When the strange footsteps came dozens of steps away, the little Taoist immediately closed his eyes, holding the mahogany sword in his hand, chattering, not knowing what to say.

Those incantations are really obscure, even though there are only a few steps between me and him, I still can't hear what he is saying.

Just as he continued to chant his mantra, under my yin and yang eyes, the mahogany sword in the little Taoist's hand seemed to burn all of a sudden.

His whole body was covered with a light yellow mask, I took a deep breath, this kid is desperate this time, and now I can only do my best and obey the destiny.

In order not to be disturbed, I simply turned my head away, not looking at the desperate little Taoist priest behind me.

The Heavenly Descending Talisman of Divine Soldiers belongs to the high-level spell in the Qingwei Taishu's true solution.

According to what the master said at the time, if I can draw the divine soldier's heavenly descending talisman, then I will truly have the power to protect myself in this world.

However, the spirit ink needed to draw this kind of spell is very special. What is needed to draw ordinary spells is cinnabar and a drop of blood from your fingertips, and rooster blood by the way.

But to draw such advanced spells, ordinary cinnabar and rooster blood can't carry the energy required by the spell.

To draw this kind of spell, one needs to collect blood from the tip of the tongue of the drawer, add a drop of blood from each of the ten fingers, and finally mix a drop of heart blood, so that it can carry a huge amount of energy.

Don't think that it's just a few drops of blood. Although fingertip blood and tongue blood are precious, apart from a little pain, they don't do much harm to the human body.

But the blood of the heart is different. According to what the master said, ordinary people can only take out three drops at most in a month.

If there are more, it will hurt Shouyuan.

Even for a cultivator like me, at most ten drops of blood in a month.

If there are more, it is consuming one's own life.

The situation is urgent at this time, and I have no other choice.

After finding a few blank spells, I could only start with the coffin nail, drawing blood from my fingertips, tongue and heart.

My fingers are connected to my heart, my tongue is extremely sensitive, and the blood from my heart is located on my chest. Naturally, the process of taking blood made me shiver with pain.

After much difficulty, I finally got the twelve drops of blood needed, but I dared not write for a long time.

"I told you to hurry up, if you continue to grind, both of us will die here today!"

Seeing that there was no movement from my side, the little Taoist shouted out of breath while fighting.

Although his voice sounds full of energy now, I know in my heart that he is simply drinking poison to quench his thirst.

This guy's injury is so serious, and his physical strength is actually almost at its limit. Even if he sleeps and recovers, how much strength can he have?

Last time I just faced a few copper corpses and almost lost my life, not to mention facing a golden corpse this time...

I also know that this guy's current situation must be extremely dangerous.

In a hurry, I recalled the records in Qingwei Taishu's True Explanation several times in my mind, and after making several consecutive gestures in the void with my hand, I finally made up my mind to dip the pen tip into the blood in the bamboo tube, He touched the blank talisman paper on the ground and drew on it.

As soon as I started writing, I felt that the talisman pen in my hand seemed to be extremely heavy.

If it wasn't for the immense strength of my right hand, I guess I might not even be able to hold on for three seconds.

The sound of fighting behind me became louder and louder, but I could only close my eyes and concentrate all my attention on the pen in my hand.

There are thirteen changes in the position of the head of the Shenbing Tianxiang Talisman. I only drew the 11th change, and I already feel that my right hand seems to be stuck in the mud.

Every millimeter of movement, I feel that the whole body needs to consume a huge amount of strength.

If he hadn't gritted his teeth and persisted, I'm afraid this talisman would have been useless long ago.

This is the first time that I have prayed so sincerely in my heart, the blessing of this patriarch.

After all, this kind of spell is not the messy ones I usually draw, even if it fails once or twice, it doesn't matter, it just needs to be drawn again anyway.

According to my own estimate, even if I don't consider the issue of time, I can only draw one or two pictures in a day at most.

After all, every millimeter of movement of the nib on the talisman paper requires a lot of effort.

My physical strength is still far from the peak state, and it is naturally even more difficult now.

I'm afraid after finishing this picture, if this fails, I don't have enough strength to try the second one.

However, it was because the drawing process was extremely slow, which gave me a lot of time to think.

Almost every movement of the nib is the result of countless rehearsals in my mind.

I suddenly found that if the speed of drawing the talisman slowed down, the chance of success of the talisman drawing seemed to be much higher.

After making this discovery, I immediately felt refreshed.

After more than a minute, I finally finished drawing the talisman head of Shenbing Tianyu in my hand.

Even I didn't think of this thing myself, and I actually managed to do it.

Can you do it?I can't bear it anymore! "

Just when my heart burst into ecstasy, the little Taoist screamed from behind.

"Give me another 5 minutes!"

I caught a cold and took a deep breath to gather my mind.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, let alone this talisman is extremely complicated.

Fortunately, the most difficult part is finally over, and the rest of the talisman part is much simpler.

I don't know if my technique of drawing characters has really improved, or because it seems that this thing is really not as difficult as I imagined.

As time passed by every minute and every second, I actually insisted on the 32 changing talismans until the last few parts.

The sounds of fighting around seemed to be gradually fading away, and the sound of my own breathing also gradually fading away. Slowly, it seemed that only the pen in my hand was left in my whole world.

That kind of hanging and hanging state made me seem to be out of touch with the original world, and I seemed to have come to a space that was only my own.

With the movement of the pen tip, I can feel a suspending force slowly pouring into the ordinary yellow paper through the pen holder in my hand.

When the last stroke was made, all my strength seemed to be sucked out of my whole body, and my energy and spirit seemed to be like a flood that opened the gate. Through the pen in my hand, I kept rushing into the ordinary picture. in the yellow paper.

Is it still too hard?

I couldn't help but smile wryly for a while. With my current strength, drawing this kind of spell is like risking my life...

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