Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 84 The third small fruit from the magical little tree

Lin Li, who just wanted the beast hunters in front of him to leave quickly, naturally declined Chen Gangshan's help, "Thank you, no need, I can handle it by myself."

Seeing that the other party rejected his request for help, Chen Gangshan smiled slightly, then said a few words to his teammates and other colleagues who came to help, and then they left.


Lin Li let out a long breath when he saw the group of alien hunters leave. After all, the land at the scene was not his personal.

If those beast hunters had no intention of leaving, even if they wanted to watch him deal with the four prey in front of him, he couldn't drive them away.

In Lin Li's perception, those beast hunters who exuded psychic fluctuations gradually drifted away until they were out of the maximum range he could perceive.

Of course, there is also a possibility that those alien beast hunters who left no longer used the spiritual energy in their bodies, so that they could not use their mental power to perceive their positions.

But this possibility is very low, after all, they don't need to do this at all.

Because in this hill, strange beasts may appear in the grass at any time to launch a sneak attack, and they are not like themselves, who can hide in the mysterious island with a single thought.

So now they need to maintain the operation of their spiritual energy at all times, so that when they are attacked by strange beasts, they can respond immediately and use spiritual energy to attack.

After Lin Li sensed that all the alien beast hunters had left, he bent down, stretched out his left hand, and pressed on the bloody gray bear alien.

With a thought, the bloody gray bear disappeared immediately.


A mysterious island surrounded by white mist.

A bloody gray bear and strange beast appeared out of thin air in front of the magical little tree. In the next second, the crown of the luxuriant magical little tree bloomed with a pale golden aura.

In just a few breaths, this huge gray bear with only the strength of the first stage of the second stage was completely transformed into a white mist, and all of it was absorbed by the magical little tree.

If Lin Li was on the scene at this moment, he would definitely find that after the magical little tree absorbed the flesh and blood essence of the gray bear beast, the original [-]% progress instantly became [-]%.

When the magical little tree put away the faint golden light, a small black fruit the size of a grain of rice appeared on the branch of the magical little tree.

The magical little tree has grown small fruits again. This time, the fruit it grows is actually black. A light golden light flashes on the surface of the pitch-black small fruit, which proves that although its color is not very good-looking, it is Is unique in itself...


After taking the bloody gray bear into the mysterious island, Lin Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the software of the "Usu Recycling" company, and placed an order for a medium-sized unmanned transport plane.

After the order was placed, the backstage of the system immediately confirmed the receipt, and sent a medium-sized unmanned transport plane to Lin Li's location.

It may be because there are fewer customers calling for medium-sized unmanned transport aircraft, so the efficiency of "Usu Recycling" in arranging aircraft is faster than when Lin Li called for small unmanned transport aircraft last time.

The background of the system shows that the medium-sized unmanned transport aircraft called by Lin Li will take about 15 minutes to arrive. Taking advantage of this free time, Lin Li found a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves by the stream and sat down in the shade of it. .

"Hiss..." Lin Li, who checked his body for injuries, gasped in pain.

The gray bear beast just wrapped its hair around his feet and dragged him to the ground several times.

Although there were no serious injuries to the body, there were many scrapes and bruises on the chest and shoulders.

"Learn your lesson, next time you won't have your feet entangled by the strange beast's ability." Lin Li muttered in his heart while applying healing ointment to the wound on his body.

After dealing with the minor injuries on his body, he began to practice to recover the spiritual energy he had consumed.

Just now, he used all his firepower to deal with the gray bear beast, and in the end, as Lin Li expected, he could quickly kill the opponent with his full vitality.

But after that battle, although his physical strength was not consumed much, most of the spiritual energy in his body was consumed.

Today's Alien Beast Elimination Operation organized by the Alien Beast Hunters Guild lasted ten hours from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm.

Less than two hours have passed since the event started, and most of my psionic energy has been consumed. If I don't recover, I may have to leave early at noon and go back home.

Under the big tree with luxuriant branches, Lin Li, who was sitting on the grass with his back against the tree trunk, began to exercise the spiritual energy in his body to practice, and the spiritual energy floating in the air began to gather towards him quickly.

After a while, a lot of psionic energy gathered within a radius of one meter around Lin Li.

After eating the second small blue fruit grown from the magical little tree, Lin Li's cultivation aptitude was improved again.

From the efficiency of his cultivation this time, it can be seen that the spiritual energy that Lin Li has gathered in such a short period of time has far surpassed that of other practitioners with average cultivation qualifications of the same level.

Under normal circumstances, if you don't practice and rely on your body to recover the consumed spiritual energy, in Lin Li's current situation, it may take four to five hours to recover to the full state.

And now he is taking the initiative to practice and recover. If he is not disturbed, he can recover in about one and a half to two hours. This kind of cultivation efficiency is more than five times faster than Lin Li's cultivation efficiency before eating Xiaoguo.


In the rolling hills, it is very quiet on weekdays.

In addition to the chirping of insects and birds, some strange beasts occasionally roared a few times.

But today is different from the past, the hills are very lively, and various noises come and go one after another.

Along with dozens of alien beast hunter teams, as many as 300 alien beast hunters entered this hill, causing the alien beasts living here and posing a certain threat to the northern area of ​​Rongcheng to be wiped out in a blanket manner.

"Chase, don't let that strange beast escape."

"Stop it quickly, that guy is going to run towards that stream, don't let it jump into the stream."

"Have you heard? Someone has already hunted down two strange beasts at the beginning of the second stage."

"I heard that it was two very powerful beasts that were hunted down."

"Hey, our team just hunted and killed a first-level high-level alien beast. We need to work harder! We are too far behind others."

"My friend, this is the prey our team found first. Look, it still has an arrow shot by our team members stuck in it."

"Okay! Let's go find other prey..."

Lin Li, who was sitting under a big tree recovering his spiritual energy, heard the louder noise from a distance, he immediately interrupted his practice, and then stood up.

At this time, nearly an hour and a half had passed since he put the black bear and two rabbits on the unmanned transport plane.

Although Lin Li didn't recover all the psionic energy he had consumed, it was almost there.

The psionic energy in his body at this moment is enough for him to move until the end of this campaign as long as he doesn't deal with the second-order beasts.

"It's time to have lunch. People are iron and rice is steel. Only when you are full will you have the strength to hunt and kill strange beasts."

Lin Li took out his phone from his pocket to check the time, and found that it was nearly twelve o'clock.

Then he started to cook in his daily life. He was going to eat noodles at noon, but this time he didn't cook instant noodles, but hand-rolled noodles.


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