Destiny Physician

Chapter 284 Spoiler!

When these young people are together, it is always easy to spark something.

Especially since the two of us haven't seen each other for so long, and during this time, I am on the verge of life and death.

Now this kind of close contact, within a short time, I felt that my whole body began to feel hot.

I almost subconsciously lowered my head and kissed her. Liu Mei resisted a little at first, but after a while, her whole body was limp and turned into mud...

"Don't stay here..."

Fortunately, she still maintained the last shred of reason, just when I wanted to rub her into my body, she suddenly whispered in my ear.

I suddenly remembered that although there are few people at the door of my shop, there is still Wang Ruoxi standing outside the door.

However, it is already at this time, if I can hold back, then I am not a man.

I picked her up and ran straight up to the second floor.

Little Bie is better than a newlywed. People who have experienced this kind of thing always have experience.

"I'm sorry, it's inconvenient for the gentlemen now, you should come back later!"

"Come back in a while, let him run away in a while, this woman owes us money, if you don't pay it back today, don't blame us for detaining her. I warn you, if you stop us again, don't blame us You fight together."

Just when the two of us were almost about to be honest with each other, there was a sudden commotion downstairs.

Immediately afterwards, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs on the second floor.

Liu Mei calmed down all of a sudden, and pushed me away.


The fucking bullets are all loaded, and now a spoiler has come out.

In my heart, there are really 1 grass and mud horses running by now.

"You rest for a while, and I'll deal with things outside."

I took a deep breath and quickly straightened my clothes.

"Also, let me go..."

When Liu Mei spoke, her voice trembled a little.

"How are you doing now?"

Looking at the clothes I tore on her body, I coughed dryly in embarrassment, and then said.


Liu Mei's face turned red all of a sudden, she pulled off the quilt subconsciously, and hid her head in the quilt.

"Okay, don't worry, with me here, I want to see what tricks they can play."

I smiled, and then walked directly towards the door on the second floor.

"who are you?"

I just opened the door here, and I saw a middle-aged man in his forties with a slightly bald head and a fat figure walking towards me.

"You came to my shop to make trouble, and then asked me who I am, you are really interesting to talk about."

I was amused by this guy, and I don't know how much fake wine this kid drank to be able to say such a thing.

"Stop fucking nonsense! Call me that stinky bitch Liu Mei, if she doesn't give me money, then the **** will just pay me!"

As the guy spoke, he laughed lewdly.

"Why is there something on your face?"

Seeing that guy's obscene smile, I suddenly said.


Hearing what I said, the guy was taken aback and said subconsciously.

"Didn't you look in the mirror when you went out? Didn't you look at your face? You have toads written all over your mother's forehead, and you still want to eat swan meat. I think you are really sick." !"

"You fucking dare to scold me? Do you know who I am?"

The guy finally came to his senses, and his face immediately flushed red.

"I said who you are, didn't your mother tell you? Or did your mother forget it too?"

I have stayed in the cave with the little Taoist priest for so long, and my mouth has slipped a lot now.

"You fucking court death!"

As the guy was talking, he slapped me in the face with a slap.

"I'll go to your uncle!"

After narrowly escaping death in that cave for so long, my cultivation has not improved by 01:30.

As for his body, which has been hollowed out by wine, sex and wealth, if he wants to fight with me, it's not an ordinary distance.

His right hand has just been raised, and I have already kicked him in the stomach.

Even though I had carefully controlled my strength, that guy was kicked out by me. After flying two of my subordinates, he fell heavily on the floor of the first floor.

"How dare you hit me!"

It is estimated that this guy is usually used to being domineering, so now that he has suffered such a small loss at this time, he immediately looks like a cat whose hair has exploded.

"I've already beaten you, and you still ask me if I dare? I said what the hell is pouring into your brain? When you packed the tofu brain this morning, you forgot to take the plastic bag and poured it directly Is it in your head?"

I was amused by this guy, he had already beaten him, and asked me if I dared, I really don't know what he was thinking.

"Kill him to death for me!"

He yelled this sentence almost at the top of his voice.

"Yes, boss!"

The men he brought with him immediately took out short sticks from their waists, and rushed up towards the stairs.

"Boss, be careful!"

Seeing the ferocious looks of these people, Wang Ruoxi yelled nervously.

"Don't worry, there are only a few trash, they can't hurt me."

Hitting a few of them in such a narrow terrain with my skills is not the same as playing.

Almost in the blink of an eye, all the subordinates he brought were knocked to the ground by me.

There is surveillance in my store now. Although the sound cannot be recorded, there is still no problem with the video.

They were the ones who started the fight the whole time, and I was just defending myself.So when I started, I didn't mean any politeness at all.

Every time he makes a shot, he aims at the most vulnerable joints on the human body.

As long as it is knocked down by me, no one can get up again.

That guy obviously didn't expect that such an ordinary kid like me could completely crush the bodyguards he brought with me.

When all his people were beaten to the ground by me, he now knew what fear is.

"Boy, you, don't come here."

Seeing me walking towards him step by step, the guy's voice started to tremble a little when he spoke.

"Is there anything that can't be talked about properly? Do you have to do something? I am the most reasonable person. If you talk to me well, let's talk about it. If there is anything, just solve it. If you talk to me If I do it, then I will accompany it to the end."

While talking, I quietly took out a bad luck charm from my pocket, and then patted that guy on the back.

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