Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 76 More monks and less porridge

"Young people nowadays! They are very aggressive, but such recklessness is not advocated..." Liu Jinyang looked at the place where Lin Li disappeared, sighed, then turned and left, heading for the temporary camp site set up by the Alien Beast Hunters Guild .

Being able to become the representative of the Alien Beast Hunters Guild, Liu Jinyang is also a senior Alien Beast Hunter who is used to seeing life and death.

For the newcomer Alien Beast Hunter who insisted on acting alone, as someone who has experienced it, a few words of persuasion are enough.

It is the other party's business whether to listen or not. We are all adults and we must be responsible for the choices we make.


On the wilderness after the rain, the plants showed a vibrant scene. The dense weeds that were growing vigorously became more vigorous after a heavy rain.

The wilderness terrain on the outskirts of the North District is much more complicated than that on the outskirts of the East District.

The wilderness on the outskirts of the East End is mostly plains, while the wilderness on the outskirts of the North End is mostly hills.

The mission site for the clean-up operation is 5 kilometers away from the safe zone, where there are rolling hills.

According to the information provided by the Alien Beast Hunters Guild, a large number of Tier [-] Alien Beasts that ran out of the Lishan Forest made their home in this hill.

These strange beasts who made their homes in the hills were very restless, and they would often run out of the hills and move to the outskirts of the northern district.

Although the strange beasts did not fully enter the safe zone on the outskirts of the northern district, every time they moved to the safe zone on the outskirts of the northern district, they got closer and closer.

With the passage of time, the range of activities of these numerous first-order beasts will invade the safe zone sooner or later.

This kind of situation is absolutely not allowed to happen by human beings. The setting of the safe zone is the bottom line drawn by human beings for themselves.

As long as a strange beast approaches or invades the safe zone, it will immediately be severely counterattacked by the human side.

For some powerful and intelligent alien beasts, under normal circumstances, they would not approach the safe zone of human cities.

On the contrary, those alien beasts who are not strong and have low IQ feel that there are no powerful alien beasts near the human safety zone. If they settle down near the safe zone, they can avoid being hunted and killed by those powerful alien beasts.

As a result, they will move their old nests or range of activities closer to the human safety zone.

It is precisely because of this simple idea that those first-order beasts that ran out of the Lishan forest also performed the same operation, constantly moving towards the safe area on the outskirts of the northern district.


"Look there, it's a wild boar, don't let it get away."

"I saw that there seemed to be a strange animal hiding in the grass."

"Horse, here is a hedgehog beast, come here quickly!"

"I found a hornet's nest here, has anyone awakened the fire ability? If so, come and give it a fire!"

Standing by a small stream, Lin Li watched a group of alien beast hunters cleaning up the first-order alien beasts in the hills. Those who killed them and the alien beasts ran away with their heads in their arms, he couldn't help thinking.

"There are too many alien beast hunters participating in the suppression operation this time. Will there be enough first-order alien beasts in the hills that escaped from the Lishan forest?

During this period of time, all the hunted animals were contributed to the magical little tree on the mysterious island, and the money left in his pocket was over 1 yuan after spending the past few days.

If you don't make any more money, don't face the same penniless dilemma as before. "

Looking at the team of alien beast hunters who had already hunted the alien beasts, Lin Li knew that he had to do it quickly, otherwise, his trip today might be in vain.



The dense grass swayed for a while, and a figure was chasing the rabbit beast that was fleeing desperately in front of it.

After jumping out of the grass, this rabbit beast exuding mid-level first-stage psychic energy fluctuations, because it escaped too fast, had no time to brake, and directly bumped into a large half-meter-diameter outside the grass. tree.


A rabbit beast that hit a big tree was bleeding on the spot, but this did not cause fatal damage to it.

When it got up from the ground in a daze, and was about to continue to escape, a long sword, a spiritual weapon that was blooming with pale golden aura, pierced its heart precisely, piercing its heart.


The rabbit beast that suffered the fatal blow jumped twice, and then stopped struggling.

"The alien beasts on the outskirts of the hills have all been hustled by those alien beast hunters. It is better to go deep into the hills to find prey."

Lin Li, who hunted a rabbit and a strange animal, looked at the first prey he had harvested today, with a smile on his face, and then he pulled out the spirit weapon long sword from the opponent's body.


There was a sound from the grass behind him, and Lin Li looked back immediately. In his spiritual perception, there was a psionic energy wave at the beginning of the second stage and three psionic energy waves at the peak of the first stage in the grass.

Although Lin Li is currently at the beginning of the second stage of cultivation, he may only be able to fight the opponent [-]/[-] against the same level of beasts, but if he uses the ability, his chances of winning will be greatly improved, about [-]% odds.

However, if the other party brings a helper, the result will be unpredictable.

Four figures came out of the thick grass, Lin Li was relieved to see that they were human beings.

If it was really a beast at the beginning of the second stage, with three beasts at the peak of the first stage, Lin Li would have to run away with the prey.

"Friends... your team has hunted down the prey, congratulations!" The leading alien hunter at the beginning of the second stage said with a smile when he saw a rabbit alien lying at Lin Li's feet.

"It's just luck." Lin Li responded to the colleagues in front of him with a smile.

"Where are your teammates! Why are you here alone?"

"They're looking for a strange beast. I'll follow after I've dealt with this prey." Lin Li knew that the other party had misunderstood that he had a teammate, so he didn't explain much. He followed the other party's words and asked, "You haven't hunted yet?" Have you killed a strange beast?"

"No! There are too many colleagues who came to participate in the suppression operation today. We have been wandering around for a long time but haven't found any prey. No, there is really no other way. We can only try our luck in the depths of the hills." The leading second-stage early stage The beast hunter said with a smile.

It has been more than half an hour since Liu Jinyang, the representative of the Alien Beast Hunters Association, announced the official start of the operation.

For the Alien Beast Hunter Squad, who saw other Alien Beast Hunters having a good harvest, but they themselves got nothing, they were a little anxious in their hearts, eager to find their prey.

The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries, and then the team of alien beast hunters left.


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