Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 17 Accident

Talented girls also have a young age, at least the current Zhang Xiaoqi is no different from most girls of this age.

Entering the 90s, in addition to industrial products, there are also customs that entered the country.The culture of Hong Kong and Macao has the greatest influence on these areas in the West Sea. Young people pursue trends, and students from prestigious schools are no exception.

Yao Yuan looked at Zhang Xiaoqi who was secretly angry, and said with a smile, "I didn't show any face."

"Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, I understand you, do you feel sad when you see me and Chen Jiahao together, even if you feel sad, just pretend not to care, isn't this you? Your distress shows that you still care about the past, I will tell you clearly today, yes, I wrote you a poem first, but it was just a poem, it doesn’t mean anything, do you understand?” Zhang Xiaoqi Said excitedly.

Yao Yuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Eldest sister, do you have some misunderstanding about me? Or do you have some misunderstanding about yourself? It's your freedom who you are with, and it has nothing to do with me."

"Hehe, you think I'll believe it?" Zhang Xiaoqi folded her arms, "No matter what you think, in the future, I hope we are just ordinary alumni relationships, understand?"

Yao Yuan spread his hands, "Before and now, we must only be schoolmates, we are not even classmates. Nothing else, goodbye."

He shook his head helplessly and strode away.

Zhang Xiaoqi opened her mouth to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.Looking at Yao Yuan's back, she always felt that this person seemed different.

"Xiaoqi, what did you tell him?" Chen Jiahao came over impatiently and asked.

Zhang Xiaoqi said angrily, "It's nothing."

"It's nothing? Then it's been so long." Chen Jiahao was inexplicably jealous.

Zhang Xiaoqi was inexplicably irritable, and said impatiently, "Do I have to report to you everything I say to anyone? That's all right, all right, let's go, I'm going back to the dormitory."

"Ah? Don't you want to go for a drive?" Chen Jiahao was anxious.

"not going!"

Zhang Xiaoqi left without looking back.

Chen Jiahao was so angry that he jumped, and when he saw Yao Yuan who had already gone away, he immediately hated Yao Yuan. It must be something he said that caused Zhang Xiaoqi to change his mind suddenly. What a fucking villain!

Yao Yuan didn't know that people were sitting in the library and came from the sky, and he was still reading newspapers.In this era, the channels for obtaining the latest information are not only newspapers but also television, and newspapers are the main way.

How many people saw the policy changes from the newspapers and keenly seized the opportunity to make a fortune in one fell swoop.Facts have proved that being educated is the basic condition for making a fortune, at least literacy.

According to the timeline, he sorted out the relevant policies of the past year, and then wrote down targeted predictions based on the memory of later generations to form his personal development plan for the first stage.To complete the planning of the first phase, a large sum of money is required.

Especially in the next year, if you want to use the 93 CKD production model to set up your own factory, relying on the profit of [-] tons of imported white sugar is a drop in the bucket.

In the next year, you must earn at least 500 million to have the starting capital.

He had to turn his attention to the light industry, which he had no interest in, especially consumer light industry products-he wanted to sell clothes, radios, cassettes, whatever he could make money with.

Those Mercedes-Benz heavy trucks from Minmetals reminded him that repairing cars is also a way of making money.There are quite a few subordinate enterprises in the Nangang area, each of which is extremely high-ranking and large-scale, with a base of tens of thousands of people at every turn. This is a market.

Moreover, with the liberalization of the market, more and more individuals are running transportation. These people's cars are not treated as well as corporate cars. As long as they can run, they will run as hard as they can.

But they can't enter the state-owned repair shops, let alone the repair shops affiliated to large enterprises, and the local car repair shops are limited by technical problems, and the masters are all staying in state-owned enterprises.

So this market is temporarily blank.

The county auto repair shop is half dead. Master Liu and the others are a good team. There is also the repair shop of the sugar factory team. Big problems can't be solved, but small problems are not a problem at all.

After closing the notebook, Yao Yuan couldn't help thinking, Wang Jianguo should take action, right?

Wang Jianguo's actions were faster than Yao Yuan had imagined. The veteran of the war acted resolutely and went directly to the leader in charge to hand over the account book.

When the leader in charge had seen it, Wang Jianguo said in a deep voice, "Two years ago, I suspected that there were moths in the factory. Not long after I started a secret investigation, Chen Dali, the chief financial officer, drowned suddenly, and the clues were cut off at once. At that time I was talking about the import of equipment, so I put it down."

He sighed and said, "Looking at it now, something went wrong two years ago, and even Chen Dali's sudden death is probably not that simple. If this account is true, at least more than 500 million of the factory's output has been lost by these gangs over the years." Man puts it in his pocket."

"Investigate! Check to the end!" The leader in charge said seriously, "Xihai Sugar Factory is the best county-owned enterprise in our county over the years. At this point, it is not a day's cold to freeze three feet!"

"Old Wang, this matter should be done sooner rather than later. I'll transfer a few people from the relevant departments to you. You can find a way to investigate secretly, and check one by one according to the ledger!"

Wang Jianguo remembered the reminder on the note and said, "Leader, I have an idea."

"You said."

Wang Jianguo said, "No matter how we do the investigation, it is very difficult to ensure that there are no rumors. These people have colluded for so many years, and we may only have a part of it. We cannot guarantee that no one will be dragged into the water in other places. In addition to the current situation of the sugar factory , if they startle the enemy, these people are likely to run away."

"I suggest finding a clue to find out who is involved in the account book. After the situation is verified, they should be arrested and judged. In this way, state-owned assets can be recovered to the greatest extent."

The leader in charge pondered.

There is no doubt that there is no way out in doing so.

But Wang Jianguo's worry is justified. This group of people has already been greedy for a lot of money. If they run away, it will be difficult to catch them back.

After thinking about it for a while, the leader in charge made up his mind and said, "Okay, I will do as you said, and I will take care of it if there is any problem!"

"Yes!" Wang Jianguo stood up abruptly. If these moths were eliminated, he would be more confident in revitalizing the sugar factory.

Yao Yuan gave suggestions in the letter, but he couldn't guarantee that Wang Jianguo would follow his suggestions completely, so he was still not at ease. He didn't expect Wang Jianguo's efficiency to be so high.

Coming out of the library and preparing to go to the cafeteria to solve the problem of lunch, Lin Shuting came over by bicycle.

"Ms. Lin." Yao Yuan greeted him with a smile.

Lin Shuting got out of the car and held on to the handlebar, "Aren't you going home?"

"Ready to go back. Do you have time? I'll treat you to dinner." Yao Yuan said with a smile.

"Bring me to dinner?" Lin Shuting looked at Yao Yuan suspiciously.

Yao Yuan said, "Do you look down on people? It's just a meal. I can afford it."

Lin Shuting thought for a while and said, "Let me invite you, no student invites a teacher."

"I'll take you." Yao Yuan couldn't help but go up and take the bicycle.

"Huh?" Lin Shuting was stunned.

Yao Yuan lifted his legs and sat on the chair directly. He was about 1.8 meters tall, and his knees were still bent when he was sitting.

"Get in the car." Yao Yuan said to the dazed Lin Shuting.

Lin Shuting lowered her head with a blushing face, "You, you ride up first and I'll jump on it."

"You don't know I'm an athlete, come on up."


Lin Shuting found that she couldn't muster up the courage to refuse Yao Yuan at all, and couldn't figure out why.

She grabbed the iron frame of the back seat and sat up, not daring to help Yao Yuan's waist.

Yao Yuan started it easily, and stepped on his two legs like a hot wheel, and the speed was very fast.Lin Shuting was terrified. She had never ridden such a fast car before, and she didn't dare to support Yao Yuan's waist. She could only put her hands behind her buttocks and grasped the iron frame of the rear seat.

They immediately attracted everyone's attention. After seeing clearly that the fairy-like teacher Shu Ting was sitting in the back seat, she looked like a little woman, and she was very surprised. Simply shut down and lose the ability to think.

Chen Jiahao was bragging with some classmates on the side of the road, he was shocked when he saw this scene, and hurriedly chased after him on his motorcycle.

Seeing so many strange eyes, Lin Shuting blushed, regretting so much in her heart, why did she agree to him in a muddle?

As soon as he left school, a V31 galloped over, it wasn't Yu Tieli.

Yu Tieli rushed over and slammed on the brakes, stuck his head out and shouted at Yao Yuan, "Xiao Yao! Something happened! Get in the car!"

"Brother Yu? What happened?"

"Something happened to the Minmetals trucks! Come up quickly!" Yu Tieli said anxiously.

Yao Yuan was shocked, and got out of the car quickly, freed up a hand to help Lin Shuting down, and said, "I missed the appointment, I owe you a meal and will make up later, sorry."

"You have to go to work first." Lin Shuting's face was red to the ears.

Yao Yuan set up the bicycle and patted Lin Shuting on the shoulder lightly, "Be careful when riding."

He turned and jumped into the car.

Chen Jiahao caught up and saw this scene from a distance, and was immediately puzzled. He knew that the car was a Mitsubishi Pajero, a luxury car worth 34 yuan!

How did Yao Yuan get into that car?

In the car, Yao Yuan frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

"Lao Ye called me and said that a Mercedes-Benz heavy truck crashed and the driver died on the spot. They suspected that it was a problem with the county auto repair factory. The police have already gone to the scene, and everyone involved in the repair must be there." Yu Tieli said anxiously.

Yao Yuan frowned deeply, thinking about what happened last night from beginning to end, without any clue.

He suddenly thought of Ye Chenglin, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Yu, Ye Chenglin...you'd better keep a distance from him."

"What happened to him?" Yu Tieli asked puzzled.

Yao Yuan said, "He has serious problems, you will know in a few days."

All the way straight to the county auto repair shop without a word, the sudden accident was beyond Yao Yuan's expectation, but he didn't panic, this incident was weird.

"Aren't those cars in the county auto repair shop? Why did something happen?" Yao Yuan asked.

"The car was out early this morning. Minmetals is waiting to use the car. The problem can't be solved, so we can only use it temporarily. Who would have thought that something would happen in this morning. Xiao Yao, I'm to blame for this, I shouldn't have Accompanying Ye Chenglin to find you, involved you in it." Yu Tieli said regretfully.

Yao Yuan shook his head slightly, "Brother Yu, don't blame yourself, something is wrong."

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