Hu Fu Wu Bei Zhao Nianxia

1300 is not the Raptors crossing the river.

"Hahaha, heroes see the same thing. One of you is an old Jianghu, and the other is a new generation. Your ideas are naturally ingenious. Second brother, try some peaches. My friend brought them from abroad two days ago. They are sweet and greasy, Xiao Wu. You eat two too."

Seeing that the two of them were on the verge of fighting again, Han Gensheng hastily picked up a plate of fruit and puree.

"Brother, I have been playing in Jincheng for almost 20 years. I have seen too many ups and downs. Some were blockbusters and fell instantly, and some suddenly rose high but disappeared inexplicably. Although Jincheng is beautiful, it is by no means good. Land, I advise you to think more about things."

Cheng Suodong took a peach, opened his mouth and took a big bite, the fresh juice immediately rolled down the corner of his mouth, giving off a sinister feeling for no reason.

"Okay, I take your suggestion to the bottom of my heart, and I will definitely think about it seriously in the future."

Wu Bei's taste is relatively elegant, he took a sip, and then sucked "ziliuziliu".

"Zhao Guang is taking care of the security company for me, and now I've been trampled by my brother's people, I don't want justice too much, right?"

Seeing that Wu Bei didn't intend to settle the matter at all, Cheng Suodong simply punctured the window paper.

"Ah? What's fair?"

Wu Bei continued to pretend to be stupid.

"Cutting off a person's fortune is like killing one's parents. It seems that Brother Wu is clearly planning to kick my bowl?"

Cheng Suodong stood up abruptly.

"Second brother, you should put the fire away first. I guess Xiao Wu doesn't know about it at all. He must be allowed to ask about the specific situation. They are all eating and eating in this acre of land. How could the teeth not hit the tip of the tongue? Xiao Wu asks clearly, and then it’s not too late to make a long-term plan.”

Han Gensheng was in a hurry to smooth things over.

"Second brother, I'm a reasonable person. It doesn't matter if you set up a stall or beg for food. It doesn't matter if I have the money to win the money, or I don't have the money to win the people. The key is that you can't stick your chopsticks into me. In the pot, Zhao Guang, right? I asked him to clean it up, not for any other reason, just because he didn't like it!"

Wu Bei leaned back on the chair, and simply took the pot onto himself.

"If one is not pleasing to the eye, then we have nothing to talk about today, and the future will last forever!"

Cheng Suodong gritted his teeth and shook his sleeves angrily, intending to leave.

"Come on, what day is it, how long will it be? If something happens, let's figure it out now. Who allowed you to come here to find me? And who gave you the right to make a fuss in our company yard? Bring a few little monkeys , Do you really regard yourself as the Monkey King?"

Wu Bei stretched one leg directly onto the coffee table, blocking Cheng Suodong's way.

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing? We're all good friends, so we won't let it go until it's not good-looking? Second brother, don't take it to heart, I'll organize a dinner later, let's sit down and have a good drink, it's just a little misunderstanding, It’s nothing to say clearly.”

Han Gensheng cleared his throat, and hurriedly winked at Wu Bei.

However, Wu Bei didn't seem to see it, and still didn't intend to let the other party go.

"Huh? It seems that brother Wu Bei is planning to force me to stay for dinner?"

Cheng Suodong raised his eyebrows, and raised the corners of his mouth in a half-smile.

"Okay, you order! But I have to let the gang of monkeys downstairs clean up the cigarette butts for me, and clean up the yellow phlegm garbage. I don't believe they put it on their bed so casually."

Wu Bei shrank his head with a smile.

"What if I say no?"

Cheng Suodong's fists were clenched suddenly, as if he was ready to fight at any time.

"Then it's you, the little one who makes mistakes and the big brother will take care of it. Isn't this the rule you often say."

Wu Bei raised his head, pursed his mouth like a catfish, and protruded a few smoke rings.

"Tap Tat Tat..."

Immediately after the sound of footsteps, Mei Nannan, Huang Zhuo, and Xu Gaopeng appeared outside the door panting. The three of them were sweating profusely, their hair and clothes were all soaked, as if they had been fished out of a water tank It's average.

"Brother, the three of us can take care of everything, but if one of us can get up, it's my stupidity!"

Mei Nannan wiped his forehead with the back of his hand, and his voice sounded like a bell.

His words were undoubtedly more like a hammer on Cheng Suodong's chest, and the other party couldn't help gasping in shock.

The reason why he was not in a hurry just now was because he knew the strength of the men he brought with him. He felt that even if there was a real fight, it would be a confrontation at most. In the end, he did not expect that not only the entire army was wiped out, but also that the opponent only dispatched three people. Why go to someone to reason with!

"Oh, by the way, second brother, this is our company's cleaner. If you and your brothers want to leave, you have to get his nod first. After all, these years are all outsourced work, and it's not easy to clean up. I'll deduct his salary!"

Wu Bei turned his neck a few times, fingered Mei Nannan and smiled slightly at Cheng Suodong, then stood up and stretched his waist and said: "It's okay that the dragon doesn't overwhelm the snake, but it's not that the dragon doesn't cross the river. Since I dare to plant the flag, it means Always have diamonds in your pocket, second brother, please talk to the cleaning staff first, I will excuse you for a moment, you guys take good care of second brother, don't let people say that our newcomers don't know how to behave..."

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