As the sun set in the west, under the bright red sunset, whether it was the flowers, plants and trees in the wilderness, or the beast hunter who was returning to the safe zone, all of them were covered with a bright red veil.

"Hey, friend, how is your team doing today?" A beast hunter with a wounded hand and a bandage asked his colleagues from another team of beast hunters.

"It's not bad. We hunted and killed ten Tier [-] beasts in total." The beast hunter with a bandage wrapped around his chest injury responded to his colleagues with a smile.

"Ten! That's not bad, but we are far behind. We only hunted 6 first-order beasts in total." The beast hunter with bandages on his hands said with a smile.

"To be honest, compared with our usual results, ten strange beasts are still relatively small."

"The main reason is that there are too many people participating in the suppression operation today. If it is reduced by half, everyone's harvest should increase a lot."


On the way back to the safe zone, the beast hunters asked each other what they had gained from this operation. There were countless conversations like this,

Compared with the harvest harvested by a team of alien beast hunters composed of three or four people, or four or five people, or six or seven people.

Lin Li who acted alone, his harvest today is actually better than most of the beast hunter team.

"In the afternoon, I hunted a total of seven first-level alien beasts. Counting the two early-stage second-stage bear alien beasts and two first-level rabbit alien beasts that I harvested in the morning, I hunted a total of eleven today. Alien beast.

Although today's harvest is less than my previous harvest in the wilderness on the outskirts of the Eastern District.

But those two beasts at the beginning of the second stage can only match several first-stage beasts.

On the whole, my participation in the Alien Beast Suppression Operation organized by the Alien Beast Hunters Guild this time is considered a bumper harvest. "I calculated the harvest of Lin Li today, and I couldn't help showing a happy smile on my face.

"Except for the gray bear beast that I beat beyond recognition, I took it into the mysterious island as nourishment, and I handed over all the other beasts to the 'Usu Recycling' company for disposal.

Also, the Alien Beast Hunters Guild said that in this campaign, as long as someone hunts and kills three Alien Beasts above the first-order peak, there will be an additional 10 yuan bonus, and I have also fulfilled their request.

That one-thousand-kilo black bear beast can sell for 10 yuan anyway, so if I calculate it this way, I have at least 20 yuan in cash this time.

Hahaha... today's wave earned at least 20 yuan, and being a beast hunter really made money as fast as the Internet said.

If I had spent more time hunting monsters to earn money, I would have earned back my spent 100 million yuan deposit in no time. "


The sun was about to set, and Lin Li, who walked into the parking lot, came to the place where he parked.

He saw a staff member of the Alien Beast Hunters Guild standing in front of his van, and some of the surrounding Alien Beast Hunters who did not drive away immediately looked at his van and the staff member with curious eyes.

"Hello, what happened to my car?" Lin Li asked the staff member standing in front of his car.

The staff member of the Alien Beast Hunters Association received a report that some ordinary people secretly parked their cars in this parking lot specially reserved for Alien Beast Hunters.

After receiving the report, he hurried over to check it out. As a result, he really saw a very conspicuous and ordinary silver van in the parking lot full of off-road vehicles.

Just when the staff member was thinking about whether to call a tow truck to tow away the van that had entered the parking lot without permission, he heard someone behind him questioning him.

Turning around to look, he immediately saw a young man in a camouflage uniform, with a backpack on his back, and a long sword in his hand.

As a staff member of the Alien Beast Hunters Guild, when he saw the other party's outfit, he immediately knew that this person was the Alien Beast Hunter who participated in today's suppression operation.

"Hi sir, is this car yours?"

"Hmm! It's my car. What's the matter? Is there any problem?" Lin Li looked at the other party suspiciously, not understanding why the other party would ask this question.

"Cough..." The staff coughed lightly to hide the embarrassment on his face, thinking that he couldn't let this young beast hunter know that his car was reported to be parked indiscriminately, and he was going to call a tow truck to deliver it. His car is towed away.

"No problem. I just came in for inspection. I happened to pass by here. I saw your car, sir, which is rare, so I stopped to admire it." The staff member who was not blushing and heartbeat said with a smile.

"What do you mean this car of mine is rare? Isn't it just an ordinary van? There are quite a few on the street! Could it be that this person has something wrong with his mind."

Lin Li muttered something in his heart, nodded at the other party, then took out the car keys from his pocket, and opened the car door.

After getting in the car, Lin Li put the long sword in his hand and the backpack on the passenger seat, then he started the car, drove out of the parking lot, and quickly drove towards the city.

"It's really his car! Weird, weird! I've worked in the Alien Beast Hunters Guild for over ten years, and this is the first time I've seen a Alien Beast Hunter drive a van." The staff looked at the van driving into the distance, Mouth to himself.

"Damn... that person just now is not suspicious of my van, someone from outside drove in secretly!"

On the straight road, Lin Li, who was driving a van back to the city, let out a scream belatedly, and then showed a little annoyed look on his face.

"I've been suspected. What's wrong with driving a van? It's really unreasonable. Isn't it an off-road vehicle? I'll go to the rental company to rent one tomorrow."


Taking a deep breath, Lin Li calmed himself down, "There's no need to be angry with that kind of person, I just like driving a van, why not?

Now the van is enough, I rent an expensive off-road vehicle for daily rent for a short-term, there is no need to waste that money, after I make a lot of money in the future, I will directly change to a top-equipped off-road vehicle..."


The sun went down quickly, and the last ray of the setting sun in the sky disappeared, and the city's nightlife officially started.

Driving a silver van, Lin Li on the highway from the outskirts of the North District to the East District. When he entered the suburbs from the suburbs, he suddenly saw a small self-service hot pot stall set up by a merchant on the side of the road ahead.


Lin Li, who had been busy all afternoon in the wilderness, felt a little hungry at the moment. He looked at the eating stall in the distance, thought for a while, and then parked the car on the side of the road.


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