Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 40 What is the delay, you should hurry up

Lin Li, who was hiding in the grass, widened his eyes, carefully observed the white ape and monkey beast, and found a dagger stuck in the opponent's heart.

Blood continued to flow from the wound on the heart, dyeing the snow-white hair on the white ape's body red.

At this time, if someone pulled out the dagger from the heart of the white ape beast, there would be a column of blood gushing out from the wound immediately.

"The vitality of this white ape beast is too tenacious! It has been stabbed in the heart, but it is still able to fight such a fierce battle.

If it were any human being, with a stab in the heart like this, I'm afraid he would die on the spot..."

While hiding in the grass, Lin Li lamented the tenacious vitality of the white ape beast, and at the same time he was shocked by the strength of the middle-aged man.

Facing such a white ape with tenacious vitality, the middle-aged man was able to injure him like this.

And from the smile on his face, it can be seen that this middle-aged man is still somewhat comfortable dealing with the white ape beast.


The white ape beast roared at the middle-aged man again, but its roar this time was much weaker than the previous one.

It seems that its physical condition is indeed as the middle-aged man said, very unoptimistic.

The middle-aged man didn't shoot again, just stood there quietly, waiting for the body of the seriously injured white ape to deteriorate further.

As a senior alien beast hunter with mid-level second-level strength, after judging that the white ape alien beast was about to run out of fuel, there was no need to continue to fight it.

The reason why it is not necessary is to prevent the other party from biting back at him before he dies and causing unnecessary harm to himself.

In such a decisive game like this, as long as I entangle the other party and prevent it from disappearing from my sight, as time goes by, this white ape and monkey will eventually fall to the ground because of the dagger stuck in its heart die.


The white ape-monkey beast, who felt the rapid loss of power, also realized that the hateful human in front of him was trying to drag himself to death with time.

Although I know the other party's sinister intentions, but in terms of its current physical condition, there is nothing I can do about it.

This time, because of my momentary carelessness, I was successfully attacked by the other party, which caused such a situation.

If he was not far from his companions and shouted for help, he still had a slight chance of surviving, but in this situation, there was obviously no chance of surviving.

"Roar..." The white ape beast roared again, this time the roar was weaker than the previous two.

The middle-aged man looked at the fading white ape and monkey, and the smile on his face grew wider.

After the two sides confronted each other for a few minutes, the body of the white ape-monkey was staggering. It staggered, fell backwards, and fell heavily on the grass.


The middle-aged man laughed when he saw his prey fell down without life.

However, after all, he was a senior beast hunter. After seeing the white ape beast fell, he did not immediately go forward, but continued to stand still and wait quietly.

Lin Li, who was hiding in the grass, was very puzzled when he saw the behavior of the middle-aged man.

"The white ape beast is already dead, why doesn't this person come forward to pick up the prey? What's the reason?"

Another two or three minutes passed, and there was only a corner of the sunset on the horizon. After a while, the sun would completely set.

"Hey... how long does this person have to wait? It's going to be dark soon."

Lin Li, who was hiding in the grass, was a little anxious, because after dark, the wilderness was much more dangerous than during the day.

If it drags on, when it gets dark, the middle-aged man will naturally be able to return to the safe zone with ease by virtue of his strong strength.

At that time, the black lights were blind, how would Lin Li go home when the time came!

I didn't bring any lighting equipment when I went out this time. When I encountered a strange beast, I'm afraid it would be difficult to deal with the strange beast that appeared at night with the help of a small fireball.

"You should do it quickly! It's dead... I don't know what you're dawdling about." Lin Li complained frantically to the middle-aged man in his heart.

A few more minutes passed, and the middle-aged man who hadn't moved felt that the time was almost up, and said to himself, "It's been so long, this guy should be dead."

However, the middle-aged man, who has always been cautious, still didn't step forward immediately. He raised his right hand wearing a metal glove and aimed his palm at the white ape beast.

"What's the situation? What is he going to do?" Lin Li looked at the middle-aged man's strange behavior with a question mark on his face, but soon he knew what the other party was going to do next.

A pale golden aura bloomed on the middle-aged man's metal gloved hand. Immediately afterwards, a pillar of fire with a diameter of ten centimeters spewed out from the middle-aged man's hand, and shot at the dead white ape beast with extreme speed.


The hot pillar of fire hit the body of the dead white ape, and the pillar of fire exploded instantly.

The sparks flying everywhere scorched the emerald green grass around the dead white ape and beast.

"..." Lin Li, who was hiding in the grass, looked at the scene in front of him, and couldn't understand the behavior of the middle-aged man.

"They are already dead, and this person still uses supernatural powers to bombard others. This approach is too much! Or does this person have any special hobbies.

However, now I know, who made the pillar of fire that soared into the sky that I saw just now? "

The middle-aged man was completely relieved when he saw that the white ape beast did not respond to his flame attack.

So, he started to walk quickly towards the body of the white ape beast whose hair had been scorched black by the flames.

"Huh... This person is finally going to start dealing with that white ape beast... Hurry up! It's going to be dark soon."

Seeing that the middle-aged man started to attack the dead white ape, Lin Li felt relieved, thinking that he should be able to return to the safe zone before the sun went down.

"Sand, sand, sand..."

The foot stepped on the grass, making a slight sound.

The middle-aged man came to the dead white ape beast, looked at the dagger stuck in the opponent's heart, and knelt down to pull it out.

It cost a middle-aged man a lot of money to buy this spiritual weapon dagger, and it was still a bit painful when I bought it.

Thinking about it now, the money was well spent. If he hadn't gritted his teeth and bought this spiritual weapon dagger at that time, he might not be able to kill this white ape beast today.

Just when the middle-aged man's outstretched hand was about to touch the spiritual weapon dagger stuck in the heart of the white ape beast, a mutation popped out.


PS: Thanks to "08a" for the 300 point reward.

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