Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 57 Could it be a physical problem?

After reading the announcement, someone opened a post on the communication section of the Alien Beast Hunter software to discuss the official mission announcement.

The way comes from the heart and the heart has no way: After the mission is over, people who participate in this mission will get an extra 10 yuan per person in addition to the beasts they hunted and killed. I have already signed up for this event. Chat with me privately if you work together as a team.

Pie Leader Fengyun: Upstairs, can you see clearly the content of the mission? The mission lasts for three days. Participants must hunt at least three first-tier peak alien beasts in order to get an extra 10 yuan.

Salted fish greedy: Aren't they just three first-order peak alien beasts?A piece of cake.

08a: That is, I will kill the first-order peak beasts at will.

灲敩: Are you so powerful?The strange beast at the peak of the first order was killed casually?Last time my teammates and I encountered a first-order peak beast in the wilderness, but it took our boss's efforts to get rid of it.

Kuang Shiyuan: I am in the early stage of the second stage, and I have already signed up for this mission. Do you have colleagues in the early stage of the second stage who want to join me?Interested in chatting with me privately.

Novel addicts: @kuangshiyuan, add me, I've chatted with you privately.

Xiaogebao: I am new and looking for a belt. I have a peak first-order cultivation base. Although I have just passed the qualification certificate of a beast hunter, I have awakened my supernatural ability.

Kuang Shiyuan: @小野宝, I chatted with you in private, add me on WeChat.

The way comes from the heart and the heart has no way: @小野宝, I am in the middle of the second stage, come to me, I have already chatted with you privately on WeChat.

Kuang Shiyuan: @道于心生之心无道, damn, why are you still robbing people?

The way comes from the heart and the heart has no way: @kuangshiyuan, I didn't steal people, the final choice is in his own hands.

Nanyue Longdong Zhiqiu Qilin: @小燕宝, come to us, our team is all practitioners who have awakened their abilities.

It didn't take long for the content of the post to become, in general, recruiting.


In a certain cafeteria in the east district of Rongcheng, the restaurant was full of people, very lively.

The cafeteria where Su Yue and Lin Li came to eat, the per capita consumption is 220 yuan.

Although the per capita consumption price of this cafeteria is several times higher than that of some cafeterias that cost RMB 70 per person, this cafeteria is still very popular.

Because there are many kinds of food in this cafeteria, and there are many relatively rare foods, which are not available in other restaurants.

Such as caviar!Poron!Abalone!Salmon... and some rare exotic meat.

"Su Yue, what are you doing just looking at me? Eat!" Lin Li wiped out a piece of steak, and looked up to see Su Yue was peeling a prawn while staring at herself in a daze.

"Lin Li, your appetite seems to have increased a lot!" Su Yue said as she put the peeled prawns into Lin Li's bowl.

"My appetite is okay! Maybe I'm hungry today." Lin Li picked up the prawns that Su Yue put in his bowl with chopsticks, ate them with garlic sauce, and said, "Peel it off and you Eat it yourself! I want to eat it and peel it myself."

"I'm full." Su Yue said with a smile, and then peeled another prawn and put it in Lin Li's bowl.

Lin Li heard Su Yue say that he was full, nodded, ate the prawns that Su Yue peeled and put in his bowl again, and then continued to eliminate other food on the table.

"Lin Li, what do you want to eat? I'll get it for you." Seeing that Lin Li was about to wipe out all the food on the table, Su Yue put the peeled prawns into Lin Li's bowl again, and then used wet Wiping his hands with a towel, he asked.

"Help me get a steak, a small portion of fried noodles, two fried chicken drumsticks...uh, plus two big crabs..." Lin Li, who was eating abalone, said vaguely to Su Yue.

"Eat slowly, don't choke, I'll make you another pork rib soup!"


Su Yue got up and walked to the place to pick up the meal. After Su Yue left, Lin Li stopped eating, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Originally, he didn't feel much about the increase in his appetite, but now after Su Yue's question, he has a clear understanding of his sudden increase in appetite.

"Strange, why did my appetite suddenly become so big?

Although I heard that as the strength of practitioners continues to increase, their appetite will gradually increase, but this process of change is gradual. How can the change be so obvious as I am now, almost becoming a humanoid eater.

Could it be something wrong with my body?Although it is a blessing to be able to eat, it is a bit scary to be able to eat like this. No, I have to go to the hospital for a physical examination tomorrow. "

Lin Li thought about it for a while, and decided to cancel his plan to hunt wild animals in the wilderness tomorrow, and instead go to Rongcheng City First Hospital for a comprehensive physical examination.



When Su Yue came back with a plate full of food in each hand, she found that Lin Li had wiped out all the food on the table, and she looked at Lin Li in surprise.

"Cough..." Lin Li also knew that he was no different from a rice bucket at the moment, coughed lightly in embarrassment, and said to Su Yue, "Sit down quickly! What are you doing standing up? Aren't you tired with the plate in your hand?"

Su Yue put the plate full of food in front of Lin Li, "I haven't served rib soup for you yet! You eat it first."

"No need, I'm almost full after eating these, and it's a waste if you serve them back." Lin Li called to Su Yue who was about to help him serve rib soup.

"Oh, let's do it!" Hearing what Lin Li said, Su Yue gave up the idea of ​​serving ribs soup for him.

Then she sat down, propped her chin with her hands, and looked at Lin Li who was feasting and eating with a big smile.

Lin Li, who was stared at by Su Yue, involuntarily slowed down his eating speed. When eating with Su Yue in the past, he would not feel uncomfortable being stared at by her like this.

However, now that he has turned into a rice bucket, he eats too much, which makes him feel very embarrassed.

"Lin Li!"


"If you eat so much at every meal in the future, I think you will eat up your 100 million deposit in a few years!" Su Yue looked at Lin Li who was eating so much, and suddenly laughed.

How can I still have 100 million now!There are only more than 2 yuan left on the account... Lin Li muttered in his heart, and then said to Su Yue.

"What you said, of course my 100 million deposit can't stand me eating like this.

Today's situation is just an example. I suddenly eat so much. It's just because I'm really hungry.

In addition, the consumption in this cafeteria is not cheap, and you don't eat much. If I don't work hard to eat more, how can we get back our money? "


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