Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 11 Let’s Watch Congee and Meals This Time

"any solution?"

Luo Jinhong subconsciously took two steps forward.

Yao Yuan said, "It's very simple, you transfer it to me, and I'll give you the IOU."


Luo Jinhong yelled, "If I didn't see you as a college student, I would beat you up! Dare to entertain me!"

He gave a "pooh" at Yao Yuan's feet, turned around and walked away angrily.

Even Lin Wei was so embarrassed after hearing this that he wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, A Yuan is too shameless!

Yao Yuan said to Luo Jinhong's back, "Five days at most, I'll pay you half of the money."

Luo Jinhong's pace slowed down and then stopped.

Yao Yuan walked over, handed over a cigarette, and said with a smile, "Brother Luo, you have been doing business in the sea for several years. Think about it, the market can't afford any white sugar now. The supply exceeds demand. If it were you, you would Spend a lot of money to buy a batch of white sugar and let it go moldy?"

"To put it bluntly, if someone is willing to pay in cash, your batch of white sugar won't be put in now, right?"

He was right. After all, Luo Jinhong was the first batch of people to go into the sea, so there were ups and downs. After calming down, he asked, "How can you sell the sugar?"

"Seeing what you're asking, if I tell you, then there's nothing wrong with me." Yao Yuan smiled lightly.

Luo Jinhong didn't dare to look down on the youthful young man in front of him, and said, "Why should I trust you? You're going to take me [-] tons of sugar on credit just by talking, isn't that a joke!"

"Five hundred tons?" Yao Yuan frowned, and said to himself, "The quantity is a bit too much! This is worth more than 100 million yuan."

Luo Jinhong raised his chin, "I haven't done business for nothing these past few years. To tell you the truth, this batch of white sugar was contracted by several people, and I even borrowed a sum of money from the bank."

"Is this batch of white sugar the collateral?" Yao Yuan asked.

If Luo Jinhong answered yes, Yao Yuan turned around and left.

Luo Jinhong said, "No, they are all personal credit loans. Those of us who used to have units can get them, and we have to entrust others. For you, don't even think about it."

He seemed to see what Yao Yuan was thinking.

Yao Yuan clapped his hands together and said, "That's it. Sign the contract delivery contract, and sign an arrears contract with you, and pay half of it within five years, and pay it off in two months. Brother Luo, you should think about it."

"Fat guy Wei, let's go!"

Yao Yuan swaggered away with Lin Wei. After walking a few steps, Yao Yuan turned around and returned to Luo Jinhong, took back the 100 yuan in his jacket pocket, smiled, and stuffed a note, "Think about it." In order to make this call, I will bring the car directly to pull."

Luo Jin was shaking with redness!

Lin Wei kept turning his head to observe Luo Jinhong, and whispered nervously, "Ayuan, is it too much for you to do this? Isn't that money a red envelope for Brother Luo? Why did you take it back?"

"Ayuan, let's hurry up, I'm afraid Brother Luo will chop you with a knife."

Yao Yuan said, "Don't be afraid, isn't there a human shield like you here?"

"You bastard!"

"Hurry up and get in the car, there's so much nonsense! 100 yuan, do you think I'm willing to give it to him!"

After getting into the car, Yao Yuan turned around expertly, and the accelerator pedal finally sped up.

Lin Wei held the handrail tightly, but his mind was still on the conversation between Yao Yuan and Luo Jinhong just now. He said, "A Yuan, why are you lying to others? Where do you have money? That's five hundred tons of sugar, not five catties White sugar, besides, even if you have money, how can you sell it? Didn’t you say that the market can’t afford it now? No, you can’t have that much money. The wholesale price of white sugar is 80 tons, and 80 tons is [-]! [-]!"

"Ah, your mother's size! Can you shut up!" Yao Yuan cursed.

Lin Wei said angrily, "You fucking college student is still swearing!"

"I'm still kicking you!" Yao Yuan made a gesture to kick you.

Lin Wei was so frightened that his face turned pale, "Drive hard, drive hard! Hey, hey, slow down!"

Lin Wei felt that Yao Yuan had changed, but he was sure that this was his best brother, familiar yet unfamiliar.

The two brothers bickered all the way back to Xihai County.

Soon after they left, Luo Jinhong locked the door and hurried away on a bicycle.

He also couldn't say why he believed the words of a young man, maybe it was because of Yao Yuan's aura, or maybe it was because of the mentality of seeing a straw before he was about to die.

In order to contract this batch of imported white sugar, he found several colleagues to partner with. Among them, Meng Hao, the material section chief of the logistics department, paid the second most.

Luo Jinhong came to Meng Hao's office and closed the door behind his back.

Meng Hao raised his head and frowned, "Why are you here?"

He was unhappy in his heart, and regretted listening to Luo Jinhong's words, and all his savings for many years were ruined.

"Lao Meng, I have some news." Luo Jinhong said after telling the story, "That kid said it very confidently, it seems that he must have a way to sell it."

Meng Hao lit a cigarette and took two puffs, then frowned and asked, "A student from Xigong University?"

"Yes, I have seen his student ID card, it must be. He is very familiar with the sugar market, and he comes up with various policies casually. He is definitely not an ordinary person." Luo Jinhong hesitated for a while, "I suspect that there may be a cadre in his family, and the level Not low."

Meng Hao nodded slightly, "Ordinary people don't pay attention to policy changes. According to you, this person can be trusted?"

Luo Jinhong smiled wryly and shook his head, "Even if it's credible, there's no reason to put millions of dollars in goods on credit. What if he doesn't pay the money?"

"Your concerns are justified, but do you have any other solutions? If you have, we don't have to tighten our belts to live. I haven't seen meat in almost two months." Meng Hao said gloomyly, "Don't blame me for not reminding you, your bank loan is due in December, if you don't pay it by then..."

Luo Jinhong's heart sank, and she gritted her teeth, "Old Meng, what do you think should be done?"

"A dead horse is a living horse doctor. If you don't fight, do you have other options?" Meng Hao asked back.

Luo Jinhongxin tends to fight hard, but he must get Meng Hao's support.If he came up and declared that he wanted to fight, Meng Hao, who had resentment in his heart, would most likely object.

No matter how good the relationship is, when it comes to self-interest, people have their own pets in their hearts.

"Then fight for it." Luo Jinhong said, "But I will ask him to make a condition that the goods can only be placed in the warehouse at the dock, and I will watch them personally. In this way, even if he is a liar, at least the goods are still there."

Meng Hao knew that Luo Jinhong was going to play tricks if something went wrong.

Once the delivery contract is signed, the right of ownership is no longer in your own hands. Isn't it a rogue to hold on to the goods?But Meng Hao didn't think there was any problem, so he wanted to file a lawsuit?Many people don't know where the court door opens.

Some people say that the 90s was an era of savage growth amidst chaos, and that the bandit roadblockers and businessmen were the same kind of people, who were not afraid of taking risks, put their lives at risk, and stuck their heads on their trouser waists.

Some people say that in this day and age, you can make money with your eyes closed. As long as you are brave enough, it is not accurate. .

At least returning to Yao Yuan in 1991, his feeling at this moment is that it is not enough to be brave, but also to have a bit of brains. Making money is far from being as simple as it is said in later online novels, just reach out and get the money.

He never thought that he would have the chance to live again. There are not many scattered fragments in his memory. Luo Jinhong is the only person he has a fresh memory and can use.What he is doing is nothing more than an empty-handed white wolf. If Luo Jinhong doesn't want to lose his wife, he will definitely choose to cooperate with him.

In this day and age, would a person with no guts dare to give up the golden rice bowl of the Port Authority and go to sea to do business?

Yao Yuan didn't go home, but went directly to the hospital to accompany his mother.

He came to the nurse's desk, and there was a little nurse busy there. He looked at the little nurse affectionately with a smiling face, and said, "Girl, can I ask you for a favor?"

"what's up?"

The little nurse raised her head impatiently, and was greeted with a handsome and sunny smiling face, her face softened immediately, and two red clouds crept up her cheeks quietly, "Is there something wrong?"

Yao Yuan pointed to the phone with the keypad locked and only the microphone exposed, and said, "My name is Yao Yuan, and I'm the son of the 17th bed. If you have a phone call for me, please call me, is that okay?"

"Oh, you're that college student, okay, okay, I'll call you if I have a call." The little nurse avoided Yao Yuan's staring gaze and said shyly.

"Thank you."

Yao Yuan turned around and left gracefully.

The little nurse bumped around like a little rabbit, why is he looking at me like this, is he... oh, I'm so ashamed...

Yao Yuan let out a heavy breath, rubbed his stiff face, and sighed in his heart, it's really not easy to do something in this world.There is no phone at home, and Yao Yuan is worried about his mother, so he wrote down the number of the nurse's station early.In order not to miss Luo Jinhong's call, she had to use the beauty trick out of the 36 tricks.

He was sure that with the current hospital's service awareness and attitude, if he didn't put some thought into it, he would definitely be rejected in the end, and he was lucky if he didn't get rolled eyes and ridiculed.Look at the way ordinary people nod and bow when they see doctors and nurses. You still want nurses to help you answer the phone, and you want to fart.

"Use the phone to go to the commissary outside! You think the hospital is run by your family!" When writing down the number in the morning, Yao Yuan clearly saw a middle-aged man who looked like a worker being trained like a grandson by the little nurse .

The mother was chatting with a patient in the same ward. When she saw Yao Yuan coming in, she said proudly, "This is my son. He is studying at Xihai University of Technology. My girl is worse, and she only went to a technical secondary school."

It aroused envy.

In the era when not many people graduated from junior high school, a family had a college student and a technical secondary school student, which was famous in all towns and villages. In the early 90s, the distribution system was implemented for technical secondary school graduates, which led to such a phenomenon that all excellent junior high school students went to technical secondary schools, and those with poor grades went to high school, and more of them found another way out.

Yao Yuan answered all kinds of questions openly, and it was busy when the little nurse trotted over, raised her freckled face, and said, "University student, I have your phone number!"

Yao Yuan ran away.

As he approached the nurse's station, he slowed down and adjusted his breathing.

Whether you can make a lot of money depends on this wave. If you succeed, you will get a large amount of start-up capital, and your career in this life will have a higher starting point. If you fail, you may have to repair cars and machinery!

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