Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 30 Profits

In less than an hour, the truck was cleared.

Lin Wei knew Yao Yuan's character well. People who were usually not involved in the seriousness and seriousness all started unloading the goods. He naturally knew that time was tight, so he worked as hard as he could.

At early three in the morning, the goods were sorted out, and the electronic watch that was to be taken to Xilin Farm tomorrow was left in the car, and all the others were moved into the house.

Li Hai told everyone to rest, he took out a flashlight and took out an electronic watch to check.From the perspective of the previous life, this is a crude and worthless garbage watch, but if you look at it from the perspective of the end of 1991, this kind of watch is better than Shanghai and Seagull mechanical watches. A compelling electronic watch!

All are Japanese products, which are advanced products of good quality in the eyes of Chinese people in this era.

Just such an electronic watch that no one will use after 20 years, the department store sells it for 170 yuan, which is more than half a month's wages for the employees.

The price that Yao Yuan gave Xilin Farm was one-third lower than the market price, that is, the unit price was 113 yuan.

He set this price to leave room for Xilin Farm to bargain. He has worked in central enterprises for many years in his previous life and is very familiar with the state-owned enterprises, so he knows that even if he bargains, it will not be very low. But how could he Unexpectedly, Xilin Farm didn't bargain at all.

Then the problem is coming.

How much did he pay for this batch of electronic watches?

18 yuan.

Even if the transportation and labor costs are included, it will not exceed 20 yuan.

In other words, with this batch of 6000 yuan electronic watches, he can earn a bonus of 120 million yuan in profit!

This is an unbelievable profit 20 years later. However, in the 90s when information was blocked and transportation was inconvenient, such a profit can only be regarded as normal.

A pair of bodybuilding pants in the coastal areas can be sold in the central region, and the price is quadrupled.

Excluding additional costs, the profit is basically twice the cost.

Some people say that in the 90s, even a pig can fly when it stands on the wind.

This is the fundamental reason why Yao Yuan ventured to the provincial capital to purchase goods. This is not enough. He wrote it in detail in his notebook, because he knows which manufacturer is facing inventory pressure and knows where the bottom line of price is. Lin Wei and the others can only talk about it after they go there. this low price.

In other words, the department store sells for 113 yuan. If the purchase price is 100 yuan, I am afraid that I am willing to make a profit of two or three yuan, which is already very exciting!

This age is so good that people still dare not think or do it!

"A Yuan?"

A voice almost made Yao Yuan's heart fly out of fright, he was addicted to imagination.

Lin Wei's piggy face appeared and said, "A Yuan, this electronic watch is very advanced. It can also count seconds and has an alarm function. No wonder you are drooling."

"Do I have it?" Yao Yuan touched his mouth subconsciously, and there was really saliva.

Yao Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you sleepy?"

"Sleepy, I'm very tired, but I can't sleep." Lin Wei's eyes turned black.

Yao Yuan couldn't bear to scold him any more, and said, "I can't sleep because of what I'm thinking about."

Lin Wei took out a cigarette, handed one to Yao Yuan first, and then lit one himself.Seeing that he was about to put the lighter in his pocket, Yao Yuan couldn't help but kicked it over, cursing, "It's shameful not to give fire to the smoke!"

He snatched the lighter and lit it, took a puff beautifully, and put the lighter in his pocket.

Lin Wei was obviously absent-minded, frowned and said, "Ayuan, you don't know, we almost died when we went to the provincial capital this time, you don't know how crazy those robbers are, they have guns! If it wasn't for me driving, We must be dead!"

Yao Yuan looked at Lin Wei and knew that the little fat man was terrified. He hadn't run long distances since he joined the job, and this trip to the provincial capital was his first long distance run.The situation along the way allowed him to see the "outside world", and then he understood why every time the convoy's car ran a long distance, the people in the security department would follow the car with guns.

He thought it was unnecessary before, but now he realizes that he is too young!

Yao Yuan put his arms around Lin Wei's shoulders, and said, "The current law and order is like this. I have already made plans to use railway transportation in the future, and try not to use road transportation. You don't have to be afraid."

"Ayuan, I'm not afraid..."

"Okay, okay, it doesn't matter, okay?" Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Lin Wei scolded angrily, "I'm really not scared! I'm much more courageous than you! You don't know how timid you were before! Even mice are afraid!"

"I didn't say you were afraid! Think about it, if you use a car, it will take at least two days on the road, right? If you take a train, it will take more than seven hours from the provincial capital to Xihai. Even if it is delayed, the round trip will not exceed two Ten hours is much more efficient." Yao Yuan took a breath and said.

Lin Wei chuckled, "You just like to brag. Is the wagon so easy to get? Every year the sugar factory transports the wagons to the north, so you have to find someone to give you a gift."

Yao Yuan nodded slightly, "Yes, but there is still a way."

"Is there any way?" Lin Wei didn't believe it at all.

Most of the cars now serve state-owned enterprises. If an individual wants to contact a car, he doesn't know how many people he will find and how many gifts he will be looking for. It also depends on the mood of the manager.

Yao Yuan shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know yet, there will always be a solution, and if there is no solution, we have to solve it."

"Just brag!" Lin Wei said angrily.

Yao Yuan said, "Leaving at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, don't you plan to sleep in?"

"I still want to ask you, where are you going to take this batch of goods tomorrow? Didn't you say that you asked Xiaohu and the others to find dozens of people to sell them in the streets?" Lin Wei asked.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "The plan can't keep up with the changes. I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. These 75 watches were sold to Xilin Farm. The price has been negotiated, and the unit price is [-] yuan."

"75?" Lin Wei jumped back in fright, "Our purchase price is only 18 yuan!"

Yao Yuan was taken aback by Lin Wei's action, and stared and cursed, "What the hell are you doing in such a surprise! I don't know the purchase price is 18 yuan! You are not bad, you fat man, you can actually talk about my psychology The price is pretty good!"

Lin Wei snorted and said, "You dog day insisted that other people's watches can't be sold and there are many left, and they will be shipped cheaply. I just said what you said, and the result is really, I can't believe it. It will be so cheap, do you know how much a department store sells for one, no, 110 three yuan!"

"The situation of Guangming Electronics Factory is quite special. The main reason is that their products are unsalable and their finances are in crisis. The Pearl River Delta region no longer recognizes their products, but it is different in Nangang. Electronic watches are very important to local people. It’s a new thing, and people don’t know what brand is or isn’t. Moreover, Guangming Electronics Factory is more courageous, and they post Japanese brands.” Yao Yuan said with a smile.

He discovered the problem of Guangming Electronics Factory from clues in the newspaper, and negotiated a price range for Lin Wei of 18 to 30 yuan. According to the actual situation of the local market, if the price of electronic watches exceeds 50 yuan, the size of the consumer group will be reduced by 80.00 %.

In other words, electronic watches are luxury goods in the local area, rather than daily electronic items.

If Yao Yuan wants to quickly occupy most of the market, the selling price must be controlled within 50 yuan, so he set such a purchase price range.

Unexpectedly, Lin Wei was able to talk about 18 yuan, which was a surprise.

The biggest surprise was that Xilin Farm not only agreed to purchase, but also did not counter-offer.The price that Yao Yuan told Yu Tieli at the time was very vague, and he made it clear that he was giving Xilin Farm a room to bargain.

I didn't expect that Xilin Farm didn't mention the price at all, it's very rich and powerful!

When Yao Yuan thought of how many large state-owned enterprises in the Nangang area were not short of money, he was in an unusually good mood. He patted Lin Wei on the shoulder and said, "Brother, get ready to earn a million a month!"

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