Destiny Physician

Chapter 358 The Cleaned Up Site!

"There seems to be something wrong..."

The little Taoist reached out and touched the dusty ground, then put it under the tip of his nose and sniffed it lightly, then said in a low voice.

"It does seem that something is not right, but why do I not feel any yin or evil spirit at all..."

I looked around in a little confusion. The last time I spoke to Hu Jinsong was only a few days ago.If something evil really happened in this place, how could there be no lingering breath in just a few days?

"What if someone cleaned it up on purpose?"

After hesitating for a moment, the little Taoist whispered again.

"This footprint is really weird. How could someone with such big feet leave only half a footprint?"

Looking at the weird scene in front of me, it was really hard for me to understand what I saw.

I can't, a good living person, just stick one of his feet into the wall!

"Look around carefully, even if someone has cleaned it up on purpose, it's impossible for it to be completely flawless!"


Although I also understand in my heart that since the other party has cleaned up on purpose, they will definitely not leave too many useful clues for us, but now there seems to be no other way except this way, so I can only bite the bullet and continue searching. up.

There was really nothing to search in the empty house. After turning around the house a few times, the two of us finally returned to the front of the half footprint.

"How are you over there?"

The little Taoist frowned and looked at me.

"Besides this, there seems to be no clue..."

I pointed to the half footprint on the ground, and I was completely speechless.

"If someone really cleaned this place on purpose, why would he leave this to us?"

While talking, the little Taoist squatted down on the ground again, carefully looking at half of the footprints on the ground.

"What the hell!"

There was only this half of the footprints on the empty ground. We stared at it for [-] minutes with big eyes and small eyes, but we still had no clue.

I punched the wall in front of me a little angrily, and couldn't help but curse directly.

"Don't you have a spirit servant? Call her out and let her feel if there is anything wrong around here!"

When the little Taoist said this, I was taken aback.

From the bottom of my heart, I never regarded Lin Xiaorong as a spiritual servant, so many times I simply forgot about her when I was in a hurry.

If the little Taoist priest hadn't reminded me, I'm afraid I would have thought of calling her out even if I wanted to break my head.


Because there is a contract between Lin Xiaorong and me, it is really very simple to call her out, as long as I have a thought, she will appear automatically.

"Help me feel if there is any other aura remaining in this room!"


Hearing what I said, Lin Xiaorong immediately closed her eyes, and carefully began to sense the breath nearby.

After more than a minute, she slowly opened her eyes again.

"How about it?"

I hurriedly asked.

"It seems that there is such a trace of Buddhist magic, but it feels very strange, and I can't explain it clearly..."

Lin Xiaorong frowned while carefully considering the words.

"A breath of Buddhist magic?"

Although she herself is not very sure, but for me and the little Taoist priest, this is actually a breakthrough.

"If you sense this breath again, can you still distinguish it?"

After hesitating for a while, the little Taoist suddenly asked.


Hearing what the little Taoist said, Lin Xiaorong immediately nodded vigorously.

"Let's go here first today, I think we should go to a few nearby monk temples to have a look first tomorrow morning!"

Although I was indeed a little unwilling in my heart, but looking at this empty room, I really don't know what to say at this moment.

Now at this time, I can only pray, I hope that Hu Jinsongji will have his own appearance, and I hope that I can find his whereabouts as soon as possible...

After taking Lin Xiaorong back, I followed the little Taoist priest, and the two of us took a taxi and returned to my Yiyantang.

"I don't have many friends here, and I mainly rely on you to inquire about news..."

After being silent for a while, the little Taoist suddenly spoke.

"I know what's going on, don't worry!"

Hu Jinsong can be said to be the one who helped me the most among all the friends I met in Fancheng. Whether it was emotional or rational, I had to do my best.

Overwhelmed by this matter, the joy of reuniting with the little Taoist priest was directly thrown into the sky at this moment. The two of us just sat in the room blankly, each thinking about our own thoughts.

It wasn't until early in the morning that I remembered that the little Taoist priest had been busy with me for so long, and he still hadn't run out of water.

"Why don't the two of us go out and have something to eat first? You came here all the way, I can't let you go hungry on the first night!"

"I've been waiting for your words for a long time, but it's all over. Otherwise, let's have some barbecue on the side of the road!"

Seeing that it was already early in the morning, and the two of us didn't have the mood to continue tossing around at this time, so I nodded directly.

"Let's do this tonight. When this matter is resolved, I'll treat you to a big meal!"

"Okay, why are my brothers being polite?"

While talking, the little Taoist put his arm directly on my shoulder.

Anyway, not far from this door, there are many barbecue stalls with street stalls at night. The little Taoist priest and I each have a bottle of beer, and the 200 yuan barbecue skewers sent us both away.

After eating and drinking, the little Taoist was assigned to my room, and I slept on the same bed that Ye Shuer lay on last night.

I waited until there was a deafening snore from the neighbor next door, but I still didn't feel any sleepiness.

In his mind, he carefully recalled the details of the call to Hu Jinsong a few days ago.

Thinking about it, I suddenly remembered an important thing, I seem to have really missed an important detail.

Hu Jinsong is indeed very popular in the street of antiques, but those who really sell antiques don't necessarily have to open shops on the street of antiques!

If my calculations are correct, then Yuchan's owner should be the last person Hu Jinsong came into contact with!

Does the matter of Hu Jinsong have anything to do with him?

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