Destiny Physician

Chapter 213: Zhongshan Wolf

"Brother Zhong, are you okay? Did you find anything?"

At this time, Xia Tian suddenly found it.

"It's okay, it's too dark today, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Now that Lin Xiaorong is helpless, I can only rely on myself.

Anyway, he should not be able to see Lin Xiaorong in Xia Tian, ​​and I have no intention of taking her back, so let her wander outside for a while.

After all, she has been holding back for a whole day, and letting her stroll around is just a way to relax.

Anyway, she doesn't have any physical existence at all, and I can take her back with just a thought, and I won't encounter any danger in a short time.

"Master, this woman has a very strange aura, which seems to be exactly the same as that mist!"

Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly heard Lin Xiaorong talking in my ear.

"What did you say?"

I froze for a moment, and spoke directly.

"I, I didn't say anything..."

Xia Tian looked at me with a confused face, I was suddenly embarrassed, and I really didn't know how to explain it to her.

"It should be because I was too nervous, I misheard!"

I scratched my head in embarrassment, trying to cover up the matter.

"This woman has an aura that is exactly the same as that of the fog, and it seems that the fog is getting thicker as I go forward, and I can't even see the way!"

Hearing what Lin Xiaorong said, I looked in the direction of the tent with some doubts.

Although it is night now, I can see the moon and stars in the distant sky. How could there be any fog?

While communicating with Lin Xiaorong with my consciousness, I followed Xia Tian and walked towards the tent step by step.

The closer I got to the tent, the more Lin Xiaorong subconsciously got closer to me. When I was only a dozen meters away from the tent, Lin Xiaorong had already grabbed my hand.

According to her, she can no longer see anything around her clearly, and she can't even see my hand...

I suddenly came to my senses, could it be that Wang Lei is carrying something that shouldn't be there?

"Xiamen, how long have you been here this time? Have you found anything along the way? Have you left any marks?"

I hesitated for a moment, and then wanted to get some useful information from Xia Tian's mouth.

"It's been almost a month since we came in. We had made some marks, but we couldn't find the marks later. Those trees and vines seemed to be moving. The marks just carved on the front feet can be found quickly with the back feet. It's not here!"

Xia Tian also looked at me with some distress, her face was full of sorrow, it seemed that she was really worried about Wang Lei's body.

"Have you encountered any strange things along the way?"

I tentatively asked again.

"Strange thing? What kind of thing are you talking about?"

Xia Tian looked at me with some doubts, his face full of puzzlement, as if he wasn't lying.

"I'm just asking casually. Before I came in, I saw a lot of reports here. They all said that there seems to be some treasure hidden in this mountain. Didn't you find any treasure?"

I smiled as I spoke, trying to keep my tone as calm as possible.

"Don't be kidding, Brother Zhong, there is no treasure here. I regretted it after I came in, but it was already very difficult to get out at that time. If Wang Lei hadn't insisted, I would never want to be with him this time." Get up!"

As Xia Tian said, he smiled wryly.

"Perhaps everyone who likes to explore has a curious heart, don't you think I do too? I have traveled thousands of miles to come here!"

I smiled and said.

"It's different from you, he is a person. In fact, sometimes I really feel that I can't understand him, just like the last time he bought a treasure map outside, and then he wanted to come here to hunt for treasure. I discovered a cave for the first time, and he still didn't let me..."

When Xia Tian said this, it suddenly came to an abrupt end.

"Cave? What cave?"

My eyes lit up immediately, and now I seem to have discovered the crux of the problem!

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just a broken cave and there's nothing to see! Brother Zhong, take a break first, I'll go see how Wang Lei's body is doing!"

Xia Tian also seemed to realize that he had slipped his tongue, and immediately turned his head and walked towards Wang Lei's tent.

Although she had shut up in time just now, she still revealed a lot of useful information. The two of them didn't come here to explore at all.

Moreover, it is not the first time to come in!

They really came to hunt for treasure, and Wang Lei seemed to have a treasure map in his hand.

In addition to what the little girl said just now about the mist and the like, I realized it all at once, could it be that guy Wang Lei really found something from that cave?

"There's something in that tent, can you feel it?"

Xia Tian has already left, I lowered my voice and asked Lin Xiaorong.

"I can't see anything, I can only see the whiteness in front of me, and it's so uncomfortable!"

Lin Xiaorong was covering her head in pain while speaking.

I understood it all at once. From the looks of it, this Wang Lei is really weird.

Seeing Lin Xiaorong's painful appearance, I simply took her back and sat by the fire again.

Do you want to go in now and ask clearly?

After hesitating for a long time, I finally endured it.

Everyone has their own secrets, just like this time I also came here to find the remnant soul.

Even if they did find something, it was their own chance, and it had nothing to do with me.

After thinking about all this clearly, I finally decided to part ways with them tomorrow. After all, Lin Xiaorong's ability was too limited when she was with them.

I can't say it's cruel or not. I have other things to do, so I really can't stay here with them for too long.

Leaving them some food and some medicine is the best I can do. As for the rest, it all depends on their lives.

Although I have a good impression of them, but in this kind of deep mountains and old forests, I wouldn't completely delay my affairs because of two strangers.

After all, Liu Mei's place is still anxiously waiting for the money, if it is delayed any longer, the day lily might be cold!

I sat until the middle of the night, and then I returned to my tent, closed my eyes and started to practice.

"Brother Zhong, are you asleep?"

Not long after I settled down here, I heard Wang Lei's voice coming from outside.

I frowned and didn't make a sound. Instead, I purred deliberately.

"Wang Lei, we can't do this. They saved us. Isn't it revenge if we do this?"

I heard no sound in my tent, and then I heard a rustling sound.

Then, there was an extremely suppressed quarrel.

"This guy obviously has cultivation. Only by killing him can I fully recover from my injuries. Don't you want to die here with him?"

Listening to Wang Lei's voice, a sneer appeared on the corner of my mouth.

It looks like I really missed it!

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