Destiny Physician

Chapter 365 Accident

"Damn, you've been talking for a long time, are you cheating?"

Now I understand it. After talking for a long time, this guy himself doesn't know whether there is anyone around here. The reason why he is bluffing here and making such a big move is completely fighting wits with the air!

"Isn't there nothing I can do? Do you have a better way?"

I'm literally speechless right now about what this guy has done.

But since it has been confirmed that there is indeed no one around here, the two of us are also, so there is no need to continue feeding mosquitoes here.

"What about this thing?"

Although it was confirmed that there was no one nearby, a new problem arose. It took two spells to catch such a big gray mouse, so it couldn't just be released.

"What else can I do? This is a hostage. Isn't there room in your backpack? Put it in first!"

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing what he said, I immediately became unhappy. Putting such a thing into a backpack made me feel tired for a while when I thought about it.

"Stop talking nonsense, don't you really think that any mouse can be used as a clone? Although killing this thing may not cause much harm to him, but he wants to refine another one , that is not such an easy task, it will take at least 2~3 years!"

Hearing what he said, I could only suppress my nausea, grabbed the mouse from the ground, and threw it into my backpack.

Feeling such a living thing on my back, I really felt tired for a while, if it wasn't because it was trapped by the talisman array, I really didn't want to carry this thing for a second.

"What now? Do we have an appointment tonight?"

After clearing the eyes around me, we can finally feel at ease when the two of us talk.

"Don't you think the two of us are really too passive now? We have to do what he says, and the two of us can only be passive and let him lead us by the nose!"

After hesitating for a while, the little Taoist suddenly spoke.

"You mean we won't go tonight, let him go?"

"That's right, not only do we have to let him go, but we also need to investigate carefully, the person who gave you the phone!"

"What you said makes sense, but, just the two of us, I'm afraid the owner of the bathing center won't give us face. Such a big bathing center wants to watch their surveillance..."

"If it's normal, of course it won't work, but what if their place isn't clean?"

The little Taoist smirked as he spoke.

"It seems reasonable for you to say that..."

I immediately understood what he meant.

When the two of us returned to the bathing center again, I let Lin Xiaorong out directly by taking advantage of 4 times of no one's efforts, and then whispered a few words to her.

"I said you are quite useful as a spirit servant, why not lend me to play for a few days?"

Seeing Lin Xiaorong disappearing at the end of the corridor, the little Taoist suddenly lowered his voice and said.

"Stop joking here, she is also a poor person, if it's not a last resort, I don't want her to follow me so vaguely..."

I am basically immune to this guy's crazy talk now, but when it comes to Lin Xiaorong, I still have to explain it to him.


Just as I finished speaking, dozens of almost naked women ran out of the women's bathroom next to me.

"I'll go, if I knew there was such a good thing, I would have let you do it!"

The little Taoist was drooling while admiring the spectacle in front of him.

"This one is really a bit too old, it's a bit droopy, the one on the left looks good, the one with long hair, I'll go, look at this one with long legs!"

The little Taoist was chatting while watching the bustle.


However, the excitement didn't last long, and a group of old men in bathing suits also rushed out.

The bathing center, which had been thriving at first, suddenly became deserted. After getting up for a while, even the waiters on the second floor ran out.

This time, the entire second floor of the bathing center was completely deserted.

"Let's watch, I don't think it will take long for the real master to appear!"

Just as the little Taoist finished speaking, the originally brightly lit bathing center suddenly lost power.

Only now did I realize that Lin Xiaorong is really familiar with doing this kind of thing.

"Good job, I really didn't expect you to be so capable!"

While the two of us were talking, Lin Xiaorong floated out of the bathing center directly.

"I didn't do anything. When I was about to scare them, they all ran out..."

"What did you say? You said you didn't do anything?"

Hearing what he said, the smile on the little Taoist priest's face froze immediately.

"I really didn't do anything. I was just about to make a move, and those people also ran away. I don't know what happened..."

Lin Xiaorong looked at me innocently while talking.

"Go and rest first!"

After I exchanged glances with the little Taoist priest, I took Lin Xiaorong back first.

"Did you see anything?"

After taking Lin Xiaorong back, I lowered my voice and looked at the little Taoist priest beside me.

"There is indeed a faint yin energy in this place. I always thought it was coming from your spiritual servant, but now it seems that something has happened to this place!"

After observing carefully for a while, the little Taoist said in a low voice.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that something big is going to happen in this place tonight!"

While listening to the little Taoist priest, I carefully felt the breath nearby.

Although until now, I don't know what happened here, but the closer I get to this place, the more I feel a sense of crisis rising from the bottom of my heart.

"Damn it, what are you two doing here? If the circuit is broken, just ask someone to repair the circuit. You are talking about haunted, are you crazy? Do you know how much money I will lose if this place is closed for a day!"

While the two of us were talking, a luxury off-road vehicle parked directly at the entrance of the bathing center. Immediately afterwards, a strong man with a height of about 1 meters got out of the car and said cursing while walking .

"No, boss, many people saw it with their own eyes just now, it seems true, yes, yes..."

While talking, the waiters looked around tremblingly, not even daring to mention that word.

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