Destiny Physician

Chapter 274 Ancestral Hall

My dark eyes are sealed now, so I can't see how the battle is going on there, but judging from his aura, he probably won't last long.

Although he hasn't said anything, I also understand in my heart that I can't delay it any longer at this time.

"Share me your vision!"

Although Lin Xiaorong's strength is low, but as a spiritual servant, she still has this basic skill.

After hearing what I said, she nodded immediately, and then, the whole person appeared beside me like a layer of smoke.

But because the money sword in my hand is too much restraint for her, she still subconsciously keeps a distance of nearly three meters from me.

Immediately after she appeared, I closed my eyes. After only a moment, I clearly felt that there were countless pictures in my mind.

Although I have never had this kind of cooperation training with him, I quickly adapted to this weird feeling.

Even though my eyes are closed, everything around me has already appeared in front of me.

After having her perspective, I couldn't help but gasped, and the little Taoist priest behind me was almost surrounded by those messy wandering souls.

Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that just outside those wandering souls, there are actually more than a dozen guys with red eyes.

These guys have a lot of hostility, and it seems that they should have devoured at least a hundred of their kind.

Under Lin Xiaorong's perspective, their bodies were almost condensed into substance.

This is the first time I have seen such a strong wandering soul.

"Fuck! What are you still doing there? Open the door quickly!"

The little Taoist was really panicked.

When he was talking, I could clearly hear his panting, and it started to become extra heavy. If he persisted like this, it would take another ten minutes or so, and he would be exhausted and paralyzed.


Hearing what he said, I didn't dare to hesitate any longer, directly bit the middle finger of my right hand, and then quickly opened the seal of the money sword with my own blood.

At this moment, both of us have been cornered.

I couldn't care about the things inside the lantern any longer, so I gritted my teeth and kicked hard on the gate of the ancestral hall.


Accompanied by a tooth-piercing sound, the gate of the ancestral hall opened abruptly.

The moment he heard the gate open, the little Taoist couldn't care less about anything else, and slammed his sword hard, forcing all the wandering souls around him away, like arrows leaving the string, and went straight into the ancestral hall.

Seeing those wandering spirits chasing after me, I didn't care too much, grabbed Lin Xiaorong, followed the little Taoist priest and rushed in.

In places like ancestral halls, especially ancestral halls with high incense, the ancestral tablets enshrined in them will always have some strange power of faith.

Although these things are invisible and intangible on the surface, they can resist almost all evil things in this barren mountain.

After the two of us worked hard to close the door, we finally blocked all those evil things out.

It's just that as soon as I entered the door, the perspective shared by Lin Xiaorong disappeared immediately.

I knew in my heart that it was because she couldn't bear the power in the ancestral hall, so she unconsciously returned to that phalanx.

"How? Those things didn't come in, did they?"

After a long while, I asked the little Taoist priest.

"What were you moaning about just now? After tossing around for a long time, if you go on moaning for a while, my little life will be thrown out."

The little Taoist was panting heavily, looked at me angrily and said.

"There seems to be something inside those two lanterns, am I afraid of alarming them?"

"Don't worry, those things haven't come in, this place is still somewhat useful."

After panting for a while, the little Taoist finally stood up.

Holding the lighter brought back from the house, with the faint light of the fire, he finally found the incense candle in the ancestral hall.

After lighting two huge candles, the little Taoist priest sat down on the ground.

"Anyway, this is someone else's ancestral hall, so let's make a salute first."

Seeing his evil deeds and appearance, I hurried forward and said.

"Have you been hungry for too long these days, and you've starved your brains out? Do you think this place is a place where anyone can salute?"

"Is there anything else to say about this?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some doubts.

I really haven't heard the master say this, after all, all these years, what the master taught me is some secrets of the sect.

Those spells and the like alone have already given me a headache, where can I have more energy to teach these weird things.

"This is someone's ancestral hall. The two of us have foreign surnames. We are not qualified to salute here. Lighting three pillars of fragrance is enough."

"Is there such a thing as exquisite?"

I looked at the little Taoist priest strangely.

"Okay, okay, if you don't know, you don't have to get involved."

"I'm sorry everyone, we two brothers have no other choice tonight, we strayed into the treasure land, so we stay here for a night, and we promise to leave tomorrow morning, and we will never disturb everyone's cleanliness!"

While talking, the little Taoist grabbed three sticks of incense from the table next to him.

While chattering in his mouth, he lit it and inserted it directly into the incense burner.

"I'll restore my strength first. Take some incense ash from the censer and sprinkle it on for 4 weeks. If there is any movement, please wake me up!"

The little Taoist's body was almost unbearable, and now he couldn't care less about it.

I do know a little about incense ashes. Generally speaking, incense ashes in shrines and Buddhist halls are the best. If you sprinkle those incense ash on the ground, if something dirty walks by, it will leave footprints.

Of course, among all the incense fairs, this kind of incense ash in the ancestral ancestral hall is the top grade among the top grades.

After all, in today's materialistic society, when facing gods and Buddhas, many people still have ulterior motives in their hearts.

On the surface, they face the Buddha, but in fact they are vicious in their hearts, or plan those obscene things. Even gods and Buddhas would not accept the incense candles lit by such people.

Naturally, those incense ashes are of no use, but facing the ancestral hall of one's own family, no matter how vicious or vicious a person is, there will be a respect in their hearts.

Just such a little bit of respect is enough to turn ordinary incense ash into something miraculous.

"I see, you should rest first!"

I nodded, and then hurriedly grabbed two handfuls of incense ash from the incense burner next to me and sprinkled them on the little Taoist four weeks.

After carefully spreading it to every corner, the little Taoist priest has already entered a state of meditation.

But just when I was about to take a break, when I raised my head, I felt my head buzzing.

Right in front of the two of us, the three sticks of incense in the big incense burner have now become two short and one long...

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