Destiny Physician

Chapter 29 Police Car

The surrounding air is filled with smoke and dust. I have been tossing here for so long, and my body is covered with mud.

Coupled with the fact that there is a big rooster standing on my shoulder, this strange shape immediately becomes the most beautiful guy on the street.

Those policemen who were standing by to maintain order looked at me with strange expressions.

Blame it, I didn't take it seriously, I found a place with few people, carefully took out two willow leaves from my pocket, and then looked up again and looked around.

The cloud above my head is still brewing, and I'm really a little worried right now.

Could there be something else going to happen here? This has already collapsed, isn't it over yet?

I know that there will be greater danger here, but at this moment, I also know that no matter what I say, no one will believe it.

But fortunately, the policemen at the scene have already begun to evacuate the crowd on these construction sites.

I gritted my teeth, simply carried Ye Shu'er on my back, and walked towards the end of the black cloud step by step.

After walking for more than ten miles, I met the evacuated bus behind.

My whole body was drenched with sweat, as if I had just finished rolling in muddy water.

Even if I have a good physique, but carrying a big living person on my back and carrying so much equipment, this time I am tired enough.

When I got home, it was already evening. When Wang Huiying saw Ye Shuer and me like this, she was completely terrified, but she reacted immediately and came over to help.

Together with her, I carried Ye Shu'er to her own room, and after laying her down, I finally let out a long sigh of relief.

"Xiao Zhong, are you alright? Are you not injured?"

After putting Ye Shu'er down, Wang Huiying looked at me with concern.

"I'm fine, it's just a little dirty, I'll just go and wash it!"

With such a big thing happening, naturally everyone in the news is paying attention to this place.

After I quickly washed up and changed into clean clothes, I felt that my stomach had started to rebel.

Originally, I thought I would be able to come back at noon no matter what, but I didn't expect this toss to come to this day.

Wang Huiying brought me a bowl of noodles at the right time. This time I didn't refuse. I was really hungry now. After I devoured the food, I briefly told Wang Huiying what happened today.

At this moment, even Wang Huiying felt terrified for a while, this matter was too dangerous.

If I were any less lucky, I might not be able to come back today.

I didn't expect that this made Wang Huiying even more embarrassed, afraid that I would be sleepy and tired, so she took the initiative to take care of Ye Shuer's work.

I'm really grateful for this, after all, with Ye Shu'er's current state, if no one cares about her, even if she is just hungry, she will be starved to death.

After Wang Huiying left, I lay on the bed alone. I originally wanted to sleep for a while, but I couldn't fall asleep anyway. I was thinking about what happened today over and over again in my mind.

Looking at the crack on the finger, I really wanted to slap myself.

The master has already told me repeatedly that I am not allowed to tell other people's fortune before the age of 23. Why can't I control my mouth?

Just because of such a bastard, I actually broke the commandments my master gave me.

Depressed, I took out my phone and checked today's news. After all, such a big thing happened, there should be more clues in the news than I know.

Just looking at it, I suddenly felt a chill on my back.

Now I know that this construction site is called Chengde International Holiday Villa!

The investor behind this is actually the Liu family, and it is named after Liu Chengde!

All the accidents one after another had something to do with the Liu family. This kind of thing is really hard to believe, it's a coincidence.

Thinking about the actions of the two brothers and sisters who came here humbly and wanted to buy back the bracelet from me, I guess something must have happened before this.

But at this moment, whether it is Liu Chuanxiong, Liu Chengde, Liu Mei, the three of them are lying in the hospital.

And life and death are uncertain, even if I want to ask at this time, I have no place to ask.

What happened to the Liu family?

How could such a situation suddenly happen?

I really became more and more curious in my heart, and I couldn't help but quickly recalled the scene when we met at Liu's house last time.

If the master wants to use tricks, I guess it will be related to Feng Shui in all likelihood.

But for so many years, the master has never left the Taoist temple, even if he leaves occasionally, it is only for a day or two.

Not to mention whether such a layout can be completed in such a short period of time.Just because of this cruel method, I don't think it looks like my master.

But the question is, if it wasn't the master, then who made such a cruel move?

All of a sudden, my heart was really at a loss, and I really wanted to ask what happened to the brothers and sisters of the Liu family.

It's a pity that all members of the Liu family are lying in the hospital now, even if I want to investigate, I'm afraid there's nowhere to start right now.

I was thinking wildly while watching the news on my phone, and fell asleep in a daze. Today is indeed too tired.

When I woke up, it was already broad daylight, and I just remembered that the tools I borrowed had not been returned to the bus driver.

I quickly called the master and asked him where he was, and we agreed to meet at a nearby bus stop in half an hour.

I purposely went to the next door to take a look at Ye Shuer, after a whole night, Ye Shuer's body is much better.

Although I am still a little dizzy now, but it is no longer a problem, and I let out a long breath in my heart, and then hurried out the door.

But what I didn't expect was that when I came back with that big cock in my arms, there were actually two police cars parked downstairs.

"You are Zhong Rui?"

As soon as mine entered the door, two young policemen greeted me with serious faces.

"I, I am Zhong Rui, what happened?"

The first time I faced the police alone, I felt a little nervous. Could it be that I did something wrong?

But if you think about it carefully, apart from fighting with the fat man, it seems that I didn't do anything else...

Could it be Ye Shu'er's fat cousin who called the police directly?

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