Destiny Physician

Chapter 19 fierce battle

But no matter how I tried to break free, the two hands of the fat man were like steel claws, firmly holding my wrist!

Even if I hold a spell in my hand, I can't hit anyone, and it's useless.

In desperation, I could only use all my strength to push the fat man's body back and hit him against the talisman on the door.

But his strength is really too great, coupled with his weight of more than 200 kilograms, my current state is like a gnat shaking a tree...


Just when I was a little desperate, the big cock who was watching the battle finally joined the battle!

"Don't scratch your eyes!"

Seeing the big cock, he suddenly moved towards the fat man's eyes.

I was so frightened that my ghosts froze, this fat man has rough skin and thick flesh elsewhere, so it's fine to be nagged a few times.

But after all, he is still a mortal body. If the mouth of this big cock hits his eyes, I guess there will be another masseuse in this world from now on.

You don't even need to go to the hospital, you'll definitely be done with it!

Fortunately, the big rooster understood what I said, turned around at the critical moment, and came directly to the top of the fat man's head.


Possession state is originally, one is prosperous and all is prosperous, and one is damaged and all is damaged. If the fat man is attacked, the thing will naturally not feel good.

That shrill scream immediately made me feel hopeful again!

The fat man also seemed to know that the spell in my hand could cause him fatal damage, so he refused to let go no matter what, but he still let go of my left hand.

After freeing his left hand, the fat man immediately waved vigorously at the big cock.

But the big rooster in the air was extremely flexible, its wings fluttered, and its two claws fiercely left two deep marks on the fat man's arm.

Immediately afterwards, the mouth, which was like a sharp knife, hit the fat man's wrist again.

The fat man screamed in pain, and I took advantage of this effort to take out the sixth Qingwei Taishu Town Killing Talisman from my pocket, and then slapped it on the fat man's chest.


The fat man couldn't do anything else, so he involuntarily let go of my right hand, and then his whole body fell backwards, just in time for his head to hit the talisman stuck on the door.


Immediately, a burst of steam lingered under my dark eyes, and the black air on Fatty's body was rapidly dissipating. The two consecutive Qingwei Taishu Suppressing Evil Talismans directly caused him to be severely injured.


Listening to that shrill scream, I blocked my ears with two fingers in pain. The sound was so sharp that I couldn't imagine how the fat man could make such a sound with his body. kind of sound.

If you want to say that this guy has a subwoofer, I will accept it, but your treble is so awesome, it is a bit too much.

I come from a relatively inexperienced combat rooster. This big rooster is obviously full of combat experience, and he still doesn't forget to beat the dog in the water at this time.

Seeing the fat man lying on the ground and rolling helplessly, I really feel a long sigh of relief now, but at this moment.

The fat man suddenly stretched out his hands, and then firmly grabbed the wings of the big cock.

The big rooster desperately resisted under the pain, scratching with its claws and nagging with its own mouth.

Hearing the scream of the big rooster, I dared to help immediately, but obviously I was a step too late, the fat man suddenly pulled his hands hard, and pulled it to both sides.

Although the big rooster of Shen Jun broke free from Fatty's hand, he had already ripped off all the tail feathers on both wings.

The big cock, who was still cocky just now, suddenly became a little funny!

What's more, the root of the rooster's wing, where I had cut it to get blood, is now cracked again.

The rooster, which was originally full of fighting spirit, became a little sluggish at the moment, and it seemed that it had suffered a big loss just now.

Fortunately, the blood of the rooster seems to have a certain restraint effect on the Yin spirit.

During the fight between one person and one chicken, the scattered chicken blood seemed to fall into the fat man's eyes.


Accompanied by the sharp screams, I could clearly see blood and tears dripping from the fat man's eyes!

"Good job!"

It seems that this guy's eyes should be useless in a short period of time, although I don't think the eyes are of much use to him, but it's better to have them than to have them.

But at this moment, the fat man's pockmarked face suddenly started to look hideous again, and I suddenly had a bad feeling that something f*cking was wrong.

Sure enough, as I expected, the fat man slapped his hands on the ground vigorously, his body stood up straight as if he was not affected by gravity.

With two feet kicking hard against the wall, the whole body threw itself straight towards me.

He was in the air, and the nails of his ten fingers began to grow rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he was about five steps in front of me, the nails had already grown to three inches in length!

The tip of the nail was shining with a metallic luster and a pitch-black color. Seeing it, my heart skipped a beat. If I was caught, at least my skin would be torn apart.

At this moment, under the gaze of my dark eyes, the evil spirit on Fatty's body is constantly rising like an octopus.

Seeing his 200-pound body rushing straight towards me in the air, I immediately turned my head and ran, still playing a ball.

Although I did practice the Daoyin technique taught to me by my master since I was a child, my Daoyin technique is only a small achievement now.

It can make my physical strength three or four times stronger than that of ordinary people, and make my body lighter and more flexible, that's all.

This fat man's physical fitness is much better than mine, and now that he is possessed by a ghost, the strength of his whole body has suddenly increased. It is really unwise to confront him head-on!

As if I was fleeing for my life, I rushed directly to the bedroom on the second floor, and quickly locked the door from the inside.

After losing his eyes, the fat man seemed to be smashing a jar, charging and killing with brute force.

Seeing me fleeing into the bedroom on the second floor, he slammed his head straight at the bedroom door regardless.

The decoration on the second floor was something that Gao Tianming bought when he was alive. This is not the kind of cardboard door you can buy on the market.

It is a real pure pine board, the outside is just covered with a layer of veneer, but the inside is real wood!

One and a half inch thick pine boards, you can imagine how strong this door is, this kid actually hit it with his head...

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