Chapter 778

Niu Rui felt very guilty when she thought that she planned to tell her daughter not to be with Liu Yang just now.

Mr. Mei looked at Liu Yang's back, and he opened his mouth to say something, but he took a look at Ning Xiaonuan, who was as beautiful as a fairy, and chose to keep his mouth shut.

Those who are destined to be extraordinary are also destined to commit peach blossoms——

Of course, this is not peach blossom robbery, but peach blossom luck.

But it also depends on how the person thinks. If you like to be surrounded by beautiful women, you will be lucky. If you want to stick to one thing, you will be lucky.

Walking into the gate of Jiming Temple, Niu Rui asked, "Liu Yang, do you want to worship with me?"

Liu Yang smiled: "Auntie, let me go around."

"Mom, I—"

Before Ning Xiaonuan could finish speaking, Niu Rui grabbed her little hand and said, "Go and say goodbye with Mom."

Ning Xiaonuan was stunned, only to hear her mother whisper in her ear: "There is Yuelao Temple here, let's go to Yuelao Temple to burn incense sticks first."

How could she not know the meaning of her mother's words, and her pretty face instantly became dizzy, so shy.

Seeing Ning Xiaonuan being dragged away by Aunt Niu, and heading towards Yuelao Temple, Liu Yang smiled wryly and was speechless——

Only after Aunt Niu finished worshiping the Buddha could he go down the mountain. It was impossible for Liu Yang to stand here alone, so he wandered around.

Looking at the devout believers and the grand and solemn Buddhist temples, Liu Yang couldn't help but think in his heart, what would people be like if they didn't have faith?

Unknowingly, Liu Yang walked outside an attic.

In the yard of the attic, many monks' robes are drying. This seems to be the place where the monks of Jiming Temple live.

Of course it was not easy for Liu Yang to go in, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly felt the fluctuation of spiritual energy.

Are there monks?

Liu Yang's heart shook.

There are also people who practice Taoism in Buddhism?

Buddha is the Tao!

Liu Yang couldn't help but think of these four words.

But the meaning of these four words does not refer to Buddhism and Taoism as one family, but refers to the practice of Buddhism, which is the same as Taoism.

The practice of Buddhism is still learned from Taoism, so it is said that Buddha is Tao.

The culture and philosophy of Buddhism are completely different from those of Taoism.

Driven by curiosity, Liu Yang walked into the courtyard, felt the direction of the fluctuation of spiritual power, and came to the door of a wing room.

There is a big word "Zen" engraved on the door, which means a room for meditation and meditation.

Liu Yang really wanted to push the door in and see this eminent monk, but he couldn't take the liberty to disturb him. After hesitating for a while, he decided not to disturb him.

"Fateful person, since you're here, let's come in—"

Just when Liu Yang was about to back off and leave, there was an incomparably vicissitudes voice in the meditation room.

Liu Yang's heart trembled, and after he stopped, he opened the door and left.


When Liu Yang opened the door, sandalwood scented his nostrils, refreshing.

I saw an old monk in cassock sitting cross-legged on a futon. His face was wrinkled and his eyes were closed tightly, giving off an unfathomable feeling.

Liu Yang looked at him, his heart was a little nervous, but suddenly there was peace and tranquility.

The old monk muttered to himself: "One flower one world, one tree one floating life, one grass one heaven, one leaf one Tathagata, one sand one bliss, one side one pure land, one smile one fate, one thought one tranquility!"

Liu Yang seemed to understand, clasped his hands together and said, "Master, I didn't mean to disturb, please forgive me."

At this moment, the old monk slowly opened his eyes. However, his originally muddy pupils shot out two rays of light, piercing with energy.

"Ha ha!"

The old monk smiled faintly: "Amitabha, little benefactor, you can come here, which proves that you and I are destined."

Liu Yang scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

He didn't understand what the fate was, and thought to himself, could it be that the old monk wants me to become a monk?

The old monk smiled and said, "Little benefactor, can you close the door."


Liu Yang was surprised for a moment, then nodded immediately: "Okay!"

After Liu Yang closed the door, the old monk pointed to a futon in front of him and said, "Little benefactor, please sit down."

Liu Yang nodded again, and sat cross-legged in front of the old monk.

After the old monk looked at him, he said in a shocking voice: "Little benefactor, when you were born, you were born with a vision, and you were born extraordinary. Unfortunately, you were murdered by an adulterer, and your fate was changed——"

Liu Yang's heart skipped a beat, with a look of shock on his face!

Obviously, the old monk was more accurate than the plum blossom master.

Before Liu Yang wanted to say anything, the old monk recited softly: "Sitting is Zen, walking is also Chan, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata, spring comes, flowers turn green, autumn leaves fall, infinite Prajna is at ease, speaking Silence, movement and stillness are natural!"

Liu Yang trembled, shook his head and said, "Master, I don't understand what you mean."

The old monk shook his head and sighed sadly: "Little benefactor, I invite you in just to give a piece of advice, keep your heart and don't go astray."

"Buddha said, destiny is created by oneself, appearance is born by heart, everything in the world is a form, if the heart does not move, everything will not move, if the heart does not change, everything will not change!"

When Liu Yang heard this sentence, he understood it, and his body trembled involuntarily, the old monk knew everything!

Why did the old monk ask Liu Yang to keep his heart, because even Liu Yang is a cultivator, but the power of the blood curse is so overbearing.

If Liu Yang wants to pursue greater power, he can let the blood curse erode his heart and fall into the devil's way.

One thought will become a Buddha, and one thought will become a demon!

"Master, don't worry about this. My heart is good. Even if the world betrays me, I will not betray the world. I will not give up my heart."

Liu Yang said eloquently.

The old monk sighed again and said, "But you have hatred, resentment, and anger in your heart."

Liu Yang's eyes were dull, and he couldn't help asking himself, do I hate, do I resent, am I angry?

Yes, I hate the people who ruined my family, I resent the people who knocked down the walls after my Liu family was in disaster, I resent me for entering the Zhuye family and treat me like a dog!

Liu Yang gritted his teeth, but so what, I am not some eminent monk, how can I forget all these hatred, resentment, and anger.

The Buddha said to put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha, but I said it was bullshit!

I want revenge, revenge, revenge!

Those who once bullied me, hated me, and humiliated me, I will crush them all under my feet.

Damn it, I will never show mercy!

At this moment, Liu Yang clenched his fists and his face became a little ferocious.

It's just that Liu Yang didn't notice that a deep black line emerged from his left hand——

In his heart, a strange and evil voice kept ringing, kill, kill, kill, God blocks and kills God, Buddha blocks and kills Buddha!

The old monk looked at Liu Yang's distorted face, and he began to knock on the wooden fish beside him, muttering in his mouth——

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