"Drinking capacity can be practiced! Don't worry, with my sister, I will accompany you to practice drinking capacity, and your drinking capacity will improve soon." Su Yue patted her broad chest and smiled at Lin Li.

"No, it's easy to talk about other things, but the amount of alcohol is out of the question. If I have a choice, I won't drink!

That stuff doesn't suit my appetite at all, if it wasn't for entertainment today, I wouldn't drink it! "Lin Li shook his head, and rejected Su Yue's proposal to help him improve his drinking capacity.

"You! You really don't know how to be blessed when you are in the blessing. If someone else heard me saying that I would help him improve his drinking capacity, he would jump up happily." Seeing that Lin Li rejected her proposal, Su Yue curled her lips.

"Okay, let's stop talking, I'm a little dizzy now, I have to go home quickly, take a shower and go to bed." Lin Li, who was blown drunk by gusts of wind, just wanted to go home quickly, and had no time to talk to Su Yue. Let's continue talking about how much we drink.

"Well, then go home quickly!" Su Yue also saw Lin Li's shaky body at the moment through the phone screen, nodded and said.

Just when Lin Li was about to end the video call, he heard Su Yue say again.

"Lin Li, do you have clothes to dry on your balcony? If you have any, put them away as soon as you get home. I just read the weather forecast and said that there will be thunderstorms tonight."

As soon as Su Yue finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly blew towards Lin Li, and then, a bright silver-white electric light flashed across the sky.


The deafening thunder exploded in the sky after the bright silver-white lightning flashed.

"Understood." Lin Li said to Su Yue, and then hung up the video call.

He raised his head and glanced at the dark sky in the distance, only to see bright silver-white thunderbolts flashing there frequently.




The thunder that sounded from time to time, and the rustling sound of the branches and leaves that were violently shaken by the strong wind, resounded through the entire community.

"Tick, tick..."

Raindrops fell from the sky, one drop at first, and then quickly formed a string.

When Lin Li ran into the corridor, the pattering rain turned into a torrential downpour, and the hazy rain curtain enveloped the entire community.

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would be drowned... Those clothes hanging on the balcony are hopeless now."

Standing at the entrance of the corridor, Lin Li muttered something while looking at the hazy rain outside, then turned and walked towards the elevator entrance.



Lin Li turned on the light at home. Just as he took off his shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet, a thunderous thunder suddenly exploded, which shocked everyone. Immediately afterwards, the lights at home suddenly went out.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Li stared blankly at the dark room, then he checked the wiring in his home and found that there was no problem.

Then he opened the WeChat group of residents in the community, and saw that many residents were asking about the power outage.

Soon, Aunt Wang from the household committee appeared and issued a notice.

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Because of this thunderstorm, the circuit in our area has failed. Now the power bureau has sent staff to repair it. Normal power supply should be restored after a while."

I still want to take a hot bath and sleep!It's all right now, it will take a while to wash... Lin Li muttered a little depressed.

Afterwards, he went to the balcony to put his rain-wet clothes into the room, and then returned to the living room. When he was sitting on the sofa and was about to play with his mobile phone for a while, there was a knock on the door of the house.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Now that the entire community is without power, who is going to knock on the door?


Lin Li came out of the entrance, reached out to open the door, and found that it was the beautiful female neighbor next door to him.

Xia Qing held the mobile phone with the light turned on in her hand, and when she saw Lin Li open the door, and saw that his home was also in darkness, she knew that it wasn't just her own home that had a power outage.

"Xia Qing, what's the matter?"

"Lin Li, there was a sudden power outage at home just now. I don't know anything about electrical circuits, so I thought of coming over to ask if you can fix it."

"It's not an isolated case of being scared of a power outage. It has nothing to do with our community. It's because the external circuit has failed...

In the household WeChat group just now, Aunt Wang of the household committee said that the power bureau has sent staff to repair it, and the normal power supply will be restored in a while. "

"It turned out to be like this! At first I thought the fuse at home was blown!"

"Xia Qing, did you not join the residents' WeChat group?"

Xia Qing nodded when she heard the words, Lin Li thought about it, and said to him, "Let's add WeChat to each other! Later, I will send your WeChat to Aunt Wang of the Residential Committee, and ask her to pull you into the household WeChat group.

The household committee sometimes sends some news in the household WeChat group. You live in this community now, if you don’t enter the household WeChat group, it is easy to miss some announcements. "

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Xia Qing said, opened her WeChat, and added friends with Lin Li.

Afterwards, she went home and waited for the power supply to return to normal. After closing the door, Lin Li immediately forwarded Xia Qing's WeChat message to Aunt Wang of the Residential Committee, asking the other party to add Xia Qing and pull her into the residents' WeChat group.

"Okay, I'll pull Miss Xia into the residents' WeChat group." Aunt Wang replied after receiving the message from Lin Li.

After finishing Xia Qing's matter, Lin Li went back to the living room and lay down on the sofa.




The sound of thunder outside the window, the sound of wind, and the sound of rain patting on the window glass continued to sound, and these noisy sounds echoed in the dark living room.

Suddenly, Lin Li thought that instead of wasting time waiting for the power supply to return to normal, he might as well go to the mysterious island at this time and plant the fruit tree seedlings he bought in the afternoon.

With a thought, a faint golden light flashed on Lin Li who was lying on the sofa, and then he disappeared into the dark living room.


On a mysterious island with an area of ​​[-] square meters surrounded by white mist, a figure appeared out of thin air on the grass.

Lin Li, who came to the mysterious island, got up from the grass and walked quickly to two big bags full of things.

Leave the bag of various vegetable seeds alone for the time being, and now get rid of the other bag full of fruit tree seedlings.

Lin Li strolled around the flower and bird market in the East District for a long time today, and bought several seedlings of fruit trees.

They are peach trees, pear trees, apple trees, loquat trees, cherry trees, lychee trees, orange trees, bayberry trees, a total of eight kinds of fruit tree seedlings, two of each kind, a total of sixteen.


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