Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 55 Everyone is a civilized person, please don't touch your hands

"Why is the traffic so congested today?"

"This line has always been so congested, aren't you used to it?"

"It's not as congested as usual, so there won't be any traffic accidents ahead, right?"

"Probably not. I checked the Internet just now. If there is a traffic accident, there should be corresponding information."

The bus that was stuck on the road didn't move for a long time, and the passengers talked a lot.

Lin Li grabbed the handrail with his right hand and stood at the exit of the bus. He took out his phone from his pocket to check the time.

"Oh! Su Yue has already got off work at this time. I have been late for so long. If I knew this, I would just take the subway."

After returning home, Lin Li took a shower, and immediately went out to the place where Su Yue's aunt held a hobby training class.

He thought to himself that the time he went out was earlier than Su Yue's time to get off work, and when he got to her side, he would have to wait for her for a while.

Unexpectedly, the bus I took encountered a traffic jam. It took more than 40 minutes to drive for more than ten minutes, and I still hadn't arrived at the destination.



After spending nearly an hour, Lin Li finally arrived at his destination. After getting off the bus, he let out a long sigh of relief.

After being stuck on the road for so long, the passengers who took this bus felt somewhat resentful in their hearts.

Later, the bus driver asked his colleagues in the company and learned the reason for the traffic jam, so he explained it to the passengers on the bus.

The reason for the traffic jam was that two cars rubbed against each other in front of the road, and then the two car owners refused to give in and parked their cars in the middle of the road, which led to road congestion.

This kind of trivial matter, which is not considered a traffic accident, has blocked the road for so long, and the owners of the two cars that collided with each other are also strange.

Fortunately, the two strange car owners were later taken away by the traffic security officers who arrived. One can imagine that if such a serious traffic jam was caused, the two strange car owners would at least be fined, and if it was more serious, they might even be detained for several days.

Lin Li got off the bus, because he was not familiar with the roads in this area, so he turned on the map on his phone to navigate.

The bus stop was not far from the place where Su Yue helped her in class. With the help of the mobile phone map navigation, Lin Li quickly found the location that Su Yue had sent her.

From a distance, Lin Li saw Su Yue, who was naturally beautiful and slim. At the same time, he also saw a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes pestering her.

"What is this guy doing? In what age, in broad daylight, the sky is bright, and there are still people who dare to pester girls?"

Seeing Su Yue being entangled by strangers, Lin Li felt a surge of anger in his heart. He subconsciously mobilized the psionic energy in his body, and a pale golden aura faintly emerged from his hands.

"Hey, what are you doing? You have been pestering my friend all this time." Lin Li, who came to Su Yue quickly, took a step forward, stood in front of Su Yue, and put the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes on his back. The man is separated from the beautiful and charming Su Yue.

"Lin Li." When Su Yue saw Lin Li, whom she had not been waiting for for a long time, appear and help herself block the man who was talking endlessly, a bright smile appeared on her face immediately.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not a bad person, I'm a scout from Brilliant Entertainment Company." The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes explained.


"Yes, I'm a scout, and I'm inviting this lady to join our company...Little brother, you are a friend of this lady, please help me persuade her too!

This is your chance to become a big star!It's so rare that most people can't even ask for it!If you miss this opportunity, you will regret it for the rest of your life..."

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes started to talk about Lin Li's ideological work again, hoping to persuade Lin Li to help him persuade Su Yue to join his entertainment company.

However, he wanted to do Lin Li's ideological work, obviously he chose the wrong target.

Lin Li, who was not interested in celebrities in the entertainment industry at all, heard the middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes in front of him say that he would invite Zhou Yue to be a big star.

He immediately recalled a piece of news that he saw not long ago, saying that some scouts deceived many girls under the guise of helping others become big stars.

"Stop talking about it. This kind of thing mainly depends on whether the person involved is willing or not. Since my friend doesn't want to be a big star, please stop pestering her..."

Lin Li interrupted with a blank expression. The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes who was talking endlessly, turned his head and said to Su Yue, "Su Yue, let's go!"

Su Yue looked at Lin Li with brilliance in her eyes, nodded obediently and said "yes", then turned around and left with Lin Li, and went to the taxi place not far ahead.

"Oh, Miss Su, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! This rare opportunity can change your life, you..."

Before the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes could finish speaking, Lin Li reached out and grabbed his collar, and lifted it up slightly, blocking what he hadn't finished speaking.

"Let go, everyone is a civilized person, it's wrong to use violence..." The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes did not expect that the young man in front of him, exuding a student spirit, would do something to himself without saying a word, which made him Big shock.

The middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes whose body has long been hollowed out after participating in various entertainments all year round is physically weak.

If he really made a move, he knew that he would definitely be beaten up by the other party, so he quickly spoke softly.

"Hmph... My civilization is only for civilized people. If you continue to pester me, don't blame me for being rude to you." Lin Li grasped the opponent's collar slightly, staring at the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes with piercing eyes, coldly said coldly.

If it was a week ago, Lin Li stared at each other like this, the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes would not have felt much.

But these days, Lin Li, who has hunted many strange beasts in the wilderness, staring at him like this at this moment, immediately made the middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes feel a chill in his heart.

He felt from the firm eyes of the other party that if he continued to entangle, the other party would definitely do what he said, and he was really rude to him.

"Okay, I get it, I promise I won't pester your friends anymore." The middle-aged man in suit and leather shoes who was threatened by Lin Li said weakly.

Su Yue on the side was stunned, she didn't expect that Lin Li, who usually looks like a salted fish, would have such a tough side.

At this moment, she was very surprised in her heart, and at the same time felt a little sweet in her heart, because Lin Li did this for herself.


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