Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 12 Really lives up to its name!

Lin Li glanced at the work card on the opponent's chest. It had the examiner's name on it. The macho examiner's name was Hao Zhuang. He really lived up to his name!


Not to mention fighting with strange beasts, Lin Li, who had never even fought with anyone else, swallowed subconsciously when he saw that his examiner was such a ferocious man exuding a ferocious aura.

"Damn, did you make a mistake? Why did you arrange such a strong man to be my examiner? If there is a fight later, if the other party accidentally misses, he might punch me seriously."

The two-meter-tall macho examiner saw that the candidate was a student in his early twenties, and frowned slightly, "Your name is Lin Li, right?"

"Yes, examiner Hao."

Hao Zhuang said to Lin Li in a deep voice, "You should have just graduated from university this year, right?"

Lin Li nodded.

"Looking at your delicate skin and tender flesh, you probably haven't gone to the martial arts gym to learn or practice fighting skills!"

Lin Li nodded again, and at the same time muttered to himself, "A few days ago, my cultivation aptitude was very bad, and I couldn't become a practitioner at all. My dream is to be a salted fish. Of course, I didn't go to the martial arts hall to learn or practice fighting skills. .”

Hao Zhuang asked two questions in a row, seeing Lin Li nodding his head, which made his expression more serious, "You don't need to take the exam, you can't pass the exam just like you."

"Huh???" Lin Li was stunned when he heard Hao Zhuang's words, and then he hurriedly said, "Examiner Hao, I haven't started yet. How can you directly judge that I failed? This is not in line with the procedure."

Hao Zhuang said with a blank expression, "For a person like you who has no fighting experience, even if he passes the qualification test of a beast hunter and obtains the status of a beast hunter, there is a high probability that he will encounter a beast in the wild afterward." Also dead.

You'd better go to the martial arts hall to learn some fighting skills first, and then come to the beast hunter exam after you have some fighting experience! "

Lin Li could also tell at this moment that the other party felt that after obtaining the Alien Beast Hunter qualification certificate, he would die in the wild.

Although the other party had good intentions, Lin Li had his own plans and plans.

"I can take the Alien Beast Hunter Qualification Test first, and then go to the martial arts hall to learn fighting skills! It doesn't mean that I will go to the wild to hunt alien beasts right away."

Hearing Lin Li's words, Hao Zhuang showed disbelief on his face, but since the examinee said so, as an examiner, he couldn't stop him from taking the exam.

Later, during the exam, Wei Wei's attack will be more serious, so that the other party will back down.

The staff who brought Lin Li to the examination room came to a timer next to the ring. After adjusting the time, they said to Lin Li who was walking into the ring, "Mr. Lin Li, are you ready?"


Lin Li took a deep breath and said to the staff member, "Get ready."


The staff presses the switch of the timer, and the timer starts counting down.

"Young man, the profession of beast hunter is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will die. You should know it from the scars on my body." Hao Zhuang looked at Lin Li who was waiting in full force, and said seriously.

"Nowadays, beauty parlors offer supernatural scar removal services. Why don't you remove the scars on your body?" Lin Li thought about delaying time, and responded according to the other party's words.

"Because I have these scars, I can always remind me to be vigilant when going out in the wild," said Hao Zhuang.

"Okay! But I still suggest you go to a beauty parlor to get rid of scars with supernatural powers. You don't look bad. Having these scars will affect your ability to find a girlfriend." Lin Li said kindly to Hao Zhuang.

"..." Hao Zhuang didn't expect Lin Li to say this, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, thinking to himself, the reason why he couldn't get the girl he liked was because of these scars on his body!

The staff member standing under the arena saw that 20 seconds had passed since the exam time, and the two people on the arena hadn't started yet, so he reminded, "Hao Zhuang, don't forget your identity as the examiner."

"I know, I haven't forgotten, so I'll do it now." Hao Zhuang, who was still thinking about whether the girl he was pursuing, did not accept his confession because of the scars on his body, came back to his senses at this moment.

"Never mind your business! Can't you just stand aside and watch the show quietly?" Lin Li turned his head and glanced at the talkative staff member, and muttered secretly in his heart.

"I'm coming, be careful." As soon as Hao Zhuang's words fell, Lin Li felt a figure suddenly appear in front of him, and then he saw the opponent's casserole-sized fist hitting his stomach.


At the critical moment, Lin Li quickly crossed his hands to block in front of his stomach.

However, the strength of the opponent's fist was too great. Although he blocked with both hands, after receiving such a punch, he was still thrown backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

" hurts." Lin Li gasped, feeling that his right arm, which had been punched, was dying of pain.

"If you can't bear even this little pain, you should never go out into the wild.

You know, when encountering strange beasts in the wild and fighting them, injuries are inevitable.

When you get injured, the pain will be much more painful than the punch I just punched you. Hao Zhuang withdrew his right fist and said to Lin Li.

Rubbing his swollen right arm with his left hand, Lin Li got up from the ground. He glanced at the timer under the ring and found that there were still 2 minutes left.

"Why did it take only one minute? The timer was tampered with by the staff, right?"

Hao Zhuang walked towards Lin Li, and when he saw the macho examiner walking towards him, Lin Li immediately ran back, but unfortunately the arena was so big, he had nowhere to escape after a while.

"When you encounter a strange beast in the wild, you can't easily expose your back to the other party. Your reckless escape just now is very likely to ruin your life." Hao Zhuang flew towards Lin Li while talking.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The sound of punching to the flesh resounded in the arena. Although Lin Li had never fought with others, the rabbit still bit people when he was in a hurry!Have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run?

Lin Li, who was cornered, immediately punched Hao Zhuang with a fierce attack, but his fist was easily avoided by the opponent, and then his body was punched by the opponent again.

"Damn, come again." Lin Li flushed red after being punched, and rushed forward again.

Although Hao Zhuang is two meters tall and tall, his movements are swift.

He dodged Lin Li's dozen punches in one fell swoop, and then immediately rewarded him with a dozen punches.


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