Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 89 The people who eat melons, it’s not a big deal to watch the excitement


Lin Li took a step forward. Seeing Lin Li's movement, the crop-cropped man and his younger brother immediately retreated a few steps in fright.

However, they didn't turn around and run away, because they knew that if they wanted to escape from this beast hunter who had at least the peak strength of the first level, it would be impossible for them to succeed with their abilities.

"Brother, I'm sorry, we made a mistake, let us go! Return the things to you." The panic-stricken man with a cropped head apologized to Lin Li while putting the stolen spirit weapon long sword and backpack on the ground.

The terrified thin monkey saw his elder brother confessed, and immediately followed suit. He threw the fruit knife in his hand into the green belt by the roadside, and admitted his mistake sincerely.

"Big brother, I'm sorry, I was just joking just now, and I didn't intend to fight with you."

These two guys are too cowardly... Lin Li, who was about to do something, was a little disappointed when he saw the reaction of the two thieves in front of him.

Now that they had all admitted their cowardice, Lin Li couldn't do anything to them anymore, so he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of the Public Security Bureau.

It's just that as soon as he dialed the phone number, he hung up the next second.

After hanging up the phone number of the Public Security Bureau, he switched to calling the phone number of the Ability Management Bureau, because Lin Li thought that the man with the cropped hair was a practitioner, and if such a person committed a crime, it would be dealt with by the Ability Management Bureau.

Seeing Lin Li calling, the inch-cut man and his younger brother guessed in their hearts that the other party was reporting the crime, so they begged for mercy.

"Brother, please forgive us this time! We know we were wrong, and we will never dare again."

"Boss, don't call the police! We know we were wrong, give us a chance to make amends!"

Lin Li looked at the two thieves with regretful faces in front of him, and said expressionlessly.

"You are all adults. Before doing such a thing, you should think about the price you will pay if you are caught on the spot."

The inch-cut man and his younger brother fell silent immediately after hearing Lin Li's words.

They knew in their hearts that when the law enforcement officers arrived, they would be arrested and eaten in prison.

The two thieves who didn't want to go to jail looked at each other, and when they were about to turn around and run away separately, they froze.


Lin Li raised his empty right hand, a small fireball the size of a pigeon egg appeared at his fingertips, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded into a large fireball with a diameter of [-] centimeters.

"You'd better give up the idea of ​​running away, otherwise...Of course, if you are confident that you can avoid my fireball attack, then you just run away."


The inch-cropped man and his little brother stared blankly at the blazing fireball floating above Lin Li's fingertips, swallowed together, and the thought of running away in their hearts disappeared at this moment.

Not far away, the customers at Lin Li's small hot pot stall also noticed what happened at Lin Li's side.

At first, the guests who ate the small hot pot thought that Lin Li had an argument with those two people, and it should be fine after a few curses, so they were not overly curious.

Until they saw a blazing fireball suddenly appear in Lin Li's hand, these melon passers-by who were eating small hot pot and watching the excitement were suddenly aroused.

Practitioners with awakening abilities want to hit people with fireballs. This kind of thing is rare, so hurry up and take a picture with your mobile phone... Such a thought instantly appeared in the minds of those who saw this scene.

Ever since!Many people took out their mobile phones and began to shoot at the three people not far away, and the focus of the shooting was mainly on the practitioner holding a flaming fireball in his hand.


"Hello, this is Rongcheng Ability Management Bureau."

"There is a cultivator here who stole my car, and now he is under my control, please send someone over here."

"Okay, please tell me where you are now."

"My current location is..."

Lin Li reported his current address to the operator on the phone, and after calling the police, he put away his mobile phone. At this time, he also heard noisy discussions behind him.

Turning his head and looking behind him, Lin Li's heart skipped a beat. He saw many customers taking pictures of him with their mobile phones at the stall where he ate the small hot pot.

Fainted, I forgot that there were many people eating small hot pot not far away... Lin Li quickly turned his head and extinguished the fireball floating on the tip of his right finger at the same time.

Seeing the practitioner extinguishing the fireball in his hand, the melon-eaters thought that the other party was not going to hit people with fireballs. They were relieved and disappointed at the same time... People who eat melons, watching the excitement is not a problem big.

However, the melon-eaters present did not rush forward, but stood still and took pictures from a distance with their mobile phones.

After all, one of them is a cultivator, and he can still use abilities like fireballs. It would be bad if he got too close and was accidentally affected.

There were indistinct voices of discussion in the distance. Although Lin Li really wanted to get in the car and leave this place, he had already called the police just now, so it was not good to just leave like this.

Amidst the staring gazes of those who eat melon passers-by and the whispering discussions, Lin Li felt like he was sitting on pins and needles, but the two dejected thieves didn't feel much.

Fortunately, the investigators sent by the Ability Management Bureau didn't keep Lin Li waiting for a long time. About three to four minutes later, a police car from the Ability Management Bureau arrived at the scene.

Two investigators, a man and a woman, got out of the car. They didn't look very old, about 26 or 1.8 years old. The man had a Chinese character face and a burly figure, 1.7 meters five in height. The woman had an oval face and a slim figure, [-] meters in height. two.

The look of despair on the faces of the two thieves who stole Lin Li's things grew even stronger when the investigators arrived.

"Sir, are you the one who called the police?" The burly investigator glanced at the two listless thieves, and then asked the calm Lin Li.

"I called the police. Just now I was driving home after having dinner on the side of the road, but I saw these two men standing sneakily in front of my car..."

Lin Li briefly described the process of pickpocketing his car when he saw the two thieves just now.

"You said that you have already become a practitioner, and you have awakened abilities, but you still do such illegal activities. I really don't know what you think?"

After listening to Lin Li's description, the slender investigator lady looked at the cropped man and said puzzledly.

"..." The short-haired man didn't dare to look directly into the investigator's eyes, and lowered his head in silence.


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