Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 35 Not poisonous, why are you so arrogant?

While Lin Li was observing the Black Snake Beast, the Black Snake Beast was also observing Lin Li.

The prey in front of him looked quite delicious. I came here from the wilderness several kilometers away to look for prey. This long journey was really not in vain.


The black snake beast, which was already so hungry, hissed at Lin Li. First, its eyes glowed with a pale golden aura, and then its whole body followed suit.

Its pitch-black scales were wrapped in pale golden aura, which made this huge black snake beast even more imposing than its mighty aura.

"It's coming." Lin Li saw the unfolding posture of the black snake beast, and immediately knew that the beast in front of him was about to attack him.


The black snake beast shook its head, and its icy snake pupils glowing with pale golden aura stared straight at Lin Li. After it hissed, its hovering upper body was ejected instantly like a compressed spring. .

The huge snake head of the black snake shot towards Lin Li as quickly as lightning. During this process, the black snake beast also opened its mouth wide, its sharp teeth gleaming coldly. It was preparing to swallow its prey in one gulp.

Lin Li was energized at 12, and when he saw the Black Snake Beast trying to attack him, he was already prepared to avoid the opponent's attack.

The moment the head of the Black Snake Beast was ejected, Lin Li had already made a gesture to jump to the right.

The attack speed of the Black Snake Alien Beast is extremely fast, and there should be no hesitation, even if it is only half a second of hesitation, it is possible to be hit by the opponent.


Lin Li's resolute choice to dodge was correct. The black snake's attack was missed, and the huge snake's head slammed into the grass, making a dull sound.


Lin Li, who narrowly escaped the preemptive attack of the black snake beast, saw a small dent in the place where the head of the black snake beast hit.

While he let out a long breath, he felt that the beating frequency of his little heart seemed to speed up in an instant.

"Don't be nervous, although this black snake beast looks fierce and scary, I can obviously keep up with its attack speed just now.

As long as I maintain a good attitude, relying on my own reaction ability, it is still difficult for him to bite me. "

Lin Li, who encouraged himself in his heart, instantly felt his little heart beating a lot because of nervousness.


The Black Snake Beast didn't succeed in the blow, it was very dissatisfied, and at the same time it was also a little surprised that the prey in front of it was able to escape its fatal bite just now.

As an experienced predator in the wilderness, the Black Snake is no fool.

The preemptive attack I was full of confidence just now was actually dodged by the prey, which meant that the prey in front of me, which I thought was a delicious meal, was not as easy to deal with as I thought at first.

But it doesn't matter, it's not like I haven't encountered a prey that is difficult to deal with. With my huge body, this little guy in front of me will be taken down by him sooner or later.

The black snake beast twisted its body, and slowly approached Lin Li, spitting out bright red snake letters from its mouth from time to time, and the scalp-numbing hissing sound spread to the surrounding area, filling this small area.

In the dense grass around, there are some ordinary small animals such as snakes, insects, rats and ants hiding. They are frightened and trembling by the terrible neighing sound of the black snake beast from time to time, and then they can't bear it anymore, and start to run away into the distance .


A sharp hiss broke out suddenly, which was the attack signal from the black snake beast.

When Lin Li heard the neighing of the black snake beast suddenly change, he immediately realized that the other party was going to launch a fierce attack on him.


This time, the black snake beast did not use the previous ejection attack method to attack Lin Li, it quickly crawled towards Lin Li, wanting to get close to Lin Li for a melee fight.

So the Black Snake Alien Beast is an experienced predator. Since the attack distance just now allowed the prey to escape his attack, then he will close the distance and attack you close to your body, and see how you can avoid mine attack.

Lin Li, who escaped the preemptive attack of the black snake beast just now, also got the information he wanted at this moment, that is, he judged that the black snake beast in front of him was a non-poisonous snake.

Because when the other party opened its mouth wide and rushed towards him, it didn't spit out any venom.

Since you are not a poisonous snake, then I can fight you with confidence.


Lin Li raised his left hand, which was wrapped in medical gauze, and his fingertips were filled with spiritual light. As the pale golden light flashed across his fingertips, a small fireball the size of an egg appeared on his fingertips out of thin air.


With a ferocious aura, the black snake beast rushed towards Lin Li, and saw a small fireball suddenly appear in the hand of the prey, which made his crawling speed a little slower.

However, in its view, a small fireball the size of an egg cannot cause substantial damage to itself, so it slowed down its crawling speed a little, and then increased suddenly.

But in the next second, the egg-sized fireball suspended on Lin Li's fingertips instantly expanded and became the size of an apple.

The size of the small fireball has increased several times, and its power has also increased several times.

"You black bastard, why are you so arrogant if you're not poisonous? Let's go..." Lin Li cursed secretly at the black snake beast rushing towards him, and threw out the little fireball he made with a wave.

"call out……"

A small fireball the size of an apple burst out, extremely fast.

The black snake beast that was charging towards Lin Li was going too fast because of its own speed. When it saw that the small fireball the size of an egg suddenly became several times bigger and shot towards itself, it wanted to avoid it. It was too late.

However, as an experienced predator, when encountering such a crisis, it can still make actions to minimize its own damage.

I saw the slippery body of the Black Snake Alien Beast exerted a sudden force, and its head instantly lifted up.

The small fireball thrown by Lin Li intended to attack the head of the Black Snake Beast, but now it missed its target and hit the Black Snake Beast's body covered with black scales.


The small orange fireball hit the body of the black snake beast and exploded immediately.

In an instant, the small fireball that exploded sent flesh and blood flying across the body of the Black Snake Alien Beast.

The scorching flames produced by the explosion of the small fireball also burned the blasted wound black.


The severe pain caused the black snake to twist its body continuously, and its huge body hit the ground one after another, kicking up a cloud of dust.


PS: Thanks to "08a" for the 600-point reward,

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