Destiny Physician

Chapter 263 The Terrace of Clouds and Brightness!

I don't know if this means that the two of us have bottomed out. With this blue light as a guide, the road ahead is smooth sailing without any trouble.

I don't know how long I walked in the dark. Anyway, when I felt that my two legs were about to break, the little Taoist suddenly stopped.

"Go ahead, what do you stop for?"

Although my physical strength was almost exhausted, I still glared at the little Taoist priest.

Both of us are tired and hungry now, and the end of this cave cannot be seen at a glance. Instead of wasting time here to rest, it is better to move forward as soon as possible.

"I, we seem to have arrived..."

The little Taoist started to stutter when he spoke.

Hearing what he said, I immediately took a few steps forward and came directly to his side.

Although it was only a few steps away, after I came to the little Taoist priest, I realized that the scenery in front of me had changed drastically.

"Is this the legendary Yunming Terrace?"

When the little Taoist spoke, his voice was a little hoarse.

"I'm not dreaming..."

Although I have never believed in miracles, at this moment, I really don't know how to explain the situation in front of me.

Just less than a hundred meters in front of the two of us, a dilapidated building with a height of several hundred meters and a radius of two to three kilometers squared was quietly suspended in front of the two of us.

"The first emperor set up Yunming Terrace, where there are rare trees from all over the world, and skillful craftsmanship in the world. In the south, there are smoke hills and green trees, Lishui burning sand, Bendu Zhuni, and Yungang plain bamboo; in the east, there are green cypresses and cypresses, and long cedars. The cold river and the stars, the mountains and clouds;"

"Floating gold in the sea in the west, jade in the waves, mulberry in the articles, and yuanchou in the Tang Dynasty; dry lacquer in Mingfu in the north, Wenzi in Yinban, black soul in the river, and fragrance in the dark sea. Rare is a collection. There are Both of them raised the rafters in vain, and transported the catty and ax in the clouds. They started their work at midnight and finished their work at noon..."

The little Taoist seemed to be talking in his sleep, constantly chanting about the records about Yunmingtai in Supplementary Notes.

"Look there!"

At this moment, the little Taoist suddenly pointed madly at the position on the right, and shook my shoulder vigorously.

"Why do I feel like the two of us are in an illusion..."

Looking at the building hidden in the clouds, I really don't know how to convince myself that everything in front of me is real...


"Your uncle, what did you hit me for?"

At this moment, the little Taoist suddenly slapped me in the face without thinking.

"Didn't you say that you are in the illusion? There will be no pain in the illusion!"


Seeing that guy's face as a matter of course, I can't wait to kick him down.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble, let's find a way to go over and have a look! Look at that position, does it look like a big seal character?"

Hearing what he said, I really felt that what he said seemed to make a little sense.

"If that is the serial number, does that mean that the rumor of the twelve Yunming Terraces in the legend is true..."

Although the Yunming Terrace in front of us is already very dilapidated, the outline of the main building on it is still clearly visible.

"Then what is the blue light we just saw?"

After a brief shock, I suddenly remembered the blue light that attracted us.

Although this is in the depths of the cave, just above the cloud platform, a light yellow light beam directly covers the entire building from top to bottom.

Below is the boundless cloud and mist, and there is no trace of that blue light from the beginning to the end.

"Wait a moment!"

After being reminded by me, the little Taoist priest suddenly remembered this question, and immediately stepped back a few steps while speaking.

"What a hell!"

After retreating more than ten steps, the little Taoist priest was able to stay in place immediately.

"This is the last step to be able to see the blue light. If you go one step further, you won't be able to see anything!"

"Otherwise, let's go and have a look?"

I don't know why, but ever since I saw this Yunming Terrace, I always felt like there was a voice in my head, urging me to go there.

"I'm afraid it's not easy to think about the past. Look there, the crack is already obvious. This thing is more than 2000 years old now. If the two of us stand on it, maybe it will really collapse. It's..."

I don't know what happened here in the past, but just looking at the cracks that are torn apart, like a spider web, is enough to make people frightened.

"It's just a distance of a hundred meters. With the speed of the two of us, even if something really happened, it's no problem to escape!"

I don't know how I was obsessed with ghosts at the time, or it was because of the weird image on my back.

Anyway, no matter what the little Taoist said, I still insisted on going up to see it.

Thinking about it now, if the little Taoist priest had been more determined at that time, maybe there would not be so many things in the future.

Of course, there is no regret medicine in this world!

Seeing me so persistent, although the little Taoist was a little embarrassed, he did not continue to refuse.

"Even if we have to go there, how should the two of us get there? When they built it back then, there should have been a mechanism. Now that it's been more than 2000 years, can the mechanism still be used?"

The little Taoist muttered to himself while looking at the surrounding situation.

"I'll try it out!"

"You try? You try a hammer! The mechanism of more than 2000 years ago, you now..."


I don't know how that complicated set of mudras appeared in my mind. Anyway, I just followed the memory in my mind, took four steps forward in a row, and then started to make mudras.

After finishing the last handprint, he took seven consecutive shots on the nearby cliff in a strange posture.

Before the little Taoist could finish his words, amidst the turmoil of the sea of ​​clouds, a long stone step slowly rose up.

"you you……"

After swearing, the little Taoist looked at me strangely, holding the mahogany sword tightly in his hand.

"If I say, I don't know how I got this set of fingerprints, would you believe me..."

Although it sounds weird to say this, I really couldn't think of how to explain it to him, so I said it truthfully.

"If you let me slash you with a sword, I will believe it!"

The little Taoist hesitated for a moment and then said.

"Cut you, uncle! Although your sword is a mahogany sword, it is made of lightning. If I let you chop a sword, you will have to lose an arm or a leg? I have carried you on my back for so long , do you kid want to kill people now?"

Hearing what he said, I immediately became angry, this bastard is simply underwhelming!

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