The bald man who had been punched several times by Lin Li was lying on the ground twitching all over his body at this moment. After trying to catch a few breaths, the pain in his body eased a little, and he asked Lin Li, "You... Are you a cultivator? By……?!!!"

"Guess." Lin Li glanced at the bald man and said calmly.

"You must be a practitioner!!!" The bald man said in a very firm tone, recalling the speed with which he faced Lin Li far beyond ordinary people, as well as the powerful fists and feet.

Lin Li ignored the other party. He took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed the number of the Public Security Bureau.

When the bald man saw Lin Li take out his cell phone and make a call, he immediately guessed who the other party was calling?

Regardless of the pain in his body, the bald man hurriedly shouted at Lin Li.

"My friend, don't call the Public Security Bureau! This is all a misunderstanding. We were wrong. We can pay a large sum of money as compensation."

Lin Li, who was on the phone, squinted at the bald man who was shouting loudly, his eyes were full of contempt.

"Shut up, you scumbags' money is not clean, I don't want it! You wait to go in and eat in prison!"

"Friend, 5 yuan, I can give you 5 yuan as compensation."

Faced with Lin Li's undisguised disdain, the bald man didn't give up his last hope, and quickly asked for a price.

"Hello, the Public Security Bureau? I want to report the crime. I was blocked and attacked by a few thieves..." After the call was connected, Lin Li said to the operator of the Public Security Bureau.

"6, no, 7... my friend, 7 yuan, as long as you are willing to let us go, we will give you 7 yuan."

Seeing that Lin Li was indifferent to the 5 yuan he quoted, the bald man immediately asked to increase the price, hoping to persuade Lin Li who was calling to report the crime.

"The address is at the Flower and Bird Market in the East District, No. 120, Guangqi Road." Lin Li ignored the bald man's price increase, and reported his current address to the operator of the Public Security Bureau.

"Damn it, this guy is determined to send us to prison for food."

Seeing that Lin Li had given his address, the bald man knew that it was impossible for him to let the other party let him go by spending money.

So he cursed in his heart, then gritted his teeth, endured the pain in his body, quickly got up from the ground, turned around and fled deep into the alley.

"Tsk, you guys still dare to run away? It seems that my attack was too light just now!"

The bald man who had just got up and ran a few steps deep into the alley suddenly heard a playful voice, and he was shocked. Just as he was about to sprint forward with all his strength, he felt a heavy blow to his back.


Lin Li quickly caught up with the fleeing bald man, kicked him on the back, and knocked him to the ground.

This time the bald man hit the ground face first, and blood came out of his nose immediately after the fall, looking very miserable.


The bald man covered his nose, his body curled up, and he howled in pain, looking very pitiful.

Excluding the alien beast, this was the second time Lin Li had fought with someone. The first time was when he had fought with the invigilator named Hao Zhuang when he took the qualification examination of the Alien Beast Hunters Guild.

At that time when he was fighting with the opponent, his arms were blue from the beating, and he didn't bleed. But this time, he beat the thieves to the ground, especially the leader of the bald man in front of him. His face was covered in blood.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the other party, Lin Li felt a little uncomfortable. Although he had seen blood many times when he hunted and killed alien beasts in the wild, the enemy in front of him was human after all, not the same as alien beasts.

These guys are scumbags, there is no need to show sympathy for them, just beat them up.

If I were just an ordinary person and blocked by these people, the fate of these people in front of me might be my fate.

Lin Li thought about it for a while, and then the uncomfortable feeling in his heart disappeared quickly. At this moment, he looked at the bald man whose nose was bleeding continuously, and his mood had become very calm.


After reporting the case, the Public Security Bureau dispatched the police very quickly. In less than 5 minutes, three police cars came out from the corner of the street and drove towards Lin Li's location quickly.


Three police cars stopped on the side of the street, and six security officers got out of the car.

The leading security officer was a middle-aged man in his 40s. He brought his colleagues and walked quickly to Lin Li.

After scanning the scene, he motioned to his colleagues to handcuff the four fellow thieves who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up.

"You called the police, right?" The leading security captain asked Lin Li when his colleagues brought the four handcuffed thieves into the police car.

"It's me." Lin Li nodded.

"Your skill is really good! With one against four, you are unscathed, and you still beat them like this..." the captain of the security guard said a little surprised.

"I'm a practitioner, so it's no problem dealing with ordinary people like them." Lin Li said frankly.

Because he had already registered his identity as a practitioner before, if the security officer in front of him wanted to investigate him, he would have to get the information, so there was no need to hide it.

Although the relevant laws promulgated by the government expressly stipulate that if practitioners attack ordinary people, the crime of beating and wounding will be added to the crime.

But there is a prerequisite for this, that is, if ordinary people take the initiative to attack practitioners or provoke them with harsh words, then practitioners can defend themselves legitimately.

And these accomplices of thieves in front of him took the initiative to find Lin Li's troubles, and it was within the scope of legitimate self-defense to attack these people.

"So you're a practitioner! Then it's normal." After hearing Lin Li's words, the captain of the security guard showed the original expression on his face.

Then he said to Lin Li, "Next, I will trouble you to come back to the bureau with us and make a record..."

"no problem."

Lin Li, who had long thought that after calling the police, he would follow the security officer back to the Public Security Bureau to make notes, nodded, and then got into the police car very cooperatively.


At [-]:[-] p.m., Lin Li, who handed over the recordings of the thieves and his accomplices recorded by his mobile phone to the security officer, and made a transcript, returned to the Ping An Garden Community.

"Although I wasted some time because it was an accomplice of thieves, but I can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people, and my time was not wasted.

Just now I heard from the security captain that those fellow thieves are habitual offenders. Since they were all arrested this time, they may have to go to prison for several years. They really deserve it. "

Lin Li, who was in a good mood, returned to the Ping An Garden Community and came to his parking space.

Next, he will go to the vegetable market to deal with the over 2000 catties of large white radishes harvested last night.


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