier, he would have the strength to share in the huge legacy left by the Soviet Union.

Now, there are only two months left to fight and calculate, and Western countries have been robbing openly and secretly since last year, so he has no chance at all.

Shaking his head slightly, Yao Yuan turned to leave.

Seeing Yao Yuan's expression, the Eastern European man got up and walked over, "Sir, are you dissatisfied with our products?"

Very blunt question, with the meaning of questioning.

That demeanor and tone are like "You f*cking look down on my product? Do you know how good my product is?" This style.

"I don't know where the product you mentioned is." Yao Yuan stopped, smiled and shook his head.

The Eastern European man picked up a brochure, raised his chin and said, "Our machine tools are the best! Many factories in Germany buy our machine tools!"

"Machine tool?" Yao Yuan took the brochure, glanced roughly, and said, "The Third State-owned United Machine Tool Factory, I've never heard of it, so please forgive my ignorance."

This was true. He didn't know that there was such a machine tool factory in the Czech Republic. The most important thing was that the products introduced in the brochure were clearly the products of the state-owned joint machine tool factory.

This factory is probably a leather bag factory.

He Xueli beside her was stunned, because Yao Yuan spoke fluent English.

"Ignorance!" The Eastern European man popped out a Russian word.

Yao Yuan frowned, and said, "Sir, although you are a guest, but you use words to attack me, I can still sue you."

"Huh, you can speak Russian?" The expression of the Eastern European man suddenly softened, with some smiles and more surprises.

Yao Yuan said, "I can speak some German."

The Eastern European man said, as if he saw a fellow villager, "My name is Alyosha, what is this gentleman's name, please come and sit down, and I will introduce you to our Third State-owned United Machine Tool Factory."

He Xueli has seen Europeans before, but Eastern Europeans with Slavic characteristics are rare. They are more rough than European men. They were scary before, but now they suddenly smile and politely invite people to sit in. The change is fast It looks weird.

Yao Yuan nodded and walked in, saying, "Yao Yuan, Yuanda Trading Company."

"Mr. Yao, please sit down." Alyosha enthusiastically asked Yao Yuan to sit down, poured a glass of beer and handed it over, and said, "This is the beer I brought from Braque. Mr. Yao, have you ever been to Prague?"

In the past few days, Alyosha was bored and crazy.

Very few people here can speak English, let alone Russian.

The official language of the Czech Republic is Czech, but Alyosha is an immigrant from Eastern Ukraine and a serious Slav.

Suddenly meeting a Chinese who could speak Soviet Russian, Alyosha felt very cordial.

As for doing business, he knew that he came here to make soy sauce, and almost no one cared about their products, so he only brought some limited product information when he came to the exhibition this time.

Chinese people are familiar with the Czech industry, but in comparison, people will choose products from the United States, Germany, Japan and other countries.It used to be a socialist country, and Chinese people looked down on the Czech Republic. It is very strange that this kind of psychology appeared after the reform.

But it reflects the inner inferiority of the Chinese people when they come into contact with foreign countries.

"I've been there in my previous life. It's one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Some of our singers even composed a song called Prague Square." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Alyosha was suddenly excited, "Really?"

"Really, the main idea of ​​the lyrics is this. I stood in the square in Prague at dusk and cast my hope in the wishing well. The group of white pigeons turned their backs to the sunset. The picture was so beautiful that I dare not look at it." Yao Yuan laughed.

Alyosha smacked his lips, savoring the lyrics, and kept nodding, "Very beautiful lyrics, full of charm, really good. I really didn't expect you to compose a song specially for our Braque Square."

"Hehe." Yao Yuan took a sip of beer and gave a thumbs up, "It tastes good."

After Alyosha introduced the Czech Republic and Czech specialties, he patted his chest and said, "Speaking of machine tools, our Czech machine tools are no worse than German ones. Both the Soviet Union and Germany need to import our products." !"

"I know, I know very well, but that is a product of the State-owned United Machine Tool Factory." Yao Yuan laughed.

Unexpectedly, Alyosha smiled strangely, and said in a low voice, "We are the State-owned United Machine Tool Factory..."

"Huh?" Yao Yuan frowned.

Alyosha looked around.

Yao Yuan said, "There are only my secretary and bodyguard here, and they don't understand Russian."

Only then did Alyosha reassure himself, "The Third State-run United Machine Tool Factory is the State-run United Machine Tool Factory. We have been using the name of the Third State-run United Machine Tool Factory to participate in the exhibition here."

He pointed with his hand not far away, "Look over there, the Pilsen Machine Tool Factory is actually the Skoda Machine Tool Factory. They mainly make heavy-duty boring machines, and their products are very popular."

Yao Yuan looked over in surprise, and he saw the words "Pilsen Machine Tool Factory".

He suddenly remembered that Pilsen is the manufacturing base of Skoda Machine Tool Factory, and Skoda Machine Tool Factory is the world's largest manufacturer of heavy-duty boring machines. The factory with the word "Skoda" in its name is the backbone of the Czech industry!

Skoda is more than just a car manufacturer!

Yao Yuan quickly asked, "So, your product is indeed real."

"Of course, but you seem to prefer German and Japanese products, or American products," said Alyosha, shrugging.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I'm somewhat interested in your machine tools."

"Mr. Yao, we only charge US dollars. A machine tool costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, and a heavy machine tool costs millions of dollars." Alyosha kindly reminded.

In the usual large-scale machinery procurement, the relevant departments organize the manufacturers to purchase together. There is a shortage of foreign exchange, and every penny has to be spent wisely. It is not that your factory can import whatever it wants, and it has to be approved layer by layer. The amount of foreign exchange is also very limited.

This is why no one cares about the machine tool products of Alyosha and the others from the former socialist countries in Eastern Europe-with only a little foreign exchange in their hands, of course the products from the United States, Germany, and Japan are preferred.

Yao Yuan asked He Xueli to bring a pen and paper, then wrote a list in Russian, and said with a smile, "Payment in US dollars is no problem. Do you have the items on this list?"

Suspiciously, Alyosha picked up the list and looked it over carefully, and said, "Most of them are available. We don't have other products, but we can purchase them for you. Mr. Yao, the mechanical products you want seem to be for the manufacture of automobile chassis. "

"Give me a quotation as soon as possible." Yao Yuan stood up with a smile, asked He Xueli to leave her address and contact information for Alyosha, and walked away.

Alyosha was still in a daze. What do you mean, the preliminary negotiation of the multi-million dollar business has been completed?

However, when he saw Yao Yuan walking into the booth of Pilsen Machine Tool Factory, his heart suddenly rose, and he quickly searched the information to check the product price. .

When Yao Yuan arrived at the booth of Pilsen Machine Tool Factory, he encountered a group of people talking to the representative of the factory. After listening for a while, Yao Yuan found out that it was several machinery factories in the Shandong Provincial Exhibition Group who planned to purchase the factory’s heavy-duty machines. boring machine.

The boring machine is the main equipment for the processing of large box parts, and it is also the main mechanical equipment that BMW Machinery needs to use.

In the list Yao Yuan handed over to Alyosha, the boring machine accounted for 40.00% of the budget.

Lu Machinery General Factory is the representative of all major factories. It is an old-fashioned machinery factory with more than 1 employees. The machinery factories in the province follow the lead of this factory, but there is also competition.

However, the Lu Machinery General Factory is a high-ranking enterprise, and it is a subordinate enterprise. Even the Provincial Department of Machinery has to give face.

Director Hong was arguing with the trade representative of Pilsen Machinery Factory, and the translator around him couldn't respond.

After seeing the translator clearly, Yao Yuan thought for a while, and strode over. Just in time, the trade representative of Pilsen was speaking English with an Eastern European accent. The translator obviously couldn't keep up, and his face turned pale with anxiety.

"Director Hong, this Mr. Lucio said that their products are not inferior to similar products from Germany, and are better than Japanese ones. They are absolutely unacceptable to your asking price." Yao Yuan said with a smile, winking at the translator blinked.

The translator was dumbfounded, and subconsciously said, "It's you? What are you, why are you here?"

"Comrade Xiaolin, pay attention to the discipline of foreign affairs." The leader of the foreign affairs office next to Director Hong said with a stare.

Director Hong looked at the young man who appeared suddenly, and asked with a frown, "Who are you? Young man, don't make trouble, we are negotiating with foreign businessmen."

Yao Yuan signaled the interpreter to be calm and calm, and ignored the leaders of the Foreign Affairs Office and Director Hong, but said to the factory representative named Lucio, "Mr. Lucio, Director Hong and the others think that you Although our heavy-duty boring machine is superior to similar Japanese products in some performances, it still has some gaps compared with German products in terms of precision."

"Germany purchased your heavy-duty boring machines because their production capacity can't keep up. Therefore, Director Hong believes that if the two sides want to reach an agreement, the purchase price needs to be greatly reduced."

He used Czech, so everyone at the scene froze, including a few people on Lucio's side.

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