Destiny Physician

Chapter 276 The Return

But it's strange to say that after the little Taoist underestimated, the two guys disappeared directly, which really makes me feel a little strange.

"Don't ask anything, we'll just stay here and wait until dawn."

Before I could speak, he had already blocked it directly.

"I don't ask if I ask, what's the big deal."

I gave him a straight look, but didn't take it seriously.

But this ancestral hall is indeed a bit gloomy. Even without these two guys, I still feel uneasy staying in this kind of place.

I don't know if the three pillars of fragrance offered just now had an effect, anyway, the messy things outside seemed to calm down all of a sudden.

By the time I looked through the crack of the door, it had been 4 weeks of silence.

"Don't look, there shouldn't be any problems tonight. Let's hurry up and rest for a while. We'll leave immediately tomorrow during the day. Don't stay in this damn place."

Compared to my nervousness, the little Taoist was much calmer.

"Are you sure you're okay tonight?"

I was a little worried, looking at the little Taoist priest and asked.

"Hey, I said that you are the descendant of the Qingwei sect, you are afraid of a hammer, if you are afraid, they are afraid of you, okay?"

After the little Taoist gave me a blank look, he lay down on the ground in his clothes.

Looking at his face that needs to be punched, although I really want to give him a fist, but considering that this kid's skill seems to be a little bit higher than mine, I still can only bear it.

For the whole night, although I closed my eyes, I didn't dare to rest for a moment.

Until the sun came out, the stone hanging in my heart fell to the ground.

"Looking at your nervous look, I said, what are you doing?"

"Why not, don't forget that we almost lost our lives here several times last night."

Thinking about what happened last night, I still have lingering fears at this time.

However, just as the two of us were about to leave, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside the door.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

When the little Taoist priest was about to go up and open the door, the man pushed the door open and walked in.

"Uh, the two of us were passing by. We strayed into Guicun last night, so we can only spend the night here. I'm really sorry, we're leaving now."

The little Taoist coughed dryly and said hastily.

"Are you foreigners?"

The man looked at the two of us strangely.

"The two of us just lost our way, let's go, let's go."

Seeing the weird look on that man's face, the little Taoist hurriedly pulled me away.

"I said, why does he look at the two of us like a monster?"

After I came out of the ancestral hall and walked all the way, I looked at the little Taoist priest with some doubts.

"This place is so weird, maybe there will be some evil things here, so don't ask so many questions, let's hurry up and leave."

Some people may say that the two of us are useless, we should be like the heroes in those TV dramas, killing demons and defending Taoism.

For such a person, I can only say that you really have watched too many TV series.

Think about what happened to the two of us last night. The things here are more evil than the other. There is nothing we two rookies can handle.

With our current level of cultivation, it is a blessing to be able to save our lives last night.

As for things like eliminating demons and defending Taoism, let those big shots do it!

Along the road all the way to the entrance of the village, it was still the familiar big tree, but there was nothing on the tree.

If it weren't for the fact that the hole in the tree trunk pierced by the mahogany sword is still there, I would almost think that what happened last night was a dream.

"Where are you guys from?"

When we were about to leave, an old man with white beard and hair stopped us.

"We came to Wawu Mountain from other places to explore, but we got lost in the mountain and finally got out, and finally entered Guibao by mistake."

The little Taoist said hastily.

"What a pity! What a pity!"

After listening to the little Taoist, the old man suddenly sighed and said.

"What a pity?"

I looked at the little Taoist priest with some doubts, and asked in a low voice.

"It's a pity that you shouldn't come here! Forget it, young man, listen to me, and go home quickly!"

After the old man finished speaking, he turned his head and walked away slowly.

"what's the situation?"

I looked at the little Taoist with a puzzled face, this old man is really strange.

"Forget it, let's go first!"

After a whole night of tossing, I was so hungry that I was so hungry, but looking at the weird eyes of those villagers, how dare the two of us stay here for a long time now.

This is also very weird to say, this place can't see any weirdness at all during the day.

The two of us just walked out in such a swaggering way, and returned to the road. After a lot of effort, we can be regarded as returning to a civilized society.

My mobile phone was completely scrapped, and fortunately I had a little cash in the middle of the backpack, which saved the two of us from living on the streets.

After eating five bowls of rice noodles beautifully in a row, we left satisfied under the strange eyes of the boss.

After eating and drinking enough, I could only take the little Taoist priest to the nearby police station.

I re-applied my ID card, and then re-applied my bank card. After tossing until dark, this can be regarded as solving the problem of food and accommodation for the two of us.

There is always a banquet in the world, and we have come out of that deep mountain and old forest, and it is time for us to part.

After this trip, the two of us lost money and went to grandma's house.

Not only did he not catch anything, but he caused a lot of troubles, and he even suffered injuries all over his body.

"What are your plans?"

Lying on the big soft bed, I felt that every cell in my body was moaning.

"I'm planning to go back to the mountain to practice for a while, this trip is too damn uncomfortable!"

When the little Taoist spoke, he didn't even bother to open his eyes. Humans live in groups, and they are safest only in crowds.

Even those of us who are on the verge of life and death will get tired sometimes.

"What about you?"

The little Taoist asked casually.

"I plan to go back and continue to be my swindler. I don't want to cheat money. I don't want to do this kind of job in my life!"

I looked at the ceiling above my head and said weakly.

"Give me an address later, and I'll find you when I'm still thinking about it! But, you'll have to pay for it!"

The little Taoist stretched long and said comfortably.

"By the way, what about this thing? Why don't you take it back to the mountain?"

As I spoke, I glanced at the iron box on the bedside table.

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