I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 74 Shocked!There are gods diving in my live broadcast room!

: There is another one named Ao Xiaoqing, who has been confirmed to be the trumpet of the Dragon King of the East China Sea!

: @萨小青

: Ao Xiaoqing is not online, probably still engaged in diplomacy with Taibai Jinxing!

: @I am a younger brother! @Monkey Three Sticks, @国服猫八荣, @我playpipi鲜 (renamed, formerly known as Guofu Pipi鲜), @三之眼, @手布达人, @我为丹狂, @that组组糖果, are all immortals!Some identities are obvious, some are uncertain!

Seeing the passionate reports from the water friends, Ao Xing was shocked: "Why are there so many gods diving in my live broadcast room?"

"Aren't you kidding me?!"

He subconsciously felt that the netizens were joking with him, or they were just playing tricks.

Because the numbers reported by the netizens, some of them should not be too obvious!Just report your ID number!

But at the same time it is obvious, it will make people feel ridiculous. Who would use their real name on the Internet?

So Ao Xing couldn't believe it.

But Bai Ling's angry voice came from behind, confirming all this!

"That day, you Dragon Clan gave such a high-profile reward, how could it not be a sensation in the lower realm? You see, I was sent to sign a contract with you immediately!"

After finishing speaking, she pointed the camera at Ao Xing and said angrily, "Shoot you, don't shoot me!"

After finishing speaking, he hid behind the camera and sat on the sofa with Ah Wen.

Of course she was angry.

Because it was she, not anyone else, who was fully exposed to the camera for the past 24 hours.

But now, for this camera that can't be smashed or thrown away, it can only be compromised.

"Okay, shoot me, I'm the anchor." Ao Xing said kindly.

Looking back, he found that the water friends had already helped him sort out the information of the Xianjia account, and when he finished reading it, he was completely stunned!

Ah, what happened to the world during the two days when he was not online?

It seems that a lot of things happened that he didn't know about!

: @时间工作rest, Candle Dragon!Very active, often eager to answer the doubts of netizens!

: @谢小青, I blew myself up, now I should go to pick up Taibaijinxing.

: @Monkey Three Sticks, Sun Wukong!He is now going to Donghai to look for Taibai!

: @Three Eyes, Yang Jian, I haven't said much!

: @国服zhu Bajie, that is, Zhu Bajie, he directly shouted that he would bring Brother Monkey to the national server!Brother Monkey didn't refute!

: @我playing Pipi eel, isn't it Donghuang Taiyi?The ID cards are all blown up!What about Pippi eel?When we don't play King of Glory?But I don't know what relationship he has with your Dragon Clan, he is quite active too!I often talk to Zhulong, and the relationship seems to be very good.

: @I am a younger brother!The big brother on the list is very active. I don't know who he is yet, but he dares to compete with the Dragon Clan for the top spot.But he went to a meeting, and he should be back after the meeting. When the anchor arrives, you will know who he is. I'm waiting to eat my brother's melon today!

: @手去达人, @我为丹狂, @那一组维湿, the identity has not been verified, but when the little brother who delivered the courier came to the door that day, they all paid homage to the master!

: @我为丹狂, I’ve confirmed that I’m from Heaven, I suspected it was Taishang Laojun, but Taishang Laojun is so senior, how could he worship a courier brother as his teacher?So I suspect that these three are all disciples of Tushita Palace, and it was Taishang Laojun who came to deliver the courier that day!

If it hadn't been "crazy" before, Ao Xing would have gone crazy this time!

He didn't go online for two days, and so many things happened in the live broadcast room?

And it's weird!

Why does even a courier boy have an identity?Isn't he the one here to deliver the admission letter? !

"You are not kidding me, are you? I have Xianyou account in my live broadcast room. I can understand this. After all, all the dragons are watching my live broadcast, but why are all the monkeys and pigs here? Are you kidding me?"

"And who is Donghuang Taiyi? I haven't heard of it!"

: (work and rest on time) Because Huaguo Mountain is also in the lower realm.

: (work and rest on time) The lower realm is connected to the Internet. (^-^)

: (work and rest on time) Those in Tianting are secretly playing with mobile phones, because Tianting prohibits playing with mobile phones, and they don’t have access to the Internet~

: (work and rest on time) Donghuang Taiyi, son-in-law of the dragon clan!

: Look, anchor, look!He blew himself up!He is Candle Dragon!Take him! @ on time work and rest

Ao Xing was dumbfounded.

This punctual work and rest is really very enthusiastic to answer the doubts of netizens!

The style of this answer, you say he is human, who can believe it?

And the following barrage of punctual work and rest is also completely messy!

: (work and rest on time) I have changed my vest, how do you still know it is me?

Brother, do you still call it wearing a vest?

You almost reported your ID number directly, okay?

Netizens are also very excited to pick up candle dragon vests online!

: Candle Dragon, regard it as day, and close it as night, you don't work and rest on time, where do we get day and night?So who else but you? (/Ha ha)

: And I paid special attention, you are very active during the day, and when it gets dark, people are not online.As soon as the sun rises, you come out immediately!

: You are the candle dragon who works on time!

:I got it right!Punctual work and rest is candle dragon!Hahaha!

: The anchor quickly recognizes the relatives!He is your relative! @ on time work and rest

: Press your head, let's meet your relatives!

"Accept, what kind of relative do you recognize?" After watching the bullet screen dumbfounded, Ao Xing found that he couldn't get in a sentence at all, but he was able to get in a sentence here, but it was very embarrassing to speak at this time!

Embarrassed on the face, but excited in the heart, what's going on?

In fact, he has been living with human beings for more than ten years, but there is always a sense of incompatibility hanging over him, and he can't explain the reason for this incompatibility, but he clearly feels the difference between himself and others, while others I don't understand him, I don't accept him.

That's why he chose to live broadcast, wanting to find a sense of identity on the Internet...

But now with the appearance of Zhulong, there is no dialogue, but there is a feeling of finding the same kind and the same family.

This kind of feeling also appeared the day before yesterday when I saw the Dragon Clan appearing in the barrage together!

Ao Xing understood very well that this was an echo from the blood...

Facing the whole network's urging to recognize relatives, he tried his best to restrain the excitement in his heart: "Well, how do you want me to recognize relatives? Well, I seem to be the youngest and the highest seniority of the Dragon Clan. You catch them and let me recognize relatives, So what should I call them?"

: I checked!

: In ancient times, at the beginning of the Dragon Han Dynasty, the ancestor dragon died, and the candle dragon took over the throne. He was the second dragon emperor of the dragon clan!Manage the Dragon Clan!Later, he was classified into the Wu Clan and became one of the twelve ancestor witches of the Wu Clan!

: He can succeed the Dragon Emperor, even if he has nothing to do with your father, he must know him!Either cronies or relatives! (/happy)

: (work and rest on time) Nonsense, I am born after 00.

: (working and resting on time) Hello little ancestor~


: Where's the face? !

"Where's the face?" Ao Xing complained almost at the same time as the water friends!

During his last live broadcast, he was counting the top ten dragons, so he also had a little understanding of the top ten dragons, and he naturally knew a thing or two about Zhulong's deeds!

Although all the information on the Dragon Clan that can be found on Baidu is very vague, and there is no information that proves that Zulong and Zhulong are related, Ao Xing knows that Zhulong and Zulong are from the same era!

They all belong to the ancient dragon clan!

Netizens didn't sum up, and he didn't notice that Zulong and Zhulong are related in line of succession, so——

"My friend Zhu Jiuyin, what is your relationship with my father?"

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