Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 372: Respective Persistence, Broken Body Indestructible


Lin Li, who changed form and turned into a flame man, raised his right hand above his head.

A small fireball was born suddenly in his hand, at first it was only the size of an apple, and then in just a few breaths, it expanded into a giant fireball with a diameter of two meters.

Liu Yuancheng looked at the fireball made by Lin Li, and his expression became serious.

He could feel the huge lethality contained in this giant fireball.

Facing such a huge fireball, he couldn't smash it with a knife like before, and broke through directly from the front.

"let's go."

With a thought in Lin Li's mind, this giant fireball with a diameter of two meters suddenly shot out from his hand, and hit Liu Yuancheng with a serious face.

The huge orange-red fireball radiated hot flames from its surface, exuding a billowing heat wave, and was rushing rapidly in mid-air. Wherever it passed, the surrounding temperature soared rapidly.

Facing the incoming fireball that contained huge damage, Liu Yuancheng did not choose to bear it hard, and jumped up on the spot, flew into the sky, and evaded.

The blazing giant fireball flew past Liu Yuancheng, and it was easy for him to dodge it.

"The fireball you created is indeed very lethal, but it is absolutely impossible to hit me..." Liu Yuancheng, who was standing in the air, said to Lin Li who had turned into a flame man.

"I know that, but I didn't intend to hit you with this fireball." Lin Li responded with a smile.

"What?" Liu Yuancheng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then he suddenly heard a terrified cry from behind him.

"That fireball is flying towards us!"

"Run away!"

"It's too late, help!"

As Lin Li said, from the very beginning when he created this blazing giant fireball, the target he wanted to attack was not Liu Yuancheng at all, but the four members of the Red Blood Gang who stood watching the battle from a distance.

As Liu Yuancheng said, it is very difficult for the giant fireball to hit him at the flying speed, but for the four members of the Red Blood Gang, it is not easy to dodge.

Fang Jingtang, who was the first to notice something was wrong, ran away immediately after being reminded to dodge. The other three reacted a bit slower, and when they came back to their senses, they also ran away immediately with terrified expressions.

"Explosion." Lin Li said softly after watching the giant fireball fly to the predetermined location.

Before the words were finished, the flaming giant fireball exploded tens of meters away.


The giant fireball exploded, the sound of the explosion shook the heavens and the earth, and the terrible explosion shock wave and spreading scorching fire swept all around.


Fang Jingtang and the three small leaders of the Red Blood Gang were all affected by the explosion of the giant fireball.

The reaction was a bit slow, and the three small leaders of the Scarlet Blood Gang who escaped one step too late were killed on the spot, while Fang Jingtang survived by luck.

However, he suffered a very serious internal injury, with blood gushing out of his mouth continuously, and he looked extremely miserable.

The members of the firefighting team standing a little further away were shocked by the big explosion.

The captain of the firefighting team saw a charred black hole where the fireball exploded, and then he told his subordinates.

"It's not too safe here, let's retreat further."

"Yes." The firefighters on the scene responded in unison, and then pushed the water truck back a long distance in a panic.

"Captain, the battle between the practitioners is too terrifying! With every gesture, it can cause such a great destructive power."

A young man who had just become a firefighter for a short time said tremblingly as he recalled the scene of the flaming giant fireball exploding just now.

The captain of the fire extinguishing team looked away from a distance, looked at his subordinates around him, saw that everyone's expressions showed panic, and then comforted him.

"Not all practitioners have such destructive power. Don't be too afraid. After a while, the guards will arrive, and the practitioners who make trouble will be arrested..."

In the minds of these members of the inactivation team, who are only ordinary people, the guards are the most powerful law enforcement force in Dongwu. As long as the guards arrive, these practitioners who do whatever they want will be arrested.

As for the guards who rushed to the scene, they might not be able to deal with such a powerful practitioner, and they haven't considered it yet.

Lin Li saw that the explosion effect of the giant fireball he created was not as expected, and said with some regret, "It's a pity! We couldn't kill them all."

"Bastard, you still dare to commit murder." Liu Yuancheng was very angry when he saw that three of the four members of the Red Blood Gang were blown to death on the spot, and the only one who survived was seriously injured.

After all, he is here now!The target actually dared to attack him in front of him, it was like slapping him loudly in public.

"Hehe..." Lin Li smiled, looked at Liu Yuancheng who was standing in the air, and said disdainfully, "I'm doing justice for the heavens, these scumbags deserve their death."

"Do justice for the heavens? If they are guilty, they should be dealt with by the Yamen. It's not your turn to do it..." Liu Yuancheng said.

"Let the yamen deal with it? Are you trying to laugh me to death?

As far as I know, the Scarlet Blood Gang has existed for some years, and they have done a lot of evil things, which can be said to be well known to everyone.

But up to now, they are still in good condition. If they are to be dealt with by the yamen according to what you said, I am afraid that there will be no results in another few decades.

If they hadn't provoked me this time, I wouldn't have known they were such scumbags.

Now that I have come to the door, they deserve what they deserve..." Lin Li said to Liu Yuancheng indifferently.

"..." Liu Yuancheng fell silent after hearing what Lin Li said, because he couldn't refute what Lin Li said.

However, as a member of the Dongwu City government, he must maintain the authority of the Yamen.

Regardless of whether what Lin Li did was correct or not, he will now capture him and put him in a prison for trial.

"You must really want to catch me right now, so hurry up! Otherwise, I'm going to leave." Lin Li looked at the silent Liu Yuancheng standing in the air, and said.

Liu Yuancheng didn't say much, the spiritual weapon long knife in his hand glowed with golden aura, and swooped towards Lin Li quickly.

"Hugh, Hugh, Hugh..."

Seeing the enemy flying towards him, Lin Li stretched out his hands, palms facing outwards, and shot out fireballs one after another from his hands.

Liu Yuancheng kept changing directions in mid-air, avoiding the incoming fireballs one after another.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The evaded fireball exploded, and the splashing sparks fell to the ground and dissipated in the air before landing.

A series of fireball explosions made the members of the firefighting team in the distance tremble with fear. They had never seen such a fierce battle between practitioners, and it was completely beyond their imagination.

Liu Yuancheng, who has the ability to fly in the air, deftly dodged a series of fireballs shot by Lin Li, and approached him, slashing with his knife.


A pale golden light flashed past, and Lin Li's right arm was cut off by the spiritual weapon long knife.

Lin Li didn't feel any pain when his arm was cut off, because the elemental body doesn't feel pain.


Suddenly a violent flame ignited at the wound, and the broken arm grew back again.

Liu Yuancheng frowned as he looked at Lin Li who had returned to his original state.

With rich combat experience, he naturally knows that practitioners who can elementalize their bodies are very difficult to be killed.

Cut off its head and limbs, and the opponent will regenerate soon.

Although he couldn't cause substantial damage, he had to do so, because only by constantly cutting off the opponent's body in this way, forcing him to consume spiritual energy continuously, could he finally take it down.

After Lin Li recovered his right arm, he immediately raised his hand and punched out, and the fiery fist hit Liu Yuancheng's blade.


Sparks flew, and after Liu Yuancheng blocked the punch, he immediately swung his knife to slash the target.




The light of the pale golden knife flickered, Lin Li's body was dismembered and scattered all over the place.


The largest body suddenly ignited a large group of flames, and returned to a complete human form.

"Your attack is useless to me!" Lin Li said.

"Is it useless? I can't see it. My slash just tore you into pieces. It should take a lot of psionic energy for you to restore it!" Liu Yuancheng said.

"..." Lin Li was silent for a while, and then said, "It seems that you have a deep understanding of my ability!"

"A few years ago, I personally beheaded a thug who had similar abilities to yours." Liu Yuancheng said in a flat tone, "I'll give you a chance, now you remove the ability and capture it without a fight. I can spare your life."

"Hmph..." Lin Li snorted coldly when he saw the other party persuading him to surrender, "Surrender or something is not in my options at all. If you want to do it, just let it go!"

"It's really stubborn. If that's the case, then I won't leave any room for it." Liu Yuancheng said with a serious face.

Afterwards, all the spiritual energy in his body exploded, and the powerful aura of the early stage of the third stage was unreservedly displayed. As he said, he will use all his strength to deal with Lin Li next.


With a loud shout, Liu Yuancheng instantly, no, he didn't disappear, but because his speed was too fast, it gave people the illusion of disappearing in place.

"Peng Peng Peng..."

"Boom boom boom..."

Fierce battles broke out, and pale golden auras and flames flickered frequently.

Some intact houses outside the fire site either collapsed or burned because of the battle between Lin Li and Liu Yuancheng.

After more than ten minutes of fierce fighting, the elemental body turned into Lin Li of the flame man, and the flames burning on his body weakened a lot.

"Huh..." After a fierce battle, Liu Yuancheng also consumed a lot of physical strength. He panted slightly, and was greatly shocked when he saw Lin Li who could still maintain the state of the flame body.

In the fierce battle just now, he killed Lin Li at least 25 times. According to the spiritual energy possessed by the second-order peak practitioners, in fact, he only needs to kill Lin Li ten times to force Lin Li to release the state of the elemental body.

As a result, after 25 blowouts, he could still maintain the state of the elemental body. Judging from the target's appearance, it was obvious that he still had a lot of psionic energy, which was too unreasonable.

Just when Liu Yuancheng was shocked by Lin Li's spiritual energy, which was far superior to that of ordinary second-order peak practitioners, Lin Li also gave the enemy in front of him a high evaluation in his heart.

"As expected of a cultivator at the beginning of the third stage, after showing all my strength, I was completely suppressed and beaten by him.

Fortunately, the magical little fruit I harvested this time gave me the ability to elementalize my body.

Otherwise, when he first appeared, I would have thought about running away instead of wrestling with him for so long like now.

Just when the two of them paused for a while, there was a burst of intensive footsteps in the distance. "

"Tread, step, step..."

"Master Guard, that's it. There are practitioners fighting over there." The firefighter sent by the captain of the fire fighting team to find the guards came back, and brought a large group of guards with him.

The guard who led the team was a middle-aged man with a mid-level second-level cultivation. After arriving at the scene, he immediately said to the firefighters who reported.

"Okay, we got it, leave it to us, you and others start to put out the fire! Get the fire under control as soon as possible, and don't let the fire spread to other places."

"Yes." The firefighter nodded, then ran to his companions and explained the situation to them.

Reassured by the arrival of a large group of guards, the firefighters began to put out the fire.

"Stop your hands quickly, those who are holding weapons, put down the weapons quickly... and those who use the ability, quickly remove the ability.

Do as I say immediately, or don't blame us for being rude. "The captain of the guard led his subordinates to surround Lin Li and Liu Yuancheng, and ordered.

Lin Li and Liu Yuancheng, who were confronting each other, turned to look at the captain of the guard who led the team.

Lin Li naturally ignored the order of the captain of the guard, but Liu Yuancheng frowned and said to the captain of the guard.

"This person is very dangerous, all of you back off, don't come near here."

"I..." The captain of the guard was about to say something, but just as he opened his mouth, he saw Liu Yuancheng take out a gold medal from his pocket and threw it towards him.

He subconsciously reached out to catch the gold medal, looked down, and his eyes widened suddenly, because through the gold medal in his hand, he knew the identity of the man in front of him holding the spiritual weapon long knife, "Tong , Lord Commander!

! ”

"Do as I say, step back immediately, and don't come near here." Liu Yuancheng, who revealed his identity, said again.

"Yes." The captain of the guard replied respectfully, then raised his hand, signaling his subordinates to retreat immediately.

When the guards retreated to a safe distance, some sentient guards immediately sensed the psychic fluctuations that erupted from Liu Yuancheng and Lin Li in the distance.

"Second-order peak?"

"My God, the practitioner who turned into a flame man turned out to be a practitioner with a second-order peak cultivation base..."

At this moment, the guards understood why Liu Yuancheng asked them to retreat immediately.

This gangster with a second-order peak cultivation base, even if all of them go up and pay huge casualties, there is a high probability that they will not be able to take down the opponent in the end.

But then, the guards were a little confused. Liu Yuancheng, who had a cultivation base of the first stage of the third stage, was much stronger than that gangster.

Logically speaking, this powerful leader should be able to take down the opponent very easily, but why does he have such a serious expression on his face at this moment?


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