Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 102: You may be disappointed, he is a salted fish with no desires

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The door opened, and Su Yue, who had long hair draped over her shoulders and was wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans, walked into the room with a small bag in her hand.

Hearing the sound of the door opening from the entrance, Zheng Qiuyi, who was sitting in the living room watching TV, immediately got up and walked towards the entrance.

"Mom." Su Yue, who had just changed into her indoor slippers, raised her head and saw her mother standing in the distance looking at her.

"Come back! Why couldn't I get through to your phone just now?"

"The phone ran out of battery just now...Mom, are you hungry? You sit down for a while, and I'll go to the kitchen to prepare dinner."

"It will be seven o'clock when you are busy, why don't we go out and find a restaurant to eat!"

"I'll cook noodles at night, soon..." Su Yue smiled at her mother, and walked into the living room with her bag.

She put the bag in her hand on the sofa, then opened the bag, and took out the mobile phone that had automatically shut down because it was out of power.

Zheng Qiuyi saw that her daughter was about to charge her dead mobile phone, and she said to her daughter who was about to go back to the bedroom, "Su Yue, just now your friend brought a big bag of vegetables, and I put them in the kitchen for you."

Su Yue, who was about to go back to the bedroom to charge her phone, stopped after hearing what her mother said, turned her head to look at her mother, and asked suspiciously, "My friend brought a big bag of vegetables?"

"Well, he said his name is Lin Li, he is your friend, right?"

"Oh, talk about him!" Su Yue nodded suddenly. She first heard her mother say that a friend brought a big bag of vegetables to her. She thought it was Sister Zhang from the building next door. Vegetables are here!

The younger brother of Sister Zhang in the next building is a wholesaler of agricultural products. Every once in a while, he will send a lot of vegetables to his sister.

And Sister Zhang's family can't finish it, and the vegetables will go bad if left for a long time, what a waste!

So every time Sister Zhang's younger brother brought vegetables, Sister Zhang would distribute some vegetables to her friends, including Su Yue.

There is nothing to say about Su Yue's popularity. She has lived in this happy garden community for two or three years, but she has met many friends. Lin Li is very envious of Su Yue's popularity.

"I was thinking of giving your friend vegetable money, but he insisted not to." Zheng Qiuyi said while paying attention to the change of expression on her daughter's face, she wanted to see some clues from it.

After hearing what her mother said, Su Yue's expression remained unchanged. She nodded and said, "Mom, why don't you ask him to stay and sit?"

"I asked him to stay, but he said there were other things."

"What can Lin Li do? He hasn't gone to work now, and he has nothing else to do at home except play games.

It is possible to get a good result from this problem, and the chain will not be able to reach the next level.

But why did this person send a big bag of vegetables over here? This counts as him stealing vegetables for me once! Su Yue murmured to herself, then went back to her bedroom to get a charger to charge her phone.

After plugging in the charging cable, the mobile phone can be turned on with that amount of power.

"Ding dong."

As soon as the mobile phone was turned on with a little charge, there was an alert sound of WeChat messages immediately.

Su Yue stretched out her slender fingers like green onions, tapped the screen with her fingertips, read the WeChat message sent by Lin Li, and then replied to him: My phone ran out of battery just now, and I just recharged it now, thank you for the vegetables, Come back to cook and treat you to dinner.

After the wechat message was sent, this time Lin Li didn't keep Su Yue waiting for a long time, and within a few seconds after she sent the message, there was a reply.

Lin Li: Yes.

After reading Lin Li's short reply, Su Yue put her mobile phone on the bedside table to charge, then went to the closet, opened the closet, took out a loose home clothes and changed into it.

Putting on home clothes, Su Yue walked out of her bedroom and came to the living room. She asked Zheng Qiuyi who was sitting on the sofa watching TV, "Mom, how many days are you going to stay here?"

"Stay overnight, Xiao Liu will pick me up tomorrow morning." Hearing her daughter's question, Zheng Qiuyi didn't look away from the TV and replied casually.

Su Yue heard her mother say that the driver at home would pick her up tomorrow morning, so she couldn't help saying, "Stay a few more days! Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

"I also want to stay with you for a few more days! But you also know that as long as I'm not at home, your dad often doesn't remember to eat until after the meal."

"Mom, you're trying to persuade my dad! There's never enough money to be made. He's already made so much money. It's okay to let go of things in the company and let others do them."

"Hey, do you think I haven't persuaded your dad? Every time I persuaded your dad, he would tell me.

While I'm still young, I want to earn more money, which will be used as a dowry for your future marriage..." Zheng Qiuyi, who was watching the TV show, cast a glance at her daughter and said leisurely.


When Su Yue heard that her mother turned the topic to herself, and it was about major events in her life, she suddenly felt a headache.

So, she could only helplessly say to her mother, "Mom, I can make money by myself, dad doesn't have to worry about my dowry or anything..."

"You... You said that your father is only your daughter, and if he doesn't spend the money he earns for you, who will spend it?

Not to mention that when you first went to college, he was afraid that you would not be used to living in the school dormitory, so he bought you a villa near your school in advance, thinking that you could move to the villa after you went to college.

In the end, you decided to live in the dormitory of the school. That villa has been empty since it was bought, and no one has lived in it.

You said that you don't like the villa because it's too big. There's no need for a person to live in such a big house.

Well, after you graduate, the interview is successful, and you become a teacher, your father wants to buy you a small apartment with four bedrooms and two living rooms in the urban area, but you still don’t want it, and you insist on renting a house. What are you thinking? "

"..." Su Yue fell silent after hearing what her mother said.

After more than ten seconds, she said to her mother, "Mom, I just don't want to rely on my father and you for everything... just stop nagging about these things, I'm getting overheard."

Seeing her daughter's frowning, Zheng Qiuyi shook her head helplessly, and said, "All right, all right, I won't nag about these things... Then tell me, the young man named Lin Li who brought a big bag of vegetables just now People's business!

That young man looks good to me. He is a very solid young man. What does he do?Is it a colleague from your school? "

"Mom, you may be disappointed, Lin Li is just a salty fish with no desires..." Su Yue muttered in her heart.


ps: Thanks to "krius" for the 100-point reward. chapter

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