When buying the first house in his previous life, the real estate industry in Nangang City ushered in the first low tide. Yao Yuan was lucky and bought a house at this time.

The reason why he has a deep memory of the land opposite the customs building is not only because it is located at the golden crossroads in the open area, but also because that land has become the king of land in Nangang.

1088% premium!

As a result, the most expensive residential real estate in Nangang City appeared - as high as 78000 yuan per square meter. At that time, the average price of residential real estate in Nangang City was only 9000 yuan.

Many people thought that the developer was crazy and the house would not be able to sell, but the result was surprising—the first phase was sold out in just one week!

Buy it and wait for more than 20 years to develop and make a fortune?

The time cost is too high, Yao Yuan has no interest, but it does not hinder the early layout.

Buying a house is always the best choice for wealth preservation.

Seeing Yao Yuan staring blankly at the files of Nanhua Soda Factory, Gao Jian said, "Nanhua's money has been delayed for more than three years. The provincial bank has a policy. This debt can be transferred at a price of 30.00%."

"Less than 20?" Yao Yuan raised his eyebrows, almost understanding the situation.

The principal plus interest, Nanhua Soda Factory owes the Agricultural Bank of China nearly 60 yuan, and 30.00% is about more than 19 yuan.It seems very tempting to buy a factory with just over 19 yuan.

"Nanhua Soda Factory was originally a small factory, but the place is very big. It's a pity that it's too out of the way, it's useless for a big place, and it's not worth the money." Gao Jian hesitated, and said, "If you want to open a factory, take Nanhua The soda factory is also suitable for sale, the location of this factory is good, just beside Renmin Avenue, the traffic is very convenient.”

Yao Yuan said, "You only put 50 yuan in mortgages for [-] acres of land. Is the valuation too low?"

"Absolutely not." Gao Jian said categorically, "Boss Yao, you may not know how remote that place is. Although the Economic and Technological Development Zone has been established for many years, it has developed slowly, and most of it is still farmland and forestry. Ten acres of land, to put it mildly, is industrial land, but it is actually a piece of wasteland.”

Gao Jian said with a wry smile, "If it wasn't for responding to the city government's call to support the development of the Economic Development Zone, our bank would not be willing to invest a penny in the Economic Development Zone."

Yao Yuan couldn't deny it. He lined up the selected files and said, "These are real estate mortgage loans. I'm more interested."

After taking a look, Gao Jian said, "They are all within half a year overdue?"

"Well, it's been a long time, and your bank won't accept it, and it's very difficult to deal with it." Yao Yuan said with a smile, "Call me to negotiate the price after you finish cleaning."

Gao Jian smiled excitedly, and said, "Okay, okay, Boss Yao, you have helped me a lot."

Yao Yuan said with a smile, "When I was young, my family was poor, and several people lived in one room. Now that I have some conditions, I like to buy a house. As long as it is a house in the two districts of Nancheng and Hongkan, I like it."

"Understood." Gao Jian put away the selected files with a smile on his face.

Lin Wei and Lin Xiaohu were asked to follow Gao Jian to handle business registration, and Lu Gongming and Hua Zhenghao were asked to drive back to Xihai to do job recruitment. Yao Yuan took the bus to the Economic Development Zone.

The Economic and Technological Development Zone, a state-level development zone, was established in 1984 and is one of the first 14 coastal economic and technological development zones in the country.It is located between the two old urban areas of Yuxia District (South District) and Hongkan District (North District), covering an area of ​​10 square kilometers.

At this time, the Economic Development Zone really makes it difficult to associate it with the word "national". There are only more than 20 factories, and only one municipal state-owned enterprise is above the scale. The supporting facilities have been built, including sea view The occupancy rate of new residential areas like Xincun is less than one-third.

What a terrible word?

However, the road traffic network in the district has basically taken shape. After more than 20 years, all the factories here moved out, and the Jingkai District was positioned as a central business district. The pattern at that time was based on the road traffic network at this time.

The Economic and Technological Development Zone is a super gold mountain, but at this time the surface is covered with thick dust, and people still cannot see its true value.

It is only a matter of time before an economic development zone that has been approved to open to the outside world will attract attention no matter what era it is.

Yao Yuan positioned Nangang as the basic base of his career, and the Economic Development Zone was an important support point. However, he set his sights on the Economic Development Zone and the Nanhua Soda Factory at the crossroads of Fengfan. The reasons he said were not the main ones. .

The real reason is that the only large-scale enterprise in the region—the original Nangang No. 1990 Machinery Factory, later merged Nangang Agricultural Machinery Factory and No. [-] Machinery Factory, and was renamed Nanyue Sanqi Enterprise Group Corporation in [-].The name "Three Banners" is due to the merger of three excellent municipal state-owned enterprises, implying three rising flags, which will play a leading role in Nangang's economic development.

The company's main factory is only 2 kilometers away from Nanhua Soda Factory, covering an area of ​​more than 600 mu!

Before Minmetals invited a senior engineer to the Xihai County Auto Repair Factory to inspect the Mercedes-Benz heavy truck that had an accident. Yao Yuan remembered that the master surnamed Qin was from the Sanqi General Factory.It’s just that over the past few decades, everyone has become accustomed to referring to the three-flag general factory as a machine factory.

Yao Yuan remembered that after the Spring Festival, Sanqi General Factory would start producing light buses and formally enter the passenger car market.Immediately after a year later, it began to obtain approval to produce several Japanese brands and American brand car models in the CKD mode, and quickly reached its peak.

If Yao Yuan wants to enter the machinery manufacturing industry, he must not bypass the Sanqi General Factory. Therefore, the best way is to have the ability to participate in the early stage of the Sanqi General Factory's entry into the passenger car, so that he can catch up with the Sanqi General Factory. A luxury bus that will hit high speed soon!

"What do you do?" Yao Yuan was startled by a sudden voice.

At this time, he was walking around the Nanhua Soda Factory, observing the factory, and just as he walked to the back door, a man with a vest hanging out suddenly came out, staring at him vigilantly.

"Do you want to steal something, sneaky!" the shirtless man asked sharply.

Yao Yuan pointed to the factory area and said, "Does your factory have any valuables? Look at me again. Is there any thief dressed like this?"

When I went to the bank to do business today, Yao Yuan was very neatly dressed, black trousers, black leather shoes, short-sleeved white shirt, and a proper summer dress for a cadre in this era. If his face was not too young, he really looked like a cadre.

The shirtless man didn't seem to have a very bright head, and he was stopped by Yao Yuan's question all of a sudden, and he looked at Yao Yuan in a daze.

Yao Yuan smiled and took out one to send, "This elder brother smokes, I heard that your factory is going to sell land, so I came to have a look."

The shirtless man heard that he should not borrow cigarettes from strangers, because the cigarettes may be mixed with white powder or something, but he looked at Hongta Mountain, and this man did not look like a bad guy. In the ear, but the weather is hot and the continuous sweating tends to wet the cigarette, so I reluctantly light it up and smoke it.

"Our factory is a soda factory, selling soda, not land!" the shirtless man said naively.

This is a fool!

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