Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 38 Is this the legendary fighting chicken?

Pointy chicken beaks, sharp chicken claws, and the fragile human body, no matter if it is pecked or scratched, it must be bruised.


Lin Li, who had just fought against the ferocious black snake beast for a short time, was not panicked at all when he saw the "small" reed chicken beast in front of him.

“I’ve seen a food blogger’s food video before, using the meat of reed chicken and exotic animals as ingredients, whether it’s stewed chicken soup or directly fried, the taste is very delicious.

Or...hey, I still want to eat!The first task now is to hunt and kill a hundred strange beasts as soon as possible.

When the little green fruit is ripe, eat it and your strength will increase greatly, then you will have a chance to eat the reed chicken beast..."

The majestic and mighty reed chicken alien beast felt a chill when the human in front of him looked at him with piercing eyes.


After chirping a few times, the Reed Chicken Strange Beast pawed the grass with its sharp claws, and then its two big wings burst into light golden aura.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

As the reed chicken flapped its wings a few times, a whirlwind appeared on its wings.

"Damn it, this reed chicken beast turned out to be a beast with supernatural powers!!!"

Seeing the whirlwind appearing on the wing of the reed chicken alien beast, Lin Li was taken aback. This was the first time he encountered an alien beast with awakened abilities.

As long as any strange beast awakens its ability, its danger level will be greatly increased. When Lin Li saw the reed chicken using its ability, he immediately put away his thoughts of underestimating the opponent.

"Come on! Let me see how powerful your abilities are?"



Suddenly a strong wind blew, and the large dark clouds that blocked the sun were taken away by the wind, and the scorching sun shrouded the earth again.


The moment the sun, which was blocked by the dark clouds, appeared, the reed chicken beast moved immediately.

I saw its two big wings flap vigorously, and the two whirlwinds that appeared on its wings actually brought it into the air.

As we all know, although reed chickens have wings, they can't fly, and land on the ground after a few flops at most.

But this reed chicken beast that has awakened its ability, after using the ability, it actually has the ability to fly.

The whirlwind on the wings brought the reed chicken to fly around in the sky. Although the flying height was not high, only 40 meters, Lin Li was shocked by such a flexible flying ability.

" this the legendary fighting chicken?"

As if in response to Lin Li's call of fighting chicken, hovering in the sky, the flying reed chicken screamed, and then flew towards Lin Li like a dive plane.


The reed chicken that descended from the sky locked Lin Li's position with its sharp eyes, and then aimed its sharp claws at Lin Li's head.

"I thought the whirlwind on your wings would be thrown out like a wind blade to hit me! I didn't expect it to be used to assist flying..."

The reed chicken beast swooped down from the sky, with a ferocious momentum, it kept shortening the distance between itself and Lin Li.

When the reed chicken swooped down and was only 20 meters away from Lin Li, an orange-red flame appeared in Lin Li's hand.

"Okay you fighting chicken, since you are so brave, then eat me with a fireball attack!"

"call out."

A small fireball the size of a fist shot out from Lin Li's hand, and the Luhuaji Alien Beast, which swooped towards Lin Li, sensed the danger, and quickly flapped its wings, trying to turn around.

It's a pity that at this moment, it is only a dozen meters away from Lin Li, and the speed of the fireball is so fast that the reed chicken has no time to dodge.


A small fireball the size of a fist hit the body of the reed chicken, and the raging flames from the explosion ignited the fluffy feathers on the reed chicken.

All of a sudden, this mighty fighting chicken caught fire, and the terrifying scorching flame spread rapidly, and it was impossible to stop it at all.


After its body was on fire, the extremely mighty Luhuaji beast panicked. While screaming, it flapped its wings vigorously, trying to extinguish the burning flames on its body.

However, it uses its awakened ability, and the two whirlwinds attached to its wings are like combustion accelerants at this moment.

Not only did it not help him extinguish the burning flames on his body, but it made the flames burn more and more.

"Hey, come down quickly, you bastard. If this turns into a roasted chicken, the magical little tree on the mysterious island might not buy it!"

At this moment, Lin Li was more concerned than the Luhuaji Yishou who was being burned by the flames, and hoped that it could quickly extinguish the burning flames on its body.

The fluffy feathers on the body of the reed chicken were burned off by the raging flames in a short while.

Now it's all right, it has completely turned into a scorched black bald chicken.


The reed chicken beast that had turned into a bald chicken let out a scream and fell directly from the sky.


Fortunately, the place where it fell was covered with weeds, and the Luhuaji Alien Beast had already lowered its flight altitude before it fell.

With a height of eight or nine meters and a large pile of fluffy weeds on the ground, if it falls and falls to the ground, it will not suffer too much damage.

Just as the reed chicken beast that fell on the weed pile was glad that he survived the plane crash, a smiling figure appeared behind it.

"Heh, heh, heh..."

Suddenly, feeling a malevolent gaze staring at the back of his head, the reed chicken beast, which was thanking itself for surviving a catastrophe, turned its head slowly and looked behind it.

Then, a pale golden light came into the eyes of the Luhuaji Yishou.


Lin Li waved the spiritual weapon long sword with pale golden aura blooming in his hand, and separated the body and head of the reed chicken with one blow.

"I'm sorry, who made your head so small, I'm not sure I can stab your small head with one blow, so I can only use this unsightly method to get rid of you."

Lin Li, who cut off the head of the reed chicken with one sword, looked at the slightly twitching body of the headless reed chicken, and said apologetically.


Just when Lin Li was about to take the second beast he killed today into the mysterious island, there was another crisp cock crowing in the distance.

"That's great... I just killed the reed chicken and another beast came. It seems that my luck has come." Lin Li, who was overjoyed, immediately stretched out his hand and pressed the reed chicken on the body of the reed chicken. Into the mysterious island.

Then, holding the spiritual weapon long sword in his hand, he quickly ran towards the direction where the crisp chicken crowing sound came from.


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