After pulling out the coffin nails again, looking at the white and tender granulation sprouts inside, my heart suddenly blossomed with joy.

The little Taoist priest also came all at once, and immediately gathered his spirit, and took out the remaining coffin nail from his arms.

The two of us can be regarded as the masters of Taoism in this world, but now we have been reduced to a deep cave, and the two of us share a long leg left by some unknown thing...

No matter how uncomfortable I feel in my heart, I still can't hold back my stomach. It took a lot of effort to break all the prices on this long leg.

The two of us couldn't bear it anymore, so we split the long leg into two, and then the two of us began to feast on it.

"I'll go, this food is quite delicious! The meat is tender, and the Q bomb is much more delicious than any lobster meat!"

The little Taoist just took a bite and couldn't help admiring.

"It's delicious for your size, so just eat it, can you shut up!"

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that I'm really hungry now, I really don't want to touch this thing.

Don't say anything delicious, the smell of this thing is extremely fishy.

Chewing it in your mouth is like chewing a piece of leather.

I think my teeth are not bad, but it still takes a lot of effort to smash this thing.

"It's called looking for plums to quench thirst, do you understand?"

While talking, the little Taoist looked at me with a depressed expression.

I suppressed the nausea in my heart and didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore. After taking a few mouthfuls, I finally felt a lot more comfortable in my stomach.

But having said that, although the taste of this meat is extremely bad, after eating it in the stomach, I can immediately feel a heat flow along my stomach and slowly spread to the body.

In such a short time, I already felt the strength in my body began to recover slowly.

After barely eating a dozen or so mouthfuls, I really couldn't eat any more.

But I didn't dare to waste the white meat that was peeled out of my hand, so I could only grit my teeth and suppress my nausea and put it in my backpack.

Once there is food in the stomach, it becomes much easier to think about meditation.

I greeted the little Taoist priest, and then sat cross-legged on the ground to recover my strength, while the little Taoist priest stood aside, continuing to chew the rotten meat like a belt, while carefully watching the surrounding situation.

When I opened my eyes again and looked at my watch, more than two hours had passed.

I stood up quickly, and then looked at the little Taoist next to me.

"My health is much better, now I'm the guardian of the Dharma, you should adjust your breath first!"

Seeing that I finally got up, the little Taoist also nodded, didn't say much, just sat cross-legged on the spot, and then closed his eyes.

Although his current appearance is very funny, but when he sits cross-legged, his posture is indeed much higher than my standard.

With this effort, I also began to look at the surrounding environment.

Where the two of us are now is like the bottom of a huge water glass, and on the wall of the water glass are densely packed with countless caves that are as tall as a person.

I'm really curious about how these caves were formed. These caves look old, and the walls are so smooth that they don't look like they were artificially dug out.

I really don't understand how this thing is formed.

Could it be that there is some underground river here that was washed out?

But if there is an underground river, why is there not even a little bit of mud on the ground?

After all, the little Taoist priest is still adjusting his breath, and I really can't stay away from him. I was bored, and I opened my backpack directly, and dumped all the contents on the ground.

After carefully classifying, looking at the rest of the day's miscellaneous things on the ground, I fell into deep thought.

Other things are fine, but if we can't find drinking water, I'm afraid both of us will die of thirst.

"Now that the stomach problem is solved, how do we get through so many holes?"

After waiting for more than two hours, when I was hesitating which hole to go, the little Taoist didn't know when to stand up.

His sudden words really startled me.

"I said, can you make a sound in advance when you speak next time? I don't know if people scare people to death?"

I glared at him angrily, the position we are in now seems really weird.

"It's because you are too focused, you didn't hear my footsteps so loudly..."

The little Taoist also looked at me with a sad face.

Looking at his lazy look, I really don't want to talk nonsense with him.

"Do you think these openings seem strange?"

After observing here for a long time, I really slowly felt a little mysterious about the arrangement of this cave.

"It's strange, isn't it just an ordinary cave? What's so strange about it?"

After hearing what I said, the little Taoist froze on the spot.

"Have you ever counted how many caves there are here?"

I asked hesitantly.

"Who is free to count that, is there something wrong with this thing?"

Looking at those round or flat holes with different shapes, the little Taoist's eyes were full of strangeness.

"Do you think it's worthless here? It's a bit like the legendary Zhou Tian Star Dou array!"

Zhou Tian Xingdou Grand Formation can be regarded as the most mysterious of all formations, and I have only heard a few vague words from the master.

As for what the Zhou Tian Xingdou Great Formation looks like, it has long since disappeared.

"I'll go, who is the authentic Taoist between us? Why do I always feel that I can't understand what you are saying?"

The corner of the little Taoist's mouth twitched, and then he muttered to himself.

"When is it tnd, can you be a little more formal?"

Of course I don't believe this kid who came from a Quanzhen school. He's talking nonsense here and now.

Different from the Qingwei Sect that I inherited, the Quanzhen Sect is very popular and has produced many capable people over the years. Now at this time, it can almost be said to keep pace with the Zhengyi Sect and become the leader of Taoism in the world.

Even if things like Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation are obscure and difficult to understand, but if there is no such thing as recorded in any classics in Quanzhen Sect, let alone him, even I don't believe it.

"I'm not joking with you. I'm really not good at this stuff. These things are obscure and consume too much energy. It's true that there are a few old cow-nosed people looking at my talent in this area, but I really don't like it. I am too lazy to learn..."

After hearing what he said, I really wanted to pin him to the ground and beat him hard, if I could beat him.

Now this year, with the rapid changes in the environment of the world, it is no longer an age suitable for being a god, so even among the major sects, basically the inheritance has been broken too much.

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