Destiny Physician

Chapter 243 New Trouble

Human potential is infinite. When I was running for my life in a hurry, this sentence suddenly popped into my mind.

Especially at this time, listening to the rustling sound from behind, my climbing speed has almost reached the extreme.

With my strong right hand, I climbed to the gap again in only a few tens of seconds.

At first, I was still worried that the little Taoist priest would stay there and wait for me, but when I climbed up, I realized that this guy had already fucking disappeared.

I didn't even have time to untie the rope around my waist. When I passed the stone pillar, I slapped the stone pillar hard, and dragging the rope, I ran directly towards the front hole.

Fortunately, my eyes have adapted to the dark environment in this cave, so I can barely distinguish the direction in the dark.

After completely losing any light, I realized that the moss growing beside the cave was actually emitting a shimmer.

It's just that the situation is urgent now, and I really don't care to observe what these things are.

I hadn't run far when I heard panting from ahead.

From the looks of it, it should be a little Taoist priest.

"What the hell am I talking about?"

I guess the guy heard my footsteps and started yelling at me.

"What else can happen, haven't you figured it out yet?"

I cursed back angrily, put more effort into my feet, and then directly chased after him.

"How did I find out that after being with you, how did I become more and more unlucky?"

The little Taoist cursed out of breath while running.

"Your uncle, you still have the face to say that if you didn't kick me off, how could this happen?"

Thinking of this incident, I feel depressed for a while.

I haven't complained yet, this guy actually dares to beat him up.

"It's all about old sesame seeds and rotten millet. It's already at this time, can you stop mentioning these things?"

After hearing my scolding, that guy probably felt a little guilty, and his mouth softened immediately.

"Stop fucking nonsense, let's run quickly."

Listening to the rustling sound coming from behind, I feel my scalp is numb.

How can he even think about arguing with him here? Although this guy is a bit broken-hearted, he is in this dark cave.

If he is cold, then I will really be alone.

I don't know how many organs there are in this damn cave, and now the two of us can only pray for the favor of fate.

"Which direction are you going?"

Running and running, there was another fork in the road ahead.

Although the centipedes behind him were about to catch up, the little Taoist still stopped and asked.

"How the hell do I know where to run?"

The corners of my mouth couldn't help twitching for a while.

This kind of advanced formation is not something that a rookie like me can play with, let alone at this moment, the two of us can't even tell the difference between east, west, south, north.

The devil knows which intersection to take at this time.

"Then what should we do? Should we stay here and wait to die?"

Hearing the rustling sound from behind, the little Taoist was about to jump in a hurry.

"Death is death! Just the one in the middle, let's do whatever you like."

I gritted my teeth hard and made up my mind.

After all, at this time, if you don't move forward, you will die.I would rather be killed by those organs than be bitten to death by these centipedes.

Seeing me rushing out, the little Taoist gritted his teeth and followed.

After all, the bad luck talisman before made him doubt his life, and now he couldn't believe himself at all.

I don't know whether my choice is right or wrong, but what makes me feel strange is that after the two of us ran a few hundred meters, I suddenly found that the rustling sound behind me seemed to stop.

"Those bugs don't seem to be catching up?"

After realizing that there was no movement behind me, I hurriedly stopped.

"If they don't stop, I will die."

After hearing what I said, the little Taoist immediately collapsed to the ground.

"I got something to eat just now, you should eat something first!"

I turned back to check again, and when I confirmed that the bugs hadn't followed, I came back, sat next to the little Taoist priest, and untied the backpack on my back.

"It doesn't matter what I eat. Is there any water? If I don't drink any more, I feel like there will be smoke in my throat."

The little Taoist spat out a mouthful of blood while speaking.

"Yes, there is, but the taste may not be very good."

I hastened to step forward to help him smooth.

"It's already this time, what else do you care? Okay?"

While speaking, the little Taoist carefully opened the zipper on my backpack.

I have to say that this waterproof backpack is really practical.

Even though he ran so hard just now, the water inside didn't spill out at all.

For the two of us, what's inside this may be our only supply for the next few days, even thinking that he is extremely thirsty now, but he just stopped after drinking a few sips of water.

"This fishy smell is so damn strong!"

After drinking a few sips of water, the little Taoist collapsed powerlessly on the ground.

"How is your injury?"

After I cut off a piece of fish with a coffin nail, why did I have to re-zip the backpack on the backpack.

"I can't die now, but I'm afraid it won't be so in a few days."

The little Taoist smiled wryly as he spoke.

"Say something frustrating, maybe the two of us will go out in two days!"

At this time, the two of us can only encourage each other. Although we know that I am talking nonsense, the little Taoist still surprisingly does not refute.

"Eat something first, no matter what, it's better to be a hungry ghost than to starve to death!"

After I handled the fish in my hand, I handed it to the little Taoist priest.

"This taste seems to be pretty good, much better than that so-and-so leg."

The little Taoist just took a bite and said sincerely.

"Don't mention that thing soon, I still feel the nausea in my throat."

Listening to his chewing sound, I also leaned weakly against the stone wall next to me.

After eating a piece of fish, not long after, I actually heard a snoring sound coming from my ears.

I couldn't help but smile wryly for a while, no wonder, after all, not only him, but even I feel exhausted at this moment.

But I also understand in my heart that in this deep cave, if the two of us fell asleep at the same time, it would be no different from courting death.

I could only hold on, and stood up holding the coffin nail in my hand.

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