Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 31 Sorry, Newbie on the Road

"Well, I want a van." Lin Li said to Wang Xiaoming.

"Mr. Lin, there are four colors of our van here, namely black, yellow, white, and silver. Which one do you want?"

As Wang Xiaoming said, he picked up a document from the table beside him and handed it to Lin Li.

Flipping through the materials handed over by the other party, Lin Li, who wanted to keep a low profile, naturally chose the most common silver color.

This car rental company named "Jixing Cars", which has just opened for a short time, is really fast.

After registering his ID number and filling out a form, Lin Li immediately got the car keys from the salesman after paying the rent and deposit. The whole process took no more than 15 minutes.


A silver van drove out from the parking lot of "Jixing Car Store". Although this van was a second-hand car, it was quite new.

"From today onwards, I'm a car owner in disguise!"

It has been several years since he got his driver's license. Lin Li, who has never touched a car since getting his driver's license, drove the silver van on the road, and immediately slowed down the car to a jaw-droppingly slow speed.

A car following the van couldn't stand the slow van in front, so it changed lanes and overtook it.

When he came to the van, the driver in his 40s yelled at Lin Li who was driving nervously.

"Hey, do you know how to drive? You drive so slowly, you might as well ride a bicycle!"

Lin Li is not an unreasonable person. Knowing that he was at fault, he said apologetically to the master driver, "I'm sorry, I'm a novice on the road."

"..." The irritable driver was speechless when he heard Lin Li say that he was a novice on the road, and then he kindly reminded, "You should find a place to familiarize yourself with the car! To avoid accidents in some places with complicated road conditions. "

"Okay, thanks for the reminder."

After the grumpy driver reminded Lin Li, he drove away.

Lin Li, who was a novice on the road, drove the van to a road with little traffic, and then drove it back and forth several times, gradually regaining the feeling of driving, and the speed of the van returned to the normal driving speed.

"Phew... that's fine, it's time to go to the supermarket to do some shopping." Lin Li regained the feeling of driving, then stepped on the accelerator and drove to the large supermarket that he usually goes to.


"A total of 520 yuan, sir, do you have a membership card?"

"No, pay directly by mobile phone."

"Okay, please show your payment code."


After paying the money, Lin Li came out of the supermarket carrying two large bags full of things.



Putting the two large bags on the passenger seat and closing the car door, Lin Li immediately drove to the pharmacy.

On the way to the pharmacy, when the van drove into a section of the road where there were no people, Lin Li slowed down, then stretched out his right hand, and touched the two large bags on the passenger seat.

With a thought, two large bags full of things disappeared from the passenger seat in an instant. They were taken into the mysterious island by Lin Li.

A lot of things I bought just now are convenient food prepared by Lin Li for future operations in the wilderness. The shelf life is at least a few months, and there is no need to worry about spoilage on the mysterious island.

Of course, Lin Li didn't plan to stay overnight when he went to the wilderness, even if he put fresh ingredients in the mysterious island.

As long as it is not the freshness of the alien beast's flesh and blood within an hour, it can be safely stored on the mysterious island.


Lin Li bought another healing ointment at the pharmacy, and then went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Ten twenty in the morning.

Lin Li drove his rented van into the Ping'an Garden Community.

When he entered the community, he registered his car's information in the security booth by the way.


Parked the van in the parking space, Lin Li opened the door and got off.

Looking at the parking space, he couldn't help thinking to himself, "The parking space that has been idle for so many years is finally used today...

I was thinking about selling it or renting it out anyway, but fortunately I didn’t make a decision at that time, otherwise, now I can only go to the property and rent a parking space for money. "

Lin Li muttered a few words in his heart, then walked towards home.

"Eh? Kobayashi, you bought a car?"

A somewhat familiar voice sounded in Lin Li's ear. Looking back, after seeing the speaker's appearance clearly, Lin Li thought in surprise, "Why is it Aunt Wang again? I ran into her consecutively within two days. three times!!!"

"Hello, Aunt Wang." Lin Li greeted with a smile, "I didn't buy this car, I rented it..."


"En." Lin Li nodded, but did not explain why he wanted to rent a van.

Just when Aunt Wang was about to ask Lin Li why she wanted to rent a car, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

It should be that Aunt Wang's family had something to ask her, so Aunt Wang left in a hurry after answering the phone.

"What's going on with Aunt Wang? I'm destined to be with her too!" Lin Li looked at Aunt Wang who was leaving, muttered in his heart, and then walked towards home.


This time I don’t need to climb the stairs to go home, because the elevator has been repaired, and it should be repaired after thinking about it. After all, it has been so long, if it is not repaired, the residents living in the building may call to complain.


On reaching the sixth floor, the elevator door opened.

After getting out of the elevator, Lin Li took out the key from his pocket, and when he was about to open the door, there was a sound of the door opening behind him.


Two figures, one big and one small, came out of the door, they were the neighbors next door.

"Mr. Lin, hello!" Xia Qing, who had a bag on her shoulder and her daughter Zhou Tongtong in her hand, greeted Lin Li immediately after seeing him.

Hearing the voice from behind, Lin Li opened the door and turned around to look.

Xia Qing, with long hair and an oval face, is wearing a floral dress and a pair of low-heeled sandals today.

His daughter Zhou Tongtong is also wearing a floral dress of the same style. It seems that these two dresses are parent-child outfits.

"Hello, are you going out?" Lin Li responded with a smile.

"Yes! I'll take Tongtong to swimming lessons." Xia Qinghan laughed.

"It's almost time for lunch, now go to swimming lessons?" Lin Li asked with some doubts.

"For Tongtong's swimming class in the afternoon, I will take her to the street first, and then take her to the swimming class after having lunch outside." Xia Qing explained.



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