"I didn't mumble anything, I just thought that today's buffet was very enjoyable. Thank you for your treat. I will treat you next time." Lin Li, who chose Congxin, said to Su Yue seriously.

"Lin Li, let's go to the shopping mall over there! I haven't bought any new clothes this summer!" Su Yue pointed to the shopping mall across the street and said to Lin Li.

These days, Lin Li, who hunts and kills strange animals in the wilderness, has already scrapped a pair of sneakers. High-intensity sports are really useless shoes. "Okay, I just happen to be going to buy a few new pairs of sneakers."

Afterwards, Lin Li and Su Yue crossed the road and walked towards the bustling shopping mall in the distance.


The colorful neon lights shine beautifully, embellishing the streets of the city like a dream.

It's past nine o'clock at night.


The elevator door opened, and Lin Li, who had been shopping with Su Yue in the shopping mall for several hours, came out of the elevator with a tired face after returning to the community.

"Shopping with a woman is really scary. If I had to choose between going to the wilderness to fight a strange beast or going shopping with Su Yue, I would rather go to the wilderness to fight a strange beast."

With a tired face, Lin Li took out the house key from his pocket to open the door, and said to himself.



After returning home, Lin Li first turned on the light at home, then took off his shoes and put them in the shoe cabinet, then put on his indoor slippers and walked into the living room.

With a thought, two shopping bags appeared in his hands.

Looking at the two shopping bags taken out from the mysterious island, Lin Li immediately took out the two shoe boxes from the shopping bags.

"These two pairs of sneakers cost nearly 3000 yuan, which is really expensive!"

Originally, Lin Li didn't intend to buy such expensive sneakers, but the words of the shopping guide who sold sneakers moved him.

"Sir, our sneakers are very popular among alien hunters. All the alien hunters who wear them say that our sneakers are good. They are very suitable for outdoor activities. Chasing alien beasts is called speed."

Expensive is a bit expensive, but you get what you pay for. I tried it on in the store just now, and it feels very comfortable... Lin Li muttered, then took the sneakers out of the shoe box and put them in the In the shoe cabinet at the entrance.

At that time, when I bought these two pairs of sneakers, there was another episode where Su Yue looked at Lin Li in surprise.

Originally, Su Yue thought that Lin Li went to this expensive sneaker store just to have a look, but he didn't expect that he really spent thousands of dollars to buy two pairs of expensive sneakers.

This is not in line with Lin Li's consumption habits, because Su Yue knows that Lin Li usually only buys sports shoes at a price of two or three hundred yuan.

Of course, after Lin Li paid the money and bought two pairs of expensive sports shoes, he also noticed the surprised look in Su Yue's eyes.

After thinking for a while, he knew why Su Yue had such an expression.

So he said to Su Yue seriously, "These shoes are very comfortable to wear. After wearing them, I can move bricks on the construction site better." 'Using such a joke successfully distracted Su Yue's attention.

"It's still early, don't rush to bed, I'll go to the mysterious island to clean up the white radishes in the field."

Lin Li first glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, and then he had a thought, a faint golden aura flashed across his body, and then he disappeared into the living room.


In an unknown space, on a mysterious island surrounded by white mist, a figure stood in front of a small tree about two meters high, with a puzzled look on his face.

When I came to Lin Li on the mysterious island, before I went to the field to clean up the white radishes in the field, I went to the magical little tree to see if my baby had grown any small fruits.

The reality is that the magical little tree did not grow any small fruit, and then Lin Li had an idea to see how the progress was going, but something unexpected happened to him.

"Seven percent?!!!"

"That's not right! Counting the gray wolf beast that I cut off a piece of meat at noon, I hunted and killed fourteen first-order beasts. Logically speaking, the progress at this moment should be 14.00%! "

Lin Li thought about the progress again and again, and relevant information appeared in his mind again and again, but the information was always [-]%, and the data did not change.

"Hey... I thought it was too beautiful, how can it be so simple to become a powerful practitioner?

The magical little tree absorbed the flesh and blood essence of fourteen first-order alien beasts, and the conversion progress was [-]%, which was equivalent to one percent of the progress provided by two first-order alien beasts.

This time, if I want to achieve [-]% progress, I need two hundred to first-order beasts, which is twice as many as before. "

Lin Li looked at the miraculous little tree in front of him, which had become luxuriant after absorbing the essence of the flesh and blood of alien animals. It completely lost the malnourished appearance at the beginning. He scratched his head and said to himself.

"Fortunately, the number has only doubled. With my current cultivation at the beginning of the second stage, as long as I spend a little more time, it is still easy to hunt and kill two hundred first-level beasts.

Before, I thought happily that with the improvement of my own strength, it will be easier and easier to complete the [-]% progress. By then, the magical little tree will not grow the magical fruit slowly.

Now it seems that the situation is not as easy as I thought. In the future, the magical little tree will need more and more flesh and blood of strange animals to grow small fruits.

Well, one must be content to be a human being, and contentment is the only way to be happy. Doesn't it mean that there are more first-order beasts that need to be hunted?It took me a little more time and it was a piece of cake.

Compared with other practitioners who practice hard day after day and year after year, they can finally break through their cultivation and reach a higher level. I can quickly break through my cultivation by hunting strange beasts and eating magical little fruits. The way to do it is already a hack!"

After comforting himself, Lin Li adjusted his mentality, and turned to go to the farmland that he had reclaimed with one hoe after another.

In the [-] square meters of farmland, there are ripe big white radishes waiting to be harvested.

"Get to work." Lin Li muttered to himself, rolled up his sleeves, and immediately started working in the fields.


The leaves of the white radish in the field are particularly vigorous. Lin Li stretched out his hand to hold the leaf of the white radish, his body leaned back slightly, and he pulled a white radish out of the ground with his hand.

"Hey, hey..."

Following the gourd painting, Lin Li pulled out fat white radishes from the ground one after another.

Compared to the time it took for Lin Li to plow the farmland with a hoe before, the process of harvesting white radishes did not take long.

After working for nearly 10 minutes, about 10 large white radishes weighing at least [-] catties were piled up on the grass beside the farmland.


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