On a small island of [-] square meters surrounded by white mist, a young man in his early twenties was staring at the ordinary small tree in front of him with a silly smile.

Lin Li looked at the small blue fruit growing out of the magical little tree lovingly, and smiled silly while spreading his thoughts.

"Forget it, don't think about becoming an investigator or anything like that.

That is a law enforcement agency with many unfathomable practitioners. If I really become an investigator and commute to get off work in that kind of place every day, I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will expose the mysterious island.

Moreover, the enviable benefits of being an investigator are indeed very tempting to me now.

But in time, relying on the magical little fruit grown from this magical little tree on the mysterious island, I will definitely become an extremely powerful practitioner. At that time, the things I will get are far better than those benefits.

How do you say something?People should take a long-term view, and don't do things like picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelon for the sake of petty profits in front of you. "

Standing in front of the ordinary magical little tree, Lin Li took back his scattered thoughts.

Before he left, he took one last look at the small and exquisite blue fruit growing on the magical little tree, and muttered to himself.

"Honey, you wait, I'll drive to the wilderness immediately after lunch."

As soon as the words were finished, Lin Li had a thought, and he disappeared on the small island.


After entering July, the summer noon is getting hotter and hotter.

There are white clouds like cotton candy floating in the blue sky.

Some of these white clouds are connected together, like silvery white waves rolling in the sea, and some are overlapping in layers, like delicious cakes in a cake shop.

"Got it, got it..."

The more intense the afternoon sun and the higher the temperature, the cicadas, the happier summer elves, seem to have inexhaustible energy to tell the world about their joy at the moment.


A silver van appeared on the road outside the suburbs, driven by a young man in his early twenties.

"Having a car is convenient, and this trip saves a lot of time."

Lin Li drove his rented silver van to the wilderness outside the city.

When in the urban area, the traffic on the road is still a bit congested, but as long as you leave the bustling urban area, enter the suburbs, and then go outside the suburbs, the traffic along the way will become smoother.

Especially the closer to Chenghua Avenue, the rarer the vehicles encountered on the road.

This situation is also a normal phenomenon. Under the publicity and education of the government for so many years, residents living in cities and towns.

Whether it is a child as young as three or four years old, or an elderly person as old as seven or eighty years old, they all know that there are often strange beasts in the wilderness. If there is nothing wrong, don't venture into the wilderness.

This parallel world named Blue Star originally had the same historical development process as the earth.

If it weren't for more than 100 years ago, spiritual power suddenly appeared in this world, human beings began to awaken spirituality, and practitioners appeared, and practitioners began to awaken various supernatural powers.

According to the normal historical development process, this world may be another world with the same history and technology as the earth.

As for why psychic powers suddenly appeared in this world more than 100 years ago, this is what the governments of various countries are now vigorously studying.

According to some rumors circulating on the Internet, the governments of various countries have studied why psionic abilities suddenly appeared in this world for so many years, and have made some progress, but the governments of various countries have not announced the research results to the world.

There is a gossip that said that the reason why the blue star appeared psychic power more than 100 years ago was because the blue star collided with a world in a different space.

That other world has spiritual power, and after Blue Star collided with it, he was affected by that different world with spiritual power, which caused Blue Star to gradually appear spiritual power.

This is the "collision of different worlds theory" circulating on the Internet.

Lin Li has always regarded these gossips circulating on the Internet as small stories, purely for fun, and has never taken them seriously.

As an ordinary person, why such magical things as psionic power appear in this world is not what he should care about at all. The most important thing is to live the life in front of him well.


"Got it, got it..."

The more you drive towards the wilderness, the louder the cicadas chirping on the roadside trees on both sides of the road.

Driven by Lin Li, the silver van arrived at Chenghua Avenue very quickly, and drove towards the wilderness at high speed.

After passing Chenghua Avenue, if you go to the wilderness on foot, it takes about half an hour to walk, but now it only takes a few minutes to get there by car.


There was wilderness ahead, Lin Li slowed down the speed and parked the car on the side of the road, under the shade of a leafy street tree.

Before entering the wilderness, you have to change your outfit.

With a thought, the camouflage uniform placed on the mysterious island in advance appeared in Lin Li's hands.

After changing his clothes, Lin Li opened the door and got out of the car.


A gust of wind suddenly blew up, and a heat wave swept in, which made Lin Li, who was used to the cool environment created by the air conditioner in the car, feel hot for a while.

Of course, such hotness could not stop Lin Li's determination to go to the wilderness to hunt strange beasts.

Just thinking about the small blue fruit grown from that magical little tree on the mysterious island, Lin Li is full of energy.

"Come on! Try to hunt down five rabbit beasts like before before the sun goes down."

Lin Li encouraged himself, and then with a thought, the long sword, a spiritual weapon worth 49 yuan, appeared in his hand in an instant.

Holding the spiritual weapon long sword in his hand, Lin Li stepped out from the shade of the tree and walked towards the wilderness not far away.

Taking a step forward from the solid and flat road, and stepping on the weed-covered wilderness, Lin Li has left the human society and entered the dangerous wilderness where all kinds of strange beasts roam.



From time to time, a heat wave rolls up on the wilderness, blowing the weeds that are as tall as a person and making a burst of sound.

Although he had the experience of going into the wilderness to hunt strange beasts once, Lin Li was still a little nervous when he went into the wilderness again this time.

Although he now has a life-saving method to enter the mysterious island, the premise is that he will not be killed by a sudden attack by a strange beast.

Of course, even if he was not instantly killed, if he was seriously injured due to a sneak attack by a strange beast and was on the verge of death, even if he was still awake and entered the mysterious island with a thought, he would probably die in the end.


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