The seaside park is built on the west bank of the harbor, in the most prosperous Nancheng District.

People in this day and age have few recreational options, and parks are the main place.The seaside park is endowed with unique advantages. There are tall coconut trees planted on both sides of the shore promenade, and the unique mangroves in the southern coastal areas on the beach. Groups of seagulls flutter their wings, sometimes soaring in the blue sky, sometimes close to the sea fly.

The seaside park 30 years later is more beautiful, but the seaside park in the 90s has more primitive and natural flavors.

Looking far away from Yao Yuan, the east coast of the harbor is in depression. Except for the navy fleet base, the rest are tidal flats and fields.

Before the development of Haidong, there was a long-standing saying in Nangang—it is better to have a bed in Haixi than a suite in Haidong.At this time, everyone is not optimistic about the development of the east coast of the harbor, even though the policy to develop Haidong has come out at the beginning of the year.

Lin Shuting was sizing up Yao Yuan. At first, she looked secretly, and found that Yao Yuan was looking at the opposite bank intently, looking thoughtful, so she boldly observed.

The thick eyebrows are sometimes furrowed and sometimes stretched, the eyes are piercing, and the mouth is tightly pursed. If it is not for the slightly immature face, no one will believe that this is just a college student.

Lin Shuting found that Yao Yuan was very charming at this time, and the plain old clothes on his body could not conceal his aura at all.

"What are you thinking?" Lin Shuting asked.

Yao Yuan came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Lin Shuting and smiled, "I'm wondering whether to buy some land in Haidong."

Lin Shuting was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head and smiled slightly, "It's not funny at all."

Yao Yuan shrugged his shoulders indifferently, staring at Lin Shuting's face, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? It's rude." Lin Shuting's heart beat faster, avoiding Yao Yuan's gaze, and said angrily.

Yao Yuan said, "You are so pretty."

"Don't talk like that, okay? You're like a hooligan." Lin Shuting's face turned red all of a sudden.

Yao Yuan said, "Praising you looks good makes you a hooligan."

"Anyway, don't talk like that, I'm your teacher." Lin Shuting didn't know what was wrong with her, she always felt at a loss in front of Yao Yuan, but there was a faint longing in her heart.

Yao Yuan said, "Okay, okay, you don't look good."



Yao Yuan pushed the bicycle and Lin Shuting walked slowly along the promenade, like young people in love in this era.

In Yao Yuan's memory, Lin Shuting's life in her previous life was not happy after marriage. She first married a son of an official family, and then divorced and lived alone with the children. Did not remarry.

Yao Yuan sometimes thinks, why can't such a good woman be happy? Could it be that God has given her a natural beauty, so he must take away other things?

When there was still some way to go to school, Lin Shuting insisted on going alone, Yao Yuan smiled and agreed, he knew that Lin Shuting had feelings for him, otherwise he wouldn't care about it.

When he entered the school gate, Yao Yuan suddenly saw his father standing beside the guard room, with Wang Jianguo and his Santana car beside him.

"Dad?" Yao Yuan hurried over.

"I'm back." Yao Zhenhua said with a sigh of relief.

Wang Jianguo was sweating profusely, and said quickly, "Xiaoyuan, you are back, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Yao Yuan hurriedly asked, "Wang Chang, what's going on, is something wrong?"

"Let's talk in the car, Lao Yao, you take the co-pilot, and I'll talk to Xiaoyuan." Wang Jianguo hurriedly called everyone to get in the car.

Chen Jiahao came out on a motorcycle with Zhang Xiaoqi, just in time to see Yao Yuan getting into the car, and was immediately puzzled.

"Is that Yao Yuan?" Zhang Xiaoqi asked, she suspected that she was wrong.

Chen Jiahao said with twitching corners of his mouth, "It seems so, maybe it's his relative's car, it's just a Santana, and it's only about two hundred thousand."

"20?" Zhang Xiaoqi was taken aback.

For most people, this is an astronomical figure, a sum of money beyond comprehension.

Chen Jiahao was very displeased with Zhang Xiaoqi's reaction, and said coldly, "It's not his car."

Looking at the whole school, which student has a motorcycle, Chen Jiahao is a poisonous scorpion shit—the only one.Thinking of this, and thinking of Yao Yuan still picking up clothes from the garbage dump, his mood immediately improved.

In the car, Wang Jianguo said, "The factory decided to open all the production lines, but no one can repair those imported equipment, so I don't think of you. Don't worry, I made an agreement with your father, and I will give you a bonus of 500 yuan if I repair one. , will definitely not let you suffer."

Yao Yuan hesitated.

Sugar mills are already in the recovery phase, and this crop season is the last one.He wanted to tell Wang Jianguo that even if all the imported equipment were repaired and all the production lines started, the dying sugar factory would not be saved.

But seeing Wang Jianguo's expectant eyes, and the pride and hope in his father's eyes, Yao Yuan finally didn't say anything, and he didn't even ask what happened in the sugar factory recently.

"I'm a child of a sugar factory, so I should contribute." Yao Yuan nodded in agreement.

Wang Jianguo patted Yao Yuan's shoulder excitedly, but said to Yao Zhenhua, "Old Yao, you have raised a good son!"

Yao Zhenhua is full of pride.

As soon as he returned to the sugar factory, Yao Yuan noticed something different.No matter who they looked at, everyone looked suspiciously, and after a few words, they would definitely turn the blame on the leader.This is the sequelae of a group of corrupt elements headed by Tang Renhua.

People are scattered.

Yao Yuan once thought about saving the sugar factory, just for the spiritual sustenance in his parents' hearts, but after analyzing all the situations, he found helplessly that with his current ability, it was absolutely impossible.

The end of the sugar factory is already doomed.

There are a lot of imported equipment that fails, and most of them are not big problems.The equipment is good equipment, but the technical level of the workers cannot keep up, and frequent improper use results in frequent problems.

For the rest of the weekend, Yao Yuan plunged into the workshop, leading Chen Technology and his team to repair all the malfunctioning equipment.

After the last piece of equipment was repaired, Wang Jianguo held Yao Yuan's hand and said with emotion, "Without you, the factory would be in trouble this cropping season. Not to mention, 37 pieces of equipment, I'll round up the whole number for you, and I'll give you a bonus of [-] yuan! "

Now this little money is not enough to impress Yao Yuan, and he was about to agree when he suddenly remembered something and asked, "Wang Chang, I saw a lot of [-]-jin white granulated sugar piled up in the warehouse, what's the situation? "

Wang Jianguo's mood was suddenly depressed, and he sighed and said, "That was accumulated last year. It was originally intended to be exported, but it was short of signing a contract with a foreign businessman. Then a foreign trade company suddenly appeared, and the price was much cheaper than ours. The contract was stolen."

"Import Brazilian white sugar and then export it to Europe?" Yao Yuan raised his eyebrows and said.

Wang Jianguo said in surprise, "How do you know?"

Yao Yuan said perfunctorily, "I've read the reports. Why hasn't this batch of white sugar been sold domestically?"

"The current price of sugar is only [-] tons, which is not even enough, and the market is already saturated. To be honest, if there is no target, we will lose as much as we produce this cropping season. Besides, that batch of white sugar is for foreign businessmen. Customized ones are not easy to sell,” Wang Jianguo said.

Yao Yuan pondered.

More than a month later, the price of sugar rose sharply, but the sugar factory could not make much money from the batch of white sugar, because besides exports, most of the white sugar from the sugar factory was supplied to state-owned enterprises such as supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores. For public institutions, the price is fixed.

What he considered was that the bankruptcy of the sugar factory was a certainty. Instead of wasting this batch of white sugar in stock, it was better to use it to maximize the benefits.

But by doing so, Yao Yuan will be infamous.

Yao Yuan didn't care about these things, he was talking about business, and he didn't have as deep affection for the sugar factory as people like Wang Jianguo.If it wasn't for the comfort of his parents, he wouldn't waste his time on the sugar factory now.

"Wangchang, please transfer this batch of white granulated sugar to me. I can sell it." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Wang Jianguo was taken aback, "You?"

Yao Yuan said, "The shelf life seems to be two years. If you don't dispose of them, they will all be broken. Instead of letting them break, let me have a try. I will settle with the factory at 2000 yuan per ton."

"Do you know how many there are?" Wang Jianguo suddenly asked with a smile. Yao Yuan's mechanical maintenance skills have nothing to say, but he doesn't believe in disposing of such a large amount of white sugar in stock.

Yao Yuan said, "There should be tens of thousands of tons, right?"

"A full [-] tons!" Wang Jianguo said in a word, but he found that Yao Yuan's face didn't change much.

"That's the value of 2000 million yuan." Yao Yuan nodded slightly, frowning and thinking.

Wang Jianguo felt like he was dreaming. Why did Yao Yuan say 2000 million yuan as easily as 2000 yuan?

This backlog of [-] tons of white sugar is not one of the factors that led to the bankruptcy of the sugar factory.

Yao Yuan said, "Wang Factory, can you see if this works? My bonus of 2 yuan will be used as a deposit, and you will give me [-] tons. I will sell it and settle with the factory."

He knew that it was wishful thinking to swallow [-] tons of white sugar in one gulp, so he had to settle for the next best thing and eat bit by bit.

Wang Jianguo looked at Yao Yuan suspiciously, "Are you kidding me?"

"Do I dare to joke about my wealth and life? Wangchang, anyway, it is piled up in the warehouse, why don't you let me try it, and I can clear the inventory. The factory must be very tight now. I heard that it has started to give IOUs to the sugarcane again. .” Yao Yuan said with a smile.

Wang Jianguo thought about it. What Yao Yuan said was true. The factory had already run out of money. If it wasn't for the start of all the production lines, he would not be willing to spend 2 yuan to hire Yao Yuan.

However, that is one hundred tons of white sugar after all!

Yao Yuan said again, "You send me a car and a driver. If you are worried, let the people from the security department follow. If you can't sell it, you can just pull it back. Besides, isn't there still a deposit of 2 yuan?"

Wang Jianguo asked, "How do you plan to sell it?"

"I have my own way." Yao Yuan said with a smile, "But I can tell you, I plan to sell it in the provincial capital."

Wang Jianguo took a deep look at Yao Yuan, gritted his teeth, and said, "Okay, I believe in you."

"The next Saturday morning, the car is loaded, and the people from the security department follow the car with their guns. I will set off when I get back." Yao Yuan said.

But Wang Jianguo waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, use the train. But the ugly word is up front, no matter whether it can be done or not, the freight will be deducted from the deposit."

"I forgot that the factory can contact the wagon." Yao Yuan slapped his head, "No problem, I will be responsible for the freight and travel expenses of the personnel."

For sugar mills, this is a no-loss business.

"Then it's settled." Wang Jianguo said.

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