Hu Fu Wu Bei Zhao Nianxia

1477 Seeking Support

After Jia Xiao's call ended, Wu Bei suddenly felt a sense of joy.

During this period, the brothers in the family basically surrounded him. On the surface, it seemed that Huxiao Company was harmonious and its cohesion was increasing day by day, but in fact, that kind of lazy nature had penetrated into everyone's bones.

Let them come up, anyway, the sky is falling, and Brother Wu has the idea.

Except for Jia Xiao and Mei Nannan who were growing wildly outside, the wildness of the others seemed to have been greatly reduced. He knew that this was not a good thing at all, but Wu Bei couldn't change it.

"Brother Wu, there is nothing wrong with your idea of ​​protecting everyone under your wings, but you have to understand a truth. Protection also means losing confrontation. Today at the chess stand, I accidentally met an old man. The words are very true, only when the rainstorm is hardened, the eagle can hit the sky, and the frost can stand proudly, so the tiger can roar for thousands of miles!"

Leaning in the car, Wu Bei's mind echoed Jia Xiaolin's last words before hanging up the phone.

Only by hard work in the rainstorm can the eagle hit the sky;

Frost stands proudly, only then can the tiger roar for thousands of miles!

All along, he thought that the brothers in his family had experienced quite a lot of hardships, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that every time they grew up, they could not do without his insinuating and secretly solving problems.

In the past, he thought it was for everyone's benefit, but now that he thinks about it again, his temporary soft-heartedness caused the brothers to suffer what they shouldn't have, but failed to learn the experience that should be learned.

Wang Shun is the most vivid example. Although he has been scarred and scarred for the past two years, it is still difficult for him to be alone, and the responsibility lies on him. It's just that no one thinks about it on weekdays. To be honest, he is so wrong. Outrageous.

As he kept reading these two sentences, Wu Bei's mushy mind suddenly became clear.

After smoking a cigarette, Wu Bei started the car again and drove straight towards Xu Nuo's house.


In Xu Nuo's old house.

As soon as I entered the room, the sound of chirping birds immediately came to my face.

Mr. Xu, who was wearing a white coarse kung fu shirt, was teasing his precious bumps with great interest. The two branches hanging down to the yard were covered with various birdcages.

"Busy, old man."

Wu Bei cleared his throat, and raised two boxes of imported bird food bought on the way with a smile on his face to say hello.

"Hey, Xiao Wu is here, take a quick look at the pair of blue-feathered king kong that you gave me last time, how well I serve you!"

The old man pushed the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and immediately shouted enthusiastically.

As a senior bird breeder, apart from loving birds, the old man enjoys introducing birds and talking about various experiences, and Wu Bei has always been counted as one of his few "fans".

"It's really good. The feathers are bright and bright, and you are full of vigor. You can see that you have put in a lot of effort. I can't help but want to go back on my word and take this pair of parrots back."

Wu Bei walked over, half-jokingly and half-seriously "tsk tsk" at the caged bird.

"That can't be done. There's no reason to leave the person who gave it away. Besides, you young people can't serve this kind of bird. If you like it, you can take the pair of orioles away later."

Mr. Xu immediately embraced the cage like a treasure, fearing that Wu Bei would be violent.

"Who are you talking to, Dad?"

At this moment, Xu Nuo came out of the hall holding a small cup in one hand and brushing his teeth in the other. His face was covered with toothpaste foam, and he asked vaguely. When he saw Wu Bei's face, Xu Nuo immediately turned speechless. He rolled his eyes and complained: "Why did you come here again? Isn't the child's case over? The testimony given by the taxi driver really has nothing to do with you."

Xu Nuo, who was wearing a set of coffee-colored pajamas, muttered loudly.

He doesn't wear overalls, both in appearance and demeanor, he looks very kind, like a big brother next door, he is welcome to be seen.

"I came here to listen to the old man spread the knowledge of birds. I really have nothing to ask of you, and I don't intend to let you violate the rules and advise me."

Wu Bei held a few grains of bird food to feed the parrot next to him.

"Okay, then you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I have something to say first. I can't give your company any help. Even if I can, I won't do that. We don't have a good relationship! As for other things, I don't care. You can stay here as long as you want.”

Xu Nuo glanced at Wu Bei up and down, grabbed the towel hung behind his neck and wiped his cheeks indiscriminately, then turned and returned to the hall.

"Brother Xu, can I ask you a question? You always put on a look of wanting to be detached from the world. Apart from being afraid that I will bring you trouble, do you find it particularly ridiculous and self-deprecating, because you are obviously super capable? , but at the mercy of a group of dandies who are better at reincarnating than you?"

Staring at his back, Wu Bei spoke casually.

Xu Nuo, who was a few meters away, froze slightly. After four or five seconds of silence, as if he hadn't heard anything, he pulled his legs and continued to move forward.

"I have the same irritability as you, and I also have the ambition and courage that you don't have. What I lack is a relationship that can help me hide from the world. If you are willing, I will find a way to make you rise to the top. It's also considered familiar."

Wu Bei said in a hoarse voice: "I will wait for you here for two hours. Whenever you want to talk, call me..."

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