"Qi Yi, it's pretty good."

Zhang Ping didn't care much about setting a time, but he didn't understand what the word "Flower Planter" meant, so he asked, "What does Flower Planter mean?"

Su Mu smiled: "This is the content of the animation we will make."

"Oh, so it looks like it's a very interesting animation?"

Zhang Ping already had some expectations.

"Of course!"

"Then can you talk to me first?"

"of course can!"

Su Mu sat down, took a sip of tea, and began to preach:

"This is a story about a 'florist'.

The story is full of ups and downs, but magnificent;

This journey has been difficult, but it is full of songs and tears.

To the east of Blue Star, there is a place that has existed for 5000 years called 'Flower Planter'.

It gave birth to one of the earliest civilizations of Blue Star.

Its elegance, its beauty, and its wealth have attracted many envious eyes, as well as malicious pretenders.

The humiliation of the great powers, in order to rebuild the flower growers, 100 years ago, a group of "rabbits" who embraced the dream of a great country gathered on a cruise ship on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, and opened a magnificent epic of fighting for their dreams. "

In 2011, domestic army fan netizen "Flying Against the Light" created a series of comics of the same name based on the long post "The Glorious Past of the Little White Rabbit" written by Wild Wind Wolf, which was serialized on the Internet.

A series of comics created by domestic military fan netizen "Flying Against the Light" presents some major domestic and foreign military and diplomatic events before and after the founding of China in the form of animal cartoons. History adds a lot of interest.Because the content of the comics closely follows the hot topics of current events, it greatly stimulates the patriotic enthusiasm of readers.

The cartoon adopts the q version of animal shapes, and recounts some major military and diplomatic events in China's modern history in networked language.It can be said that this animation is the mainstay of Guoman.

After listening to Su Mu's narration, Zhang Ping was full of expectations for this unproduced animation. He vaguely understood the meaning of "Flower Planter", but in order to verify his guess, he still asked: "So, what is the meaning of "Flower Planter"? What is it?"

Su Mu looked at Zhang Ping, and said word by word: "The flower planter is a homonym for 'Zhonghua'.

A smile appeared on Zhang Ping's face, he guessed right.

Su Mu continued: "However, the flower growers here do not refer to the country under a certain regime, but the entire Chinese nation. And the flower growers call themselves descendants of Yan and Huang."

At this moment, Zhang Ping was a little impatient, so he got up and brought a pen and paper, and said to Su Mu, "Can you draw a few main representative figures?"

Su Mu has a certain level of painting skills, and he is not pretentious. He picked up the brush and started to draw. It only took three times, five times and two divisions, and the painting was finished.

"Draw it, let's see it!"

Su Mu put down the pen, and pushed the drawn paper in front of Zhang Ping.

On the paper, a little white rabbit was drawn, a cute and harmless little white rabbit.

Staring at the rabbit on the paper, Zhang Ping rubbed his chin with his right hand and said in silence for a long time, "Wouldn't it be a little lacking in domineering to use a little white rabbit as the protagonist?"

Su Mu knew that Zhang Ping would ask such a question, so he explained with a smile: "The little white rabbit I drew is not an ordinary little white rabbit. He is a little white rabbit with lofty ambitions, youthful vigor, often open cheats, and is full of affinity."

After listening to Su Mu's explanation, Zhang Ping felt that the little rabbit was almost meaningless.

Seeing this, Su Mu only said one sentence: "Zhang Ping, I don't know if you have heard an old saying: The rabbit will kick the eagle when it is anxious?"


Zhang Ping was taken aback for a moment, followed by a suddenly realized expression: "I understand!"

At this moment, Su Mu's phone rang suddenly.

Su Mu saw that it was an unfamiliar number.

After connecting, he asked, "Hello! Who is this?"

"Mr. Su, we were sent here after daytime, and we have arrived in Rongcheng now. May I ask Mr. Su, where are we going to find you now?"

"What kind of transportation did you come here by?"

"We flew here."

"...Then wait, I'll go pick you up."

"No, no, Mr. Su, just send us your location, and we will take a taxi there."

"Okay then, I'll add you on WeChat and send you the location...can you find your phone number?"


"Okay, hang up first, I'll add you."

After hanging up the phone, Su Mu copied the phone number, then switched to WeChat, pasted it in the search bar, clicked Search, and added it.

After adding friends, Su Mu directly sent the location.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping asked, "Is there anyone else?"

"Well, two masters invited from the imperial capital."

The person Bai Anqi is looking for is definitely not bad!


After half an hour.

Two people sent by Bai Anqi arrived.

Counting the time, Su Mu was already waiting outside the door for welcome.

The moment Su Mu saw the two of them, Su Mu stretched out his hand and hurried over, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I have too many things to do, so I forgot about it. I'm really sorry for not picking you up earlier! Today I'll be the host at night, and I'll greet you two as an apology!"

To be honest, the two of them felt a little uncomfortable at first, but seeing Su Mu's candid apology, they couldn't say anything more. Instead, they felt that Su Mu was real enough to suit their appetite.

"It's okay, Mr. Su, you are too polite!"

There is still something to be said about the scene.

After shaking hands, Su Mu led the two into the door.

At this point, the staff is here.

Su Mu clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, stop what you are doing, I have a few words to say."

Everyone looked at Su Mu.

Including Su Mu, there are a total of 8 people here.

These 8 people are all the production staff of "Things That Rabbit That Year" this time.

"The main purpose of calling everyone together this time is to fulfill one of my dreams - to make an animation about patriotism.

This animation, I named it: "Those Things That Rabbit That Year".

From this moment on, I am the director, Zhang Ping is the assistant director, and the crew of "That Rabbit" is officially established! "

clap clap clap!

clap clap clap!

clap clap clap!

There was applause, but not too enthusiastically.

Su Mu didn't care, and continued: "First of all, let me introduce two friends who came from afar from the imperial capital..."

After some introductions, they got to know each other, and Su Mu continued:

“I will arrange the preliminary work first.

I have just written the story and the script, and I will print it out and everyone will have a copy.

Zhang Ping is responsible for the overall art style design.

The shape design is in charge of by Wang Xiaohu.

Huang Wen is responsible for the scene and prop design.

Xiao Liu is responsible for the action style design.

Storyboard design is in charge of Zhao San.

Jin Mo is responsible for the sound image design.

For dubbing, Xiaomei and Xiaolian are in charge.

I'm in charge of coordinating the overall situation.

This was the case in the early stage, do you have any questions? "


Xiao Liu raised his hand and asked, "How is the salary calculated?"

This is a question of concern to all.

In order to increase the enthusiasm of employees and shorten the overall animation production time, Su Mu planned to use a lot of money to open the way, so he said: "During the working period, the salary and bonus are doubled, overtime is subsidized, and the salary is tripled on statutory holidays. Free transportation, free travel..."

After Su Mu finished speaking, the crowd was dumbfounded.

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