After Xia Qing's angry reprimand, the whole living room fell into a silent atmosphere.

Wang Haiyan and Zhou Dazhuang heard Xia Qing's angry reprimand, and knew that it would be impossible for them to borrow the vacant house from the other party as their son's wedding room.

The cheeky couple glanced at each other before launching a second plan.

"Xia Qing, since you don't want to borrow our house, then you can lend us some money and let us pay the down payment for Zhou Qiang's house!" Facing the bitter and mean Wang Haiyan, he asked Xia Qing to borrow money.

"..." Hearing that the other party wanted to borrow money from her, Xia Qing just looked at the other party without expression.

"Zhou Xian is such a powerful beast hunter, and he has made a lot of money. It is very easy for you to borrow us 30 yuan for the down payment of a house. We will earn the borrowed money and pay you back in the future." It's..." Zhou Dazhuang chimed in from the side.

"Over the past few years, I have lent money to you in pieces to start business, and the total amount is four to five million...

Let’s not talk about the interest, it’s just the principal, and I don’t see you paying back a penny, and now you’re going to borrow another 30 from me as soon as you open your mouth? "Xia Qing, who had been silent all this time, said quietly.

"It''s not that we don't want to pay back the money we borrowed! It's just that we lost money in business, so we don't have the money to pay you back.

This time is different from the past, we borrowed money from you, not to start a business, but to pay Zhou Qiang a down payment to buy a wedding house..." Zhou Dazhuang was embarrassed when Xia Qing mentioned that he hadn't repaid the borrowed money before, Then argued.

"That's right! We don't borrow money this time to do business, but just want to pay a down payment... Xia Qing! If the wedding room can't be settled, the marriage between Zhou Qiang and his girlfriend will definitely fall through, so you can do it , give us a hand!

Zhou Qiang likes his girlfriend very much. If the marriage fails, I'm afraid Zhou Qiang will end up thinking about it.

You are an aunt, you can't just watch your nephew think about it! "Wang Haiyan begged Xia Qing with a miserable expression on her face.

"..." Xia Qing fell silent again after hearing Wang Haiyan's words. After a few minutes, she sighed softly, and then said to the couple in front of her.

"For my husband's sake, this is the last time I'll help you, don't come to me again..."

"Yes, yes, we will not bother you again." Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan nodded excitedly when they heard that Xia Qing was willing to lend them money, as a promise.

"Give me a bank card number, and I'll transfer the money to you later." Xia Qing said.

"Well, I've already written the bank card number on a piece of paper." Wang Haiyan quickly took out a note with the bank card number from her pocket and handed it to Xia Qing.

"..." Xia Qing stared blankly at the note handed over by the other party, thinking that the two of them might have envisioned all kinds of situations before they came.

But at this moment, Xia Qing was too lazy to bother with them, she just wanted to get rid of these two brazen couples quickly, and restore her life to its previous peaceful state.

Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan saw Xia Qing take over the note with their bank card number written in advance, and then they stood up and said goodbye.

Because they knew Xia Qing's character, and since the other party had promised to help them, she would definitely fulfill her promise.

Their series of actions just now had angered Xia Qing, and it was not good to stay at her house any longer. She took the initiative to leave to let the other party calm down, so that she could send the money to herself as soon as possible.



"Huh..." After Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan left, Xia Qing, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, let out a long breath.

"Mom." Zhou Tongtong, who was hiding in the bedroom doing her homework, came out of the room when she heard her uncle and aunt had left outside the door.

Xia Qing, who was originally looking a little ugly, immediately showed her usual gentle smile when she heard her daughter calling her.

"Tongtong, is there anything you want to eat at noon? Mom is going out to the vegetable market to buy vegetables."

"Mom, I want to eat braised fish." Zhou Tongtong said after thinking about it.

"Okay, I'll go to the vegetable market to buy fish later, and make braised fish for Tongtong." Xia Qing said to her daughter with a smile.


The elevator door opened, and Zhou Dazhuang and Wang Haiyan walked out of the elevator.

"I'll just say it! My move will definitely work..." Zhou Dazhuang said to Wang Haiyan triumphantly.

"First I said I wanted to borrow her house, and then I asked her to borrow money, and then I sold it miserably, and begged her, and she basically agreed...Husband, you are amazing!" Wang Haiyan laugh.

"Don't look at Xia Qing's weak temper and she has a very good temper. In fact, she is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. We play the emotional card, and under normal circumstances, as long as she can help, she will help. "

Zhou Dazhuang triumphantly shared his analysis of Xia Qing.

"The down payment for my son's wedding room is finally settled now. Husband, after Xia Qing sends the money, tell me that we will take my son to see the house immediately and settle the house as soon as possible."

"En." Zhou Dazhuang nodded, responded in a low voice, his eyes flickered a few times, he seemed to have some thoughts in his heart, Wang Haiyan didn't notice her husband's abnormality.


The sky is bright, with dark clouds, and the sunlight from the golden sun, through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the big trees, reflects mottledly on the road.

With the occasional gust of wind, the branches of the trees were rattled by the wind, and the mottled tree shadows reflected on the road swayed from side to side with the branches and leaves blown by the wind.

"Got it, got it..."

The endless cries of the tireless cicadas interweave with the roar of passing cars, forming a wonderful symphony.

At the entrance of Rongcheng First Hospital, Lin Li was holding a physical examination report in his hand.

All the indicators written in this physical examination report were normal, which made Lin Li, who had been worried about his health problems, heaved a sigh of relief.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the appetite suddenly increased. Since no problems were found after a comprehensive physical examination, there was only one possibility.

The sudden increase in my appetite is most likely caused by the small fruit grown from that magical little tree that I ate.

"Let's take a look again! Anyway, the physical examination report says that I am very healthy.

Although the appetite has suddenly increased, it is still within the range of normal people. Maybe this side effect after eating the small fruit will disappear after a few days. "

Lin Li muttered a few words, and stopped thinking about the sudden increase in his appetite.


ps: Thanks for the 1000-point reward from "Just Take a Look Again".

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