"Isn't that a farmer nearby? How could it be robbery?" Lin Wei said.

More than ten meters ahead, several people circled the tractor, saying something from time to time, and someone was checking the single-cylinder diesel engine head.Except for this person, everyone else is dressed as a farmer.

There seems to be no problem.

Yao Yuan said, "Have you ever seen farmers wearing leather shoes when they go to the fields?"

As he spoke, he quickly turned around.

Lin Wei took a closer look, it really is!

At this time, the group saw the 212 jeep turning around and rushed over immediately. Lin Wei saw them take out a long machete and drink iron pipes, and shouted.

"It's really a robbery! Ah Yuan, run!" Lin Wei yelled, holding the money box tightly in his arms, as if he couldn't take it away.

At this time, the car body turned sideways, and it had to be reversed to complete the U-turn, but at this time, the engine was turned off!

Yao Yuan's liver and gallbladder were broken, but he knew what the consequences would be.This group of people will not show mercy, hacking to death and stealing money is certain!

You must know that this is a huge sum of 120 million. In this era, it is an astronomical figure that is enough to make many people take risks and fall into madness!

"Damn your old mother! Quick start, quick start!" Yao Yuan hastily restarted the ignition, cursing, "Fatty Wei closes the window and locks the door!"

At this time, two people had rushed over, and the machetes in their hands were chopping on the car body with a bang!

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car!" A man wearing a white mask rushed over and knocked on the glass window. When he saw the big box Lin Wei was holding inside, his eyes were about to burst into flames.

Lin Wei subconsciously hid towards Yao Yuan, and accidentally touched the gear lever, and the car suddenly started!

At this moment, the man in the white mask slashed at the door glass, the glass shattered, and Lin Wei yelled.The man reached in to grab the box in his arms, but Lin Wei hugged him tightly and bumped his elbow into the man's face!

The man's nose was hit hard, and he suddenly became angry from embarrassment!

He suddenly took out his gun and pointed it at Lin Wei!

At this critical moment, Yao Yuan stepped on the accelerator, and the 212 jeep rushed out. He turned the steering wheel to the left to death, and the car suddenly swayed, and the rear of the car hit the masked man fiercely, sending him flying a few meters away.

The gangster who rushed from behind raised a homemade sand gun and fired a shot at the 212 jeep, and the rear windshield shattered!

The 212 jeep accelerated and fled.

Before Yao Yuan could let go of his breath, he saw two motorcycles galloping out of the woods on both sides from the left rearview mirror, and followed closely!

"Oh shit!"

"Fatty Wei, sit still!"

Yao Yuan shouted, not daring to let go of the accelerator pedal, and immediately upshifted to accelerate when the engine speed increased.It's just that the acceleration performance can't be compared with that of a motorcycle.Soon the two motorcycles were catching up. Yao Yuan gritted his teeth and saw the right moment. When one of them was about to overtake from the left, he turned the steering wheel to the left suddenly, and the body of the motorcycle slammed into it. All turned into the road ditch.

At this time, the speed of the car increased, and Yao Yuan didn't care about the road conditions at all, he just wanted to go faster!

The other motorcycle saw that the speed of the 212 jeep had increased, and gave up the pursuit bitterly.

Yao Yuan rushed into the county seat in one breath, and didn't feel relieved until he reached the section of Xihai Sugar Factory.Xihai Sugar Factory is on the east side of the county seat, four kilometers away from the county seat, and six kilometers away from Tiange Village, which is just in the middle of the county seat and the urban area.

At this time, Yao Yuan remembered that the villagers in Tiange were tough and tough, and they had always been fighting chickens in the village. They often fought with other villages. The most serious period of time was in the 90s. Only gradually improved.

Robbery cases often occur on the Tiangecun section of the National Highway, but Yao Yuan forgot about it!

It's not Yao Yuan's character to suffer a big loss, it's not his character in this life!

Returning to the scrap yard in one breath, Yao Yuan jumped out of the car and shouted: "Xiaohu!"

Lin Xiaohu ran out of the house, together with Lu Gongming and Hua Zhenghao.

When they saw the appearance of the 212 jeep, they immediately knew that something had happened. However, all three of them had experienced bloody storms, especially Lin Xiaohu, so they were not very surprised.

"Go to the Xilin Farm Management Bureau immediately and keep an eye on the three people for me, and find out where they went and who they met after get off work, and be careful not to expose them!" Yao Yuan said in a deep voice.

After getting along for a few days, Yao Yuan gave people the impression that he was very kind, he always smiled at everyone, and spoke very softly. This was the first time they saw Yao Yuan who was angry, and there was a vague murderous look.

Yao Yuan said, "One is Hao Dongchuan, the chief of the materials section, about 40 years old, wearing a gray short-sleeved shirt, black leather shoes, and riding a black 24-inch Phoenix men's bicycle. The other is Qiu Xiaomei, a woman in her 20s, wearing light blue plaid Shirt, long hair, darker skin, a cashier. The other is He Hong, a woman, the chief cashier, in her 30s, with short hair, a red and white dress, and white sneakers. Be sure to keep it secret!"

"Yes." Lin Xiaohu nodded and asked, "Where did you get robbed?"

"Tiange Village section." Yao Yuan waved his hand, "Leave it alone, do what I told you to do, and no matter how late tonight come back here and report to me, I will wait here."


Lin Xiaohu left quickly with Lu Gongming and Hua Zhenghao.

Yao Yuan walked into the room, there were two front and back rooms, the inner room faced a larger one, and was used as a warehouse for storing electronic watches and clothing, and the outer room was arranged with two beds, coffee table and wooden chairs.Apparently, Lin Xiaohu and the others planned to take turns to be on duty 24 hours a day.

Lin Wei hugged the box and asked, "A Yuan, what about the money?"

"Throw it into the back room." Yao Yuan said casually, picked up the thermos and poured water to make tea.

"Just throw it into the back room like this?" Lin Wei said in disbelief, "No, it's too dangerous! You can't leave it here overnight, it's too dangerous!"

Yao Yuan asked back, "Where do you put it?"

Lin Wei stopped talking.

"Isn't it just over 100 million yuan? Why are you so nervous?" Yao Yuan hummed.

Lin Wei snorted, "It's easy for you to say, but you're also nervous. 120 million, how much is it! It can buy dozens of trucks!"

Yao Yuan said dissatisfiedly, "I'm not nervous but angry! I don't care about the millions, but that doesn't mean others can snatch them from me! Do you understand!"

"Just brag." Lin Wei sat down holding the box, his lips were still trembling.

Yao Yuan poured him a cup of tea, told him to drink some to suppress his shock, then stuffed a root of Zhonghua into his mouth, ordered it for him, Lin Wei took two sips, and then he slowly regained his strength.

Fights are what I see the most on weekdays. I used to have a few fights with people who didn't deal with me when I was in school. I have never encountered such a scary situation.The one who came up was a machete and a big sand gun. Where have I seen this before.

"Why did you let Xiaohu and the others follow Section Chief Hao and the others?" Lin Wei asked.

Being able to ask this question shows that Lin Wei has calmed down.

Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "That group of people came prepared, and two of them didn't look like farmers. At that time, they arranged two motorcycles to ambush on both sides. The most important thing is , in front of us is a truck, the truck passed by, but we didn't pass by, don't you think they came to us?"

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Wei said, "According to what you said, it really is."

Yao Yuan said, "Who knows that we carry a lot of cash?"

"Chief Hao, and what's more..." Lin Wei said, and suddenly stared at Yao Yuan in surprise, "The cashier must know, you write down what they look like and what clothes they wear, you knew something would happen?"

"If I had known earlier, would I still be sneaking into other people's ambush circle! Use your pig's brain!" Yao Yuan scolded.

Lin Wei pondered for a while, then nodded slightly, "I see, it was one of the three people who cooperated with the gangster and revealed to the gangster the news that we were carrying a large amount of cash... No, you must have known it a long time ago, otherwise how would you Do you deliberately write down their appearance and what clothes they are wearing?"

Yao Yuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth, "You think I'm a pig brain like you! More than 100 million! Is it okay if you don't pay attention? If something happens, you don't know who to go to if you want to find someone!"

"Oh, that's right." Lin Wei tutted his head and shook his head, "Isn't the Xilin Farm Management Bureau too courageous?"

Yao Yuan frowned, "You don't think they robbed the money and returned it to the unit?"

"Uh, this is 120 million..." Lin Wei laughed.

"You are such a pig brain!"

Yao Yuan was convinced, but thinking from Lin Wei's point of view, it's not surprising to have such an understanding.In an era when people stack up 1 yuan and the annual income of a dual-career family is about 7000 yuan, the amount of 120 million yuan is beyond the imagination of 90.00% of people, and it is a number beyond the concept.

I don't even dare to think about it, but now is the era when most people still regard ten thousand yuan households as their goal!

120 million households!

When Penguin Ma started his business seven years later, he only had 10 yuan in hand.

Therefore, in Lin Wei's thinking, the weight of such a sum of money cannot be borne by an individual, only the unit and the country can bear it.

Yao Yuan went out and found a public phone to call downstairs in the dormitory, asking Zhang Yuanchao to ask for a leave of absence.There are classes in the afternoon. I originally planned to save the money and go back to school for class, but now it seems that it is too late.He was [-]% sure that the gang would keep a close eye on the Tiange Village section, and once they found him, they would swarm him and tear him to pieces and take away the money.

Call the police?

It can't solve the problem at hand, and besides, it's Tiange Village over there. Unless they are not arresting people from their village, they can't even enter the village entrance. If they get angry, they will even snatch the police car.

Yao Yuan is most worried about the gangsters colluding with people from Tian Ge Village.

There is only such a road from the county seat to the urban area. Now it seems that they can only change trucks and go, and they have to bring Lin Xiaohu and the others with them.

Yao Yuan didn't know that the root cause of what happened to him today was planted as early as when he dealt with Liu Yitang...

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