Destiny Physician

Chapter 229 What a pity......

Under my full urging, more than a dozen spells turned into streamers and blasted directly at the head of that weird wild boar again.

But what I didn't expect was that these spells were about to hit the wild boar's head.

The guy suddenly rolled over on the spot, and then spit out a black breath from his mouth.

The streamers transformed from those spells directly hit the black air, and then disappeared without a sound.

"What are you still doing? Run!"

I have to say that the little Taoist guy really reacted very quickly, especially when he was running away. Seeing that the situation was wrong, he immediately pulled me forward and ran away.

I'm even a little bit skeptical now, whether this guy is from the Quanzhen sect.

Almost all of the Quanzhen teachers in history are people with high morals, and there is no one like him.

I won't talk about being deviant, and I can bear with the strange clothes, but the speed of this guy's escape is really too fast.

I couldn't help but maliciously guess, this old boy must have taught Quanzhen for so many years, and he only learned the ability to escape?

It's just that I didn't run very far, and I didn't have the heart to continue talking nonsense, because the sound of the wild boar roaring came from behind me again.

Even ordinary wild boars will become extremely dangerous after being injured in the wild. After all, this kind of thing is too fierce, and its strength often doubles after being injured.

This is what the little Taoist and I encountered now. This thing is much more powerful than ordinary wild boars.

With the small size of the two of us, if we were bumped into each other, it would probably not take long before the two of us would be trampled to pieces.

"I'll fuck him, why does this guy run so fast?"

After running more than 200 meters away, the stench of the wild boar's mouth could already be smelled behind him. The little fat man just looked back at the situation, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

The situation was critical, and I didn't care so much, I just reached out and grabbed the little Taoist priest and continued to run forward.

"Damn, fight with it!"

The little Taoist gritted his teeth fiercely and fumbled in his pocket for a while. I don't know what this guy threw, anyway, I only saw a golden light flying out of his hand when he turned his head.


Immediately after that, the big wild boar let out a miserable scream, as if it had been seriously injured.

As I continued to run forward, I observed the scene behind me with the corner of my eye.

Only at this time did I realize that the wild boar behind me actually had a shiny golden coffin nail stuck in one of its eyes. It seemed that this thing had sneaked up on it just now.

I didn't expect that the little Taoist's ability to throw hidden weapons is quite high, and there are still more than ten meters between us and the wild boar.

This kid directly hit the wild boar in the eye with a backhand. It seems that he must have worked hard on hidden weapons.

After being hit hard, the boar rolled over in pain on the ground a few times, which really gave us a lot of time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the distance between us and the owner has once again been widened. Seeing that the trap has appeared in front of my eyes, I really feel an inexplicable joy in my heart.


Immediately after being injured, the wild boar went berserk, rushing towards the two of us recklessly.

This guy seems to really have a will of his own, and the remaining three scarlet eyes stared at the two of us with hatred.

In the face of the survival instinct, both of us immediately started to perform supernormally. Although our bodies were already exhausted, when we got to the trap, the two of us immediately jumped over it instinctively, one left and one right.

The sudden acceleration of the two of us made the wild boar behind us miserable. He had put all his heart and soul on the two of us just now, and it was too late to slow down when we got to the trap.


Even though he was huge, if he fell into this trap, he would be stabbed into candied haws immediately.

The iron spear head, which was several meters long, directly penetrated its body.

But the strange thing is that no blood flowed from its wound. The little Taoist priest and I looked at each other, and at the same time we saw the disappointment in each other's eyes.

Damn, this thing can't be eaten!

After so much tossing around, both of us are exhausted now, especially the little Taoist priest, who doesn't even have the energy to speak at this moment, and just keeps lying next to the trap, panting gruff.

My situation is only a little bit better than his, after all, I was the one who restrained that big guy in the first place.

The two of us really suffered a blood loss this time. Not only have we almost exhausted our physical strength, but we also didn't get anything.

The most outrageous thing is that this damn little Taoist actually nailed a coffin nail that I lent him to the wild boar's eyes.

Although the wild boar is almost at the end of its life now, but looking at its twitching body, I know in my heart that this guy is not completely dead at this time.

If things don't reach the last step, who can be sure in which direction things will develop, at least until now, I still don't have the courage to go down and pick up that thing.

"I'm sorry, the situation was urgent just now, and I didn't care too much about it. This thing is just easy to use, so I just..."

After panting for a long time, the little Taoist finally breathed evenly, looked at me with some embarrassment and said in a low voice.

Anyway, this guy helped me a lot before. Fortunately, the section he held in his hand is not necessarily a fake. If you lose one, just throw it away!

"Forget it, it's already at this time, it's good to be able to survive, I said let's think of other ways, my stomach has already started to stick to my back..."

I smiled wryly, and then looked at the little Taoist priest again, this place is really too dangerous.

The most important thing is that the physical strength of both of us has basically been exhausted. If we don't eat any more, I guess by this time tomorrow, the two of us will be unable to move.

"Do you remember which direction we ran back from just now?"

Just when I was thinking about whether to go down and check the situation of this wild boar, the little Taoist suddenly looked at me strangely and asked.

"What do you mean?"

I was taken aback for a moment, and then looked again in the direction of the little Taoist's finger.


Looking at the sweeping clouds and mist, I just felt dizzy for a while, what the hell is going on?

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