Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 21 Eat My Last Blow

But now he didn't have time to distract himself from checking the injury to his left hand, because the wild boar beast rushed towards him again.

The wild boar beast that launched the charge was extremely powerful, and it concentrated its spiritual energy on its two sharp fangs.

It is very clear that the thin-skinned and tender human body in front of it is very fragile. As long as it has two sharp fangs with psionic energy attached to it, and can stab it once, the human in front of it will undoubtedly die.


The wild boar beast that launched the charge found that the human with thin skin and tender flesh was standing still, which made it a little puzzled. Could it be that the other party was frightened stupid by his ferocious charge?


Lin Li raised his injured left hand, a golden aura flashed in his palm, and then a small fireball the size of a pigeon egg appeared in his palm.

Infused with spiritual energy, the small fireball the size of a pigeon egg in the palm of your hand expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded to the size of an apple.

"Let's go..."

Lin Li, who was holding a small fireball the size of an apple in his hand, swung his left hand violently, and threw the small fireball in his hand at the wild boar beast that was rushing towards him at a high speed.


At this time, the wild boar and strange beast knew why the thin-skinned and tender-skinned human being stood still. It turned out that the other party had a trump card.

A small fireball exuding scorching flames came head-on. Although the wild boar beast wanted to dodge, but its charging speed had already increased, and now it was too late to dodge.


The small fireball hit the wild boar's forehead firmly, and the explosion directly fried the wild boar's meat and vegetables, and the splashed flames scorched the hair on its back.

"Tread, step, step..."

The rushing sound kept approaching him. Although the wild boar beast could clearly hear the rushing footsteps, after being hit by this small fireball, its head was dizzy and painful, making it unable to open its eyes.

Lin Li, who bullied himself, came to the front of the wild boar, raised his right hand, and stabbed the wild boar's head fiercely with the long sword, a spiritual weapon glowing with pale golden aura.


The spirit weapon long sword pierced one of the wild boar's eyes, and the severely wounded wild boar howled loudly stimulated by the pain, and it shook its head quickly.

At this time, the inexperience of the newcomer was manifested. The wild boar suddenly shook its head violently, and Lin Li couldn't hold his spirit weapon long sword with such force.

In the process of fighting the alien beast, letting go of the weapon was the last mistake that should be made.

Lin Li also knew that his mistake was very wrong, so he quickly retreated to create a certain distance.

The spiritual weapon long sword inserted into the wild boar's eye socket lost contact with its owner, and the pale golden aura blooming on the sword immediately went out.

"Hmph..." The seriously injured wild boar beast wailed in pain.

It raised its head for a while, lowered its head for a while, and turned its head left or right, trying to shake off the spiritual weapon long sword that was deeply inserted into its eye socket.

But Lin Li also used a lot of strength in that sword just now, and the spiritual weapon sword was firmly stuck in its eye socket.

Blood trickled out of the eye sockets and fell to the ground, staining the green grass on the ground with a layer of red.

"Eat my last blow."

The wild boar, who was in so much pain, suddenly heard a loud roar from the human who had seriously injured itself, and it quickly used its remaining eye to look towards the place where the sound came from.

"call out……"

A football-sized fireball was imprinted in the wild boar's eyes, so it didn't take much effort to judge the power of the fireball.

Just now, the small fireball the size of an apple had blown him out of his wits, but now the power of this fireball, which is several times bigger, can be imagined.

The wild boar beast wanted to avoid the oncoming big fireball, but when it just stepped forward with its right front leg, its body suddenly softened, and it was a little unable to exert any strength.

It turned out that the spiritual weapon long sword inserted into its eye socket had damaged its nerves, making it unable to coordinate its body.

At this juncture of life and death, such a change unexpectedly occurred, and the outcome can be imagined.

The fireball exuding scorching heat hit the head of the paralyzed wild boar beast head-on.


The fireball exploded with a deafening sound, and the heat wave spread several meters outward, scorching all the fresh grass on the ground.


The wild boar beast, which was attacked by the fireballs in the front, fell sideways and hit the ground heavily, making a dull sound.

Dead, this wild boar beast with only the peak strength of the first order was killed by the fireballs everywhere.

A big hole was blown out of its head, and the wound was scorched black, exuding an unpleasant burnt smell.


Lin Li was gasping for breath. This fierce battle with this wild boar beast had exhausted both his spiritual and physical strength.

During the battle, his mind was always tense, and the psychological pressure on him was also very great.

"If I didn't have the means of fireball attack in this battle, when I faced the ferocious charge of the wild boar and beast just now, I could only hide on the mysterious island in embarrassment."

Looking at the dead wild boar, Lin Li muttered in his heart.

This thrilling battle gave Lin Li a deeper understanding of the ferocity of alien beasts.


A group of birds watching from afar looked in surprise at the human being who won the final victory.

That ferocious wild boar beast, but the most powerful beast in this area, did not expect to be killed by this thin-looking human today, which really surprised them.



After Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief, he came to the dead wild boar, stretched out his hand to hold the spiritual weapon long sword inserted in the eye socket of the wild boar, and pulled it out forcefully.

After he pulled out the spiritual weapon sword, he immediately went to the mud pond and washed the blood stains on the spiritual weapon sword with the water in the mud pond.

After cleaning it up, he carefully inspected the long sword, the spirit weapon, and found that it was not damaged. Lin Li let out a long sigh of relief.

After all, Lin Li spent half of Lin Li's savings on the long sword. If this battle breaks it, Lin Li may be so heartbroken that he won't be able to sleep tonight.

After confirming that the spirit weapon long sword was not damaged, Lin Li turned his head to look at the two corpses of strange beasts, and his face burst into a smile.

"Haha, that rabbit beast weighs about forty to fifty catties, and that wild boar beast, it's conservatively estimated that it must weigh three hundred catties no matter what!

I bought three catties of wild boar meat at the vegetable market before, and spent 300 yuan to remove some inedible parts. These two corpses of wild animals can be sold for 3 to [-] yuan! "

Hurry up and send these two corpses back to the city... Lin Li, who only has 30 yuan left on his body, urgently needs a sum of money to fill his empty wallet... It feels so uncomfortable to have no money.


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